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Everything posted by Wchris

  1. Hmm strange, i'm stuck in 10.2 on my X1950 pro machine, but i'll do more tests because this empty engine.log is really strange, maybe i'll find something if i search what's happening there. I'll be busy this afternoon, but i'll have more time this evening or tomorrow. I'll PM you if i find something.
  2. WOAW Incredible ! my old X1950 pro with an athlon 3000+ and catalyst 7.7 did not want to run your melonsurvival demo. Then i upgraded to the catalyst 10.2 (the latest available for X1950) And it works !!! no problem, no AV, no crash and 50 FPS !!! more than my 8600GS where i only get 40fps ! That's crazy ! I just ran your MSL.exe and did not change anything. Why did you not bump back before !!! i would have buyed me an ati if y would have seen this happen ! Well it won't help you much if i still cannot reproduce your bug. What catalyst version do you have ? still 10.3 ? Any chance you could make a try to go back to 10.2 ? the guy here http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1587-problems-with-the-new-103-ati-drivers/page__p__14731__hl__%2Bati+%2Bcrash__fromsearch__1#entry14731 also said his problem went away with 10.2 EDIT: For the log file i have the same problem as you on my X1950 pro machine, empty log file; but on my nvidia machine the same program MSL.exe generates a correct log file ! That's weird ! the log file is not generated by code, it's directly created by leadwerks engine.dll without anything to do. Hey ! if it's the log file that makes me loose 10 FPS on my 8600GS i'll have to try to disable this !! ROFL !
  3. Only ATI ... hmmm ... just buyed me an NVidia GTX 460 for my birthday ... i was hesitating between ATI and Nvidia, maybe i would have choosen an ATI to see your problem but now it'll be difficult to reproduce without the hardware. I'll look at your code tomorrow. I have an old machine with an ATI X1950 but i don't think it can run leadwerks. EDIT: Ok tryed it immediately, runs smoothly on my nvidia. But you did not provide the sourcecode. is it still the same ATI 4870, what other ATI cards did you test ? A quick forum search shows that other people report problems with ATI 10.3 driver and 4870 http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1587-problems-with-the-new-103-ati-drivers/page__p__14731__hl__%2Bati+%2Bcrash__fromsearch__1#entry14731 Unfortunately not everybody encounters the problem, so it seems random. Some people say clearing drivers and reinstalling helped. Also, can you please post the engine.log file from the machine where the problem occurs ? maybe i'll see something strange in there if i compare to mine.
  4. Hi Nicolas, I don't really know the answer, but i wanted to tell you your screenshot is great. i like it. Well i have not seen many people here writing futuristic space games, most people here want to write an FPS with classic guns and don't require this effect. From my experience i think you'll have to use a shader to achieve this. leadwerks relies heavily on shaders. With shaders you can easily translate textures. Go and see in the old forum and search for "texture offset" for example, someone there wanting to animate tank tracks was hinted to use shaders too http://www.leadwerks.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5343&p=45713&hilit=texture+offset#p45713 The old forum is read only, but can de a gold mine for answers even if the engine changed alot since then. Good luck with your game, i hope someone better skilled with shaders than me will answer you and provide a sample.
  5. how strange , this topic reminds me another one http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2270-problems-with-delphi-headers/ same story, same end ... C++ is "magic"
  6. you mean "Applog" before and after renderworld and updateworld and inside callbacks ? Hey, yes this could tell me what's going on. I'll try this. Thank you Rick, you're always helpfull You're always in advance ahead of me
  7. Yes i agree, thats why i hesitate. But it depends how the engine works. If the callbacks are only launched once in updateworld xor renderword and never from within other individual commands, then the engine is already serializing callbacks and i don't have to do it again. But of course if have no way to get the info.
  8. It's just theory If i set a LE callback and in this calback i use LE commands can i get an infinite loop ? i mean : LE command -> callback -> LE command inside callback -> same callback -> etc ... can this happen and would the program freeze or continue to render ? i fact i want to know if it's safe to use LE commands inside callbacks or if it should be avoided ? thank you PS: i'm writing a component for Tentity and want to handle the callback response as an event, so i have two choices, either call directly the event from callback, or send a message to the main thread to execute the callback code in the main loop separately to avoid conflicts. Of course, solution 1 is easyer to code.
