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Everything posted by wailingmonkey

  1. wailingmonkey


    these work pretty well to relax the muscles overnight...
  2. just to be sure, rick, you realize that you can have a 4096X4096 texture atlas that could theoretically hold 256 different shirt variations all at a 'usable' resolution of 256 pixels (image) for higher resolution, your mileage decreases...but that's a lot of shirts in my book...
  3. ergo, not exactly what you said at first, is it? anyhow, not trying to demonize you....just get tired of seeing people put stuff up for free and of their own sweat and then have those that reap the rewards barely manage to either put forth some of their own effort to try it, or at the very least say a bit of 'thanks'... apologies for derailing, TylerH.
  4. I didn't 'down-rate' you (don't ever really check those things nor think they mean much), but come on: you can't take the time to do that, why should he?...or move on and save your comments for yourself. (doing the above quote would have taken less time than me commenting now )
  5. there seems to be *some* difference in model-viewers, but I was comparing 2.26 to 2.3 when I tested...anyhow, here's a screenie of the rock in 2.3 with edits I made to the specular. (below) I've uploaded all my changes here: http://www.mediafire.com/?nm4wwmz1izm and you will see that the 'new_SPEC.tga' is way more subtle in terms of value and highlights. I also edited your .mat file values for spec and gloss to 1.5 and .5, respectively. Take note of the 'spec-changes-screenie.jpg' in the .rar file to see how drastically different the specular alpha values look in 2.22's TextureTool.exe program that Josh made for us way back when. (I'd advise you download it for your future material edits, as it's quite handy) Of course, maybe you are going for a very shiny wet rock and should disregard all of the above... *edit* By the way...you may want to edit your UVs a little so you can take care of the seam issue you've got going right now...or maybe not.
  6. did you already see this thread: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/482-bone-riggingskinning-question/ here's a pertinent link: http://wiki.polycount.net/Shoulder_Topology
  7. sweeeeeeeeet! ( <-bets you will see some increase in sales as a result of this being added to 'the bullet list' of features)
  8. hmmm...normal-mapped facial wrinkles to go along with morph shapes (eventually)...<rubs hands together>
  9. a shader like this would be handy for lots 'o folks. ( <- gentle nudge to shader-minded generous programmer-types)
  10. Indeed...Happy New Year, dewds and dewdettes! 2009 was kinda sucky (but full of new experiences)...bring on 2010!!!
  11. perhaps he means finally 'on sale' as a pack? I'm glad he pointed it out, cause I took the $10 'risk' to get both games. (*edit* interesting...I see: Penumbra: Black Plague, Penumbra: Overture, and Penumbra: Requiem in my Steam games tab...guess it's 3 games for $10?)
  12. thanks for generously sharing your work on these, Eternal Crisis.
  13. some good modeling tips for overcoming poor deformation: http://wiki.polycount.net/Limb_Topology hope it's of use to you...
  14. MOAVGproductions: http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3178
  15. Some links that may be of interest: http://www.diardsoftware.com/ (software...dunno if it's worthwhile) http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/tuts_arts/making_a_star_field.html (photoshop tutorial) And here's some stars I made using a Photoshop action (preview attached) download link hope it's of some use to you...
  16. Here's mine: Example of collision detection system and response to detection -- specifically for something like a combat game (melee). Ideally it would cover how to take a character combat scenario (for example, a sword fight) between player and NPC, break down how to best set up 'damage indicators' (parented hidden geometry? or direct access to bones?), then use the resultant information to respond in some fashion (probably que a specific animation in response to amount of damage). Doesn't have to be the above example, just looking for a fairly common situation in games that could be extrapolated out into other variations. (teach a man to fish, rather than serve him one)
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