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Everything posted by Wchris

  1. I never use phygen for characters. The controller allready has a cylinder shaped physics body. All you have to do is to adjust it's size to your character size and then position the character mesh inside the controller cylinder. use debugphysics to view the cylinder.
  2. bullet is open source and the author of bullet is now working for AMD. So i guess he can now get all the help he wants from amd/ati ingeneers. It's Nvidia/physX vs AMD/ATI/bullet http://www.linkedin.com/in/erwincoumans an example http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=17680588&linkID=14963466
  3. As Pixel suggested, the common practice is to use controllers for both players and non players characters.
  4. I know well maybe it's just me, but I get used to do it in just one click in other editors. it's just a loop on selected lines, if there's no -- at the beginning of the line you add it, if the -- is already there you remove it. it may sound superfluous at first glance, but if you add 100 such little features you'll get a friendly editor. EDIT: Klepto just explained it wery well. Thanks
  5. it depens on the size and mass of the cubes. Here we have no relative object like a truck or car to compare the size of the cube with, and we have no idea of the cubes mass. if you take small objects with low mass like dices and try to stack them up like this in real life, it's more than likely they will collapse just like bullet. That said i cannot answer the poll and choose between bullet and physx. So I did not vote yet. Maybe you can convice me to choose newton. #A All I know is that you'll probably get better support with them than with newton, since newton is a "one man project". And we all know 1 man will have no time to answer all those annoying trivial questions that are so far away from his own complex tasks. #B More important bullet and physx are already used in commercial games .... there's only 1 commercial game (penumbra)) i know using newton. All those commercial producs have contributed to make bullet and physx better and progress faster than newton and this will likely continue. Event if newton will get the same features someday ... bullet and physx features will be more stress tested in real games and thus better debugged. With newton YOU will always be the beta tester even with final supposed stable version. And if you find a problem, go back to #A. Your argument about having large forests is better. But when a tree is in billboard state is physic still active ?
  6. Rock & roll ! I have modified the firepit and I can now adjust my flames with the intensity property ! Yeah Leadwerks per entity lua is really cool I still don't know why particles stopped working and why they work again LOL. Must have messed up my media files but can't figure out when or what. Just happy it's working again and I'm progressing
  7. ability to comment/uncomment a selected group of lines in the script editor. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that often comment/uncomment lines when testing. This feature competes in the category "less than 5 minutes to add )
  8. in editor that allows the use of arrow keys for camera movement and other keys for manipulator movement. also WASD allows only forward, back,left, right. Where are up, down keys ? please
  9. I know. It's a problem specific to my installation. Just found out that if I copy the "media" folder from Lupin's LE2 SDK into my project it works again. Must be something related to the abstractpath. I will investigate more this evening. My lander needs flames under the boosters. Thanks
  10. Hello, I have lost the particles everywhere. even in the editor the firepit has no fire. can't underrstand why. i think the lua script is running because the light in the firepit is flickering. firepit.lua is unchanged ... is there an option somewhere to disable particles ? what could be wrong ? thanks for your help
  11. Hmmm ... i get the result above only if i use the rotation button with the green Y if i press the standard rotate button it works OK Great I can go on !
  12. Ok i could do #2 with the ctrl key (don't know why when i first tryed it multiselect with ctrl did not work) but when rotating a multiselection everything gets nuts ! see below also a rotation system with fixed value input like 45° would be great
  13. #1 I wish the editor would allow to move objects along their own axys or an arbitrary axys and not only global axys. and switch between the 3 at will #2 I wish the editor would allow to select multiple objects and move/rotate them together at once. #3 wish the editor would have object alignment features. I want to load a composite object as an sbx scene. To explain better the problem here's a screenshot. I want to make a destructible ship that is made of several models. The "Foot" is made of 5 parts. How do i move these 5 parts in place ? and then duplicate all five duplicates 3 times and move + rotate them in place. I think #1 & #2 could be features that have not to wait for LE3 because it does not require heavy R&D, everything is there to have it now. Cheers Chris
  14. Just curious,. should such gui images be oversized to use supersampling to be downsized to screen resolution ? not sure if my wording is correct. I mean, if you have small images and stretch them for higher resolution it will look ugly ... but if you have big images for the highest resolution and downscale them for lower resolutions it would be ok.
  15. Yes I know. That's why i could not understand why I have to specify the global space with ,1 while you in your sample have no problems with default values. But i was tired and happy i found a way to make it work, so I did not mention this strange fact .. because I needed to investigate a bit more.