  9. Well i'll have to go to work now. Too bad, i had time to help you this weekend. i did not understand why you said you have problems with "GetEntityKey uses a AnsiString with assignation" since the modified header i use specifies this : str=PAnsiChar const_str=AnsiString only const_str are changed to ansistring, the result of the function was still a pansichar, so there is no assignation to an ansistring here. if you want to assign the result of the function to an ansistring you can still cast it like this : myvar := Ansistring(Getentitykey(...)), delphi should even do the cast automatically. An Ansistring is actually a pAnsichar with length data at relative negative position of the start pointer, so transmitting a read-pnly constant ansistring to LE as a parameter is possible. but you must use ansistring (and not string or pchar) everywhere in your program because delphi (since version 2009) defaults string to unicode and LE doesn't support unicode, so you must specify ansistring everywhere to specify non-uniccde strings. if only you could share a sample of your code, C++ programmers do that all the time, they post their code when they want help, and don't let others guess what's happening. PS: i have installed a 30 days trial of delphi 2010 to help you, time is running now. i still believe we can find a solution and it's my birthday soon, so maybe i'll get a radeon 5770 nevermind, this is my code, to retrieve teh entity handle with name as ansistring function FindEntityByNameCallback(Entity: TEntity; var extra: ansistring): integer; stdcall; begin if GetEntityKey(Entity, 'Name', '')=trim(extra) then begin extra := IntToSTr(Entity); result := 0; end else result := 1; end; Function FindEntityByName(aValue: ansistring; classes: integer=ENTITY_ALL): TEntity; begin ForEachEntityDo(@FindEntityByNameCallback, @avalue, classes); Result := StrToIntDef(avalue, 0); end; WARNING: never add the callback as a method of an object, you'll get an AV, let it as a standalone procedure
  10. Hi again. Glad to see you did not give up downloaded delphi 2010 trial and got everything running with delphi 2010 too. Without your code it'll be very difficult to help you. GetEntityKey will get you an AV if your entity handle is not correct. i assume, if you want to read a key, then the entity that holds the key is created in the editor and not by code, right ? so how do you retrieve the entity handle ? what's your code to do that ? Edit: still waiting ... what's your timezone ? i'm in gmt+1
  11. You should ask for beta testers detailled Hardware description, so you could choose people with different combination of OS / CPU / GPU (remember you'll probably get more problems on low end parts then muscle machines) Nvidia ION should be specialy interresting, because it's a portable gaming platform for the future, and web search engines could guide customers to you with the keywords "ION GAMING" PS: i'm a hobbyist
  12. Fantastic ! Take 3 weeks of holiday. First week your mind is still 50% at work, second week you're on holiday 100%, third week you already think on comming back at work. Will LE 3 be more thread friendly ? (i ask this because it'll probably be difficult to add afterwards, so it should be by design from the beginning)
  13. Thank you Tyler. I'm a not C++ programmer and won't use the code, but i can still read the code and learn some tricks. I hope you'll start your own game project. But this time don't let someone else be the CEO B) Be the project leader and the CEO yourself. When i saw your little team had a CEO my first impression was "ouch, a young guy who just knows how to wear a tie is the boss... and the lead programmer is at worker level in the hierarchy ... this will end badly" I wish you better luck next time
  14. Really beautifull. You're talented ! woaw i just find the field of depth view a bit strong, things become blurry too early where i would expect to still see details. But it's perhaps just me. in picture 20, the train is blurred because you are looking at the bench, and if you look at the train the train becomes clear and the bench blurred ? If it works like this it's ok in game and just surprising on screenshots.
