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Posts posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I bought LW 2.0 and have not paid a cent since (apart from workshop items).

    Really? I remember the 2.3 update introducing Lua and costing around 30 dollars. Purchasing a license for LE 3.0 at its release was 200 dollars for me. Haven't payed anything since, but I don't mind paying for a major version updgrade.


    I don't mind the option for monthly licenses, as long as you have an option to buy a lifetime license.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Are you creating everything from scratch? I would not try to reinvent the wheel unless you have really good webdesign skills.

    Something like boothstrap would give you the proper tools to dealing with stuff like this.

  3. Hey burgelkat,


    Just got around to finally trying this out. I think you have the skills to become a good level designer. The maps create a very nice atmosphere. I am interested to see where you are going with this. Always feel free to ask for help.

    • Have you considered adding voice to the character?
    • I did have some trouble where the UI text would interfere with buttons.
    • I noticed that the atmospheric sound, is 3d spatialized at times. Is this on purpose?


    keep up the good work.

  4. Try creating the source in the start function instead of the updateworld function.


    You are creating the source every time you press F. So when you try to stop it, it might not know what to do as it is not playing either. As a matter of fact, it is not doing anything at all.

  5. What is self.torch1:Hidden() returning the second time you press F?

    What happens when you replace the else segment with the following. Does it get printed?

    System:Print("torch is not hidden")
    if self.FLsource ~= nil then
     System:Print("source is not nil")
     if self.FLsource:GetState() == Source.Playing then
      System:Print("Sound Off")

  6. You are playing the sound instead of the source. Remove that line.


    Using either updateworld or updatephysics won't make a difference for this code.



    You can also request the state of the source with GetState()


  7. Ah I understand now. I interpretated your sentence "I have no issue with getting a display list as an option," wrong. I thought you mean it as "I can see that option quit clearly on my screen".

    I honestly never noticed the tooltips, so I will have to check that out. Thanks for pointing that out.

  8. You do? I must be totally overlooking this then. I can only set a display size. Not at home right now, could you please make a screenshot?


    Not sure if I see tooltips, but that doesn't really solve the problem of not being able to see the names at once.

  9. How complex is the bonestructure of the firearms? Although even, if it were dozens, those kind of transformation calculations should be fairly cheap for the engine. Locking the animation update to the refreshrate should also increase performance.


    Just for reference:

    Locking the matrix should be done before any animations are done.

    Unlocking the matrix should be done after the animations are done.


  10. Can we please have the option to display assets as a list. It is really annoying to set the thumbnail to 128 x 128 simply because I can't read the name of a script or model.


    Making the thumbnails adjustable when using the scrollwheel when the assets tab is focused would be a nice extra, but the list display is a bare necessity in my opinion.




    • Upvote 5
  11. okay good news and bad news.


    Good news: Once the basic tutorials for Lua are done, I will pick this up again.


    Bad news: I made this project on my old computer. I always use bibtbucket for my repositories. The repository was not yet downloaded to my new computer. I cloned the repo to my new computer but found out that it only contained a bare leadwerks project.

    As it turns out: the code for pathing and beziers was not stored in this repository sad.png. Apparently all code resided in a temporary project which I did not store in a repository. Since I though it was just a test project I completely removed it from my old computer before moving to my new computer. *Smashes head against wall.


    Luckily I know how it works now, so I will have a headstart when rewriting everything.

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