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Everything posted by wailingmonkey

  1. nice job, Naughty Alien. (on the art side, I think you could bump up the Ambient Occlusion on the texture a bit --- to pop the underlying scales more --- and work on the specular --- less intense and more related to the diffuse scales/design to avoid some of the plastic toy look)
  2. now it's easier to see proportions and form/placement. again, if you want realism (or close) then find some resource (there's tons) on the web to cross-reference your anatomy and proportions. It's off in lots of places, and a reference pic will tell you immediately where. (use 3dc's reference plane option, or just snapshot and align in Photoshop/Gimp) if you want to be stylized to a large degree, then it looks like you've got some reasonable landmarks in there to give the proper gender impression. regarding the hair, an option (since you're using 3dc) might be to create your planes with the retopo tool initially, then move/scale them a bit in blender. There's also lots of tutorials for hair and alpha planes around as well. good luck!
  3. read what omid3098 wrote again...he's not saying you nailed it. if you are going for somewhat realistic: -head too small -hands too big (probably forearms too) -feet too big -legs too long in proportion to body if you are going for stylized...well, then do what you want. if you want more honest critiques from artists who do character art, then post this up at polycount.com or gameartisans or some such...and post shots of the model from ortho front/back/side rather than just perspective-3/4 and slightly above.
  4. this might help you (in the future as well), Pancakes http://vimeo.com/user3441841/videos
  5. nice job, Gilmer. (a small suggestion, update to ZB 3.5 r3 and utilize the surface 'noise' features for stronger normal-map definition/variation)
  6. nice work, DaveLee. 1 thing I find kinda distracting is the rusted overhead lampshades ... perhaps a smattering of degraded paint (that hints at the paint color of the ceiling) would make them stand out a bit less. And the rust itself seems a bit too bright and saturated. 2-cents, at least.
  7. I think they went out for beers with my programmers and never came back! (and I definitely agree with you, Pixel Perfect...not sure about the demographics of who's buying LW, but if I had to wager I'd say the bulk of purchases go to single-man 'shops', and that's why I find it odd to think that building in 'toolsets' to optionally manage engine features--instead of purely self-coded--tends to help the majority of the consumer base to use LW to it's fullest. Which in turn, will allow for more games being released, instead of just screenshots.)
  8. excellent!...so you've already got a vertex-painting GUI and a pre-fab manager implemented into LW...sweet!
  9. sorry to quote you again, Michael, but you seem to be dismissing what appears to be a valid example of a few feature requests as if they already ship with the engine. It may be possible to emulate what's going on in that video currently with LW and a good bit of custom programming, but the toolset to do it is not currently in existence...hence the OP's request I'd imagine. Why would an artist/level-builder not want such a toolset at their disposal?
  10. Doesn't this kinda underscore the reason the OP was making this request in the first place?
  11. wailingmonkey


    thanks for the extra info, Gandi ... looks to be quite a handy addition/option.
  12. wailingmonkey


    ↑ .....what he said! are you able to allow the decal to traverse(project) over multiple objects and the terrain at the same time?
  13. I'd probably try something like this: I've shared a UV-mapped version of the above if you want it here: blast crater (no .gmf ... just the .obj)
  14. it's going to depend on the object in question's actual scale in the scene as well as it's importance to the level. (and expected distance from the player/camera) you will be wasting valuable memory by using 4K X 4K textures on 'everything'. bad example, but does the custom coffee cup with the "I love Fridays" in the breakroom level really need a 4K texture? (realistically, you could probably have it 256X256 with proper UV space set to the text itself)
  15. I'd love to see (in this order): -Path finding library(including formations, hiding behind geometry, avoiding collisions) {-Collision Detection and AI} -NPC Behavior library -cut scene manager system(interactive/non interactive) In your examples for Path Finding, it would seem that they are basically forms of 'NPC Behavior', so I'd love to be able to just plug any animation in based upon a specific criteria being met. (ex., villain is leg-shot, so 'lower_health=%50' and a 'limp' animation can be