  16. Metatron hint was actually the answer. I tryed Mack's sample yesterday and found out that i had to use positionentity( , ,1) with my bodies to use global space. positionentity defaults to ( , ,0) which is not global space, whereas joints position defaults to global space. I found this very confusing non experienced users will go directly in the wall with such antagonist default settings. but it's too late to change ... because if you change a default setting every program using it will behave eratically. Therefore Metatron's answer should be added to the joints wiki too. Cheers thank you all
  17. I know images are not enought, i'll try mack's sample and investigate further. Thanks for providing your opinion Josh. I'll try your sample with my models this evening and report here. Thank you for your help. There are no examples in the wiki yet and it's good to have a working reference. at first glance, joint were just the most evident way of doing it. Normaly they are not just a link between 2 objects ... they should also control how the energy and forces are dispatched between the linked bodies. when the booster bumps into something a part of the forces is automaticaly dispatched to the lander hull. Parenting cannot do that i think. But if i cannot bring it to work i'll search for a workaround. I was just surprised by my result. again many thanks for the working sample. maybe it should be added to the wiki with metatron's above answser and the two good answers i've found here previously http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3837-joint-creation/page__p__34303__hl__joint__fromsearch__1#entry34303
  18. Tryed to follow your advice, but no luck so far i still get the same result. Hopefully a good night of sleep will help Thank you
  19. Hello, I need a fixed joint. I have used ball joints before and it worked well so i thought fixed joints would be easyer ... but i ran into a problem i do not understand. Here's the problem. i have 2 models. One big and one small. (the body of my "lander" and a "booster") the lander body is at position -4,110,-253 the booster is at position -5.5,110,-253 the joint is setup like this Fjoint := LECreateJointFixed(Fparent.Entity, Fchild.Entity, Vec3( -5.5,110,-253)); if i set the models mass to 0 i get and if i set the models mass to 1 why is the small model inside the big one ? I expected it to be fixed on main body side like when mass=0 ? i really don't understand what's wrong. if someone has an idea I'm all ears. Many thanks
  20. Maybe you should read ingeneer ken's raknet for LE tutorial. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/LE2/tutorials/_/programming/cpp/raknet-in-leadwerks-tutorial-r80 Looks like he wrote it right for you Cheers
  21. Core 2 Duo is not a graphic card chip, it's the kind of processor.chip computers usually made of 3 chips the CPU (Central Processing Unit) : in your case the 'core 2 duo the GPU (Graphics Processing unit) that handles 2D and 3D graphics and the Bridge chip that handles communications between CPU, GPU and the motherboard components. in your case the CPU is ok but the GPU is not strong enought. most laptops are not designed for games and include a weak GPU because laptop builders know that buyers usualy don't understand what a GPU is. only the most high priced laptops include a powerfull GPU. most well know GPU brands are Nvida's GeForce chips and ATI Radeon chips. Those firms specialize in powerfull 3D GPU but no CPU. at the opposite Inter specializes in powerfull CPU but crapy GPU. Because intel is a CPU specialist not a GPU specialist. (Of course that may change, because intel has the money to buy GPU ingeneers and become a GPU specialist someday, but not yet)
  22. glad to hear you're still working on it the title "race maniacs" reminds me a hana barbera cartoon called "wacky races" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wacky_Races http://www.search-best-cartoon.com/images/wacky-races-02.gif do you plan to make realistic cars or more fun cars like wacky races ? There was allready a game about wacky races, and there's probably a copyright ... but you can make a game with the same spirit. i think you should go for such a delirium and fun race game. first because you cannot rival with colin mc ray or race driver grid productions and because LE2 physics engine is limited. But for a fun race game LE2 should be ok.
  23. hI Ywa Scored 67 ! i like the interface, the sound and the fonts. How is your race game going ? Cheers Wchris
  24. Hi cassius, For me the best way is to outiline the objects like in starcraft interface. i did something like this in the past but it's not trivial and took me way too much time to find out how to alone ... this should be 1 command in the engine that sets an entity as selected and accepts a parameter to define selection kind. program cubeoutline; {$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif} {$H+} uses Classes, SysUtils, LeadWerks; const FullScreenDefaultWidth = 800; FullScreenDefaultHeight = 600; OutLineDefaultLineWidth = 6.0; var Framework: TFramework = 0; Lua: Pointer; World: Tworld; Camera: TCamera; Light: TLight; Material: TMaterial; Mesh, Mesh2: TMesh; MeshVector: Tvec3; Ground: Tmesh; Outline_World_Buffer: TBuffer = 0; Mem_buffer: TBuffer = 0; Post_shader: TShader = 0; Outline_world: Tworld = 0; Outline_camera: Tcamera = 0; OutLineWidth: Single = OutLineDefaultLineWidth; key: integer; begin RegisterAbstractPath('D:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK 231'); SetAppTitle('Exemple1'); try // Set graphics mode if