  15. Delphi is reported to have problems setting the Floating point unit that can generate A/V with opengl and newton. This is not a pure delphi problem but more a compiler compatibility problem when the main program is compiled with one compiler and the dll with another like explained here http://www.axiworld.be/vst_vcl.html at the end of the leadwerks.pas header you'll find a line trying to adress this issue for previous dephi versions Set8087CW(Default8087CW or $133F); but many google hits disagree on the value to apply $3F £13F $1332 $133F ? the control word bits are like this http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/Delphi/MathFunctions/FPUControlWord.Txt and here are some other links http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeSamples/en/Set8087CW_(Delphi) and here http://www.efg2.com/Lab/Library/Delphi/Graphics/Resources.htm you could experiment with these values (with 'Default8087CW or' or directly with the value) , it's my best guess. (or maybe delphi 2010 does not require this anymore ? and remove it) mayself i had to add the command SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]); to avoid freepascal crashing with newton.dll. here's a newtom forum thread where they use my solution for FPC http://www.newtondynamics.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5571&start=15. This problem is not visible with common dlls, but 3D dll use intensive floating point maths.
  16. Even with SimpleFWExample ? i'm clueless, will have to buy me an ati card Here is my executable SimpleFWExample.zip compiled with freepascal, can you try it please ? Is you LE SDK located in C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK and updated to 2.32 ? A quick google search shows that 10.3 is not the latest ati driver, maybe you could also try to update the driver.
  17. Hi Ywa I'm at work for now, did you try it already ? It could be could be cool to post your source code that generates the instability also. If you just started coding it should not be too big.
  18. True, this is an heritage from the original converter, but since there is no BYTE and only BYTE* in the engine.h i did not bother so far.
  19. I checked this issue at work, my Delphi 2007 does not allow PansiChar parameter assignation and i get the same error. C++ en Freepascal support it. I'll try to workarond this limitation using AnsiString (handled internally as a PansiChar anyway, but allowing assignation. The PascalTypes.txt template needs an update anyway, because since LE 2.32R5 the engine.h header uses a new custop datatype 'const_str' and the generator is unable to guess it's meaning. so update you're LE to the latest 2.38 and replace the PascalTypes.txt template by the attached one. i'll update the generator later if you tell me the problem is solved. Huh , i have a nvidia card ... and no problem. sorry on this one. what i can do is send you an executable compiled with freepascal that runs without errors on my nvidia machine to see how it runs on yours. PascalTypes.txt
  20. Hi Ywa, I was away ant did not get a mail notification of your pm, just answered. Welcome PS : i do not provide official support, i just updated Lupin's converter for my personnal use and share what i've done. But the generator is opensource (for the community members) so feel free to implement features and share. (I however converted it to Lazarus/freepascal, so you'll have to update the dfm for delphi, but this should be pretty easy.)
  21. Hey ? there is a Delphi section in the forum ! LOL you're welcome
  22. Yes. LE is written in blitzmax, a crossplatform language, and uses OpenGL a cross platform 3D api, so it would be a logical next step. But ok, even if josh said this could happen there is no guarantee yet. There are also some advantages of using a third party input library like joystick support, http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/505-joystick-support/page__p__4860__hl__joystick__fromsearch__1entry4860 i don't really need joystick yet in my game, but i want to provide the most open solution. Thank you for your kind answers it helped me alot to decide.
  23. Hi Folks, i made some search. i wonder if this http://www.libsdl.org/ could be used with LE and if someone already tryed to use it ? It's cross platform and there is also joystick support Edit : i also found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_Utility_Toolkit
  24. YES ! Fantastic ! So you encoutered the same problem as me ? GREAT ! (not that you had a problem, but that it was the same as me ) I was so desperate nobody would understand and have the same problem as me. OK this would work ... but between each frame you'll make a useless loop on all special keycodes that will eat FPS where LE could perfectly send you the right keycode with getchar i tryed to mail josh and explain this to him, but i think i failed. if there's no better solution i'll do like you ... but it's really frustrating If getchar only return characters because it's called "getCHAR" then we could need a "getKEYCODE" function that would return all pressed keycodes available ... well ... except if LE also needs to achieve a loop on all special keys to achieve this, of course. But normaly on windows you don't have to, windows sends the right keycode to the focused window.
  25. Hi Victor. What kind of function ? LE does only provide GetChar to return keycodes.
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