Graphics(FullScreenDefaultWidth, FullScreenDefaultHeight)=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.'); // Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it Framework := CreateFramework; if Framework=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Framework'); if Framework<>0 then begin // Set Lua variable Lua := GetLuaState; lua_pushobject(Lua, pointer(Framework)); lua_setglobal(Lua, 'fw'); lua_pop(Lua, 1); end; World := GetLayerWorld(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); Camera := GetLayerCamera(GetFrameworkLayer(0)); PositionEntity(Camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2)); Light := CreateSpotLight(10); RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 55, 0), 0); PositionEntity(Light, Vec3(5, 5, -5), 0); Light := CreateDirectionalLight(0); RotateEntity(Light, Vec3(45, 45, 45), 0); Material := LoadMaterial('abstract::cobblestones.mat'); Mesh := CreateCube; PaintEntity(Mesh, Material, 0); Ground := CreateCube; ScaleEntity(Ground, Vec3(10, 1, 10)); PositionEntity(Ground, Vec3(0, -2, 0), 0); PaintEntity(Ground, Material, 0); // Activate Framework Postfilter Effects if needed //SetAntialias(2); //SetDistanceFog(1); SetStats(2); //SetHDR(1); SetGodRays(1); SetBloom(1); //SetSSAO(1); //SetShadowQuality(3); Outline_world := CreateWorld; SetWorld(Outline_world); Outline_camera := CreateCamera; PositionEntity(Outline_camera, Vec3(0, 0, -2)); Mesh2 := CreateCube; Outline_World_Buffer := createbuffer(GraphicsWidth, GraphicsHeight, BUFFER_COLOR or BUFFER_DEPTH); if Outline_world=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Outline_World_Buffer'); Post_shader := loadshader('', 'outline.frag'); if Post_shader=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Post_shader'); SetWorld(World); Mem_buffer := currentBuffer; while (KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)=0) and (AppTerminate=0) do begin if AppSuspended=1 then UpdateApptime else begin TurnEntity(Mesh, Vec3(AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5, AppSpeed*0.5), 0); UpdateFramework; RenderFramework; MeshVector := EntityRotation(Mesh); SetWorld(Outline_world); SetBuffer(Outline_World_Buffer); RotateEntity(Mesh2, MeshVector); UpdateWorld; RenderWorld(ENTITY_MESH); SetWorld(World); key := GetChar; if keyhit(KEY_UP)=1 then begin freeBuffer(Outline_World_Buffer); if Graphics(round(GraphicsWidth * 1.1), round(GraphicsHeight * 1.1))=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.'); Outline_World_Buffer := createbuffer(GraphicsWidth, GraphicsHeight, BUFFER_COLOR or BUFFER_DEPTH); if Outline_world=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Outline_World_Buffer'); OutLineWidth := round(OutLineDefaultLineWidth * (GraphicsWidth/FullScreenDefaultWidth)); end else if keyhit(KEY_DOWN)=1 then begin freeBuffer(Outline_World_Buffer); if Graphics(round(GraphicsWidth / 1.1), round(GraphicsHeight / 1.1))=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create set graphics mode.'); Outline_World_Buffer := createbuffer(GraphicsWidth, GraphicsHeight, BUFFER_COLOR or BUFFER_DEPTH); if Outline_world=0 then Exception.Create('ERROR: Failed to create Outline_World_Buffer'); OutLineWidth := round(OutLineDefaultLineWidth * (GraphicsWidth/FullScreenDefaultWidth)); end else Leadwerks.DrawText(100, 100, chr(lo(key))); SetBuffer(backbuffer); SetShader(Post_shader); BindTexture(GetDepthBuffer(Outline_World_Buffer), 1); SetShaderVec4(Post_shader, 'color', Vec4(1,0,0,1)); SetShaderVec4(Post_shader, 'alphacolor', Vec4(1,0,1,0)); SetShaderFloat(Post_shader, 'linewidth', OutLineWidth); SetBlend(BLEND_ALPHA); DrawImage(GetColorBuffer(Outline_World_Buffer), 0, GraphicsHeight, GraphicsWidth, -GraphicsHeight); SetBlend(0); SetShader(0); SetBuffer(Mem_buffer); Flip(1); end; end; except on E: exception do begin Applog(PAnsiChar(' Exception occured ! '+E.message)); end; end; end. and the shader code uniform vec2 buffersize; void main( void ) { vec2 _texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy/buffersize; vec2 _pixelsize = linewidth/buffersize; float _depth = texture2D( texture0, _texcoord ).x/2; if (_depth != 0) { gl_FragColor = alphacolor; } else { float tl = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(-_pixelsize.x, -_pixelsize.y)).x; float tm = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(0.0, -_pixelsize.y)).x; float tr = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(+_pixelsize.x, -_pixelsize.y)).x; float ml = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(-_pixelsize.x, 0.0)).x; float mm = 0; //texture2D(texture0, _texcoord).x; float mr = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(+_pixelsize.x, 0.0)).x; float bl = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(-_pixelsize.x, +_pixelsize.y)).x; float bm = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(0.0, +_pixelsize.y)).x; float br = texture2D(texture0, _texcoord + vec2(+_pixelsize.x, +_pixelsize.y)).x; float dpt = tl+tm+tr+ml+mm+mr+bl+bm+br; if (dpt != 0) { gl_FragColor = color; } else { gl_FragColor = alphacolor; } } } Notice you'll have to resize the outline buffer manually if you change screen resolution. also with this method, if you want to select an animated entity, you'll have to animate it twice. But i'm pretty sure there's a way to do this without worlds, only with a shader. and even with a glow efect. but my shader knowledge is not good enought. Cheers Chris
  25. I have restored the links (that got destroyed by admin server backups) in the "asset store" tools section. but i guess as a visitor you have no access to the downloads ? you must be a LE2 engine customer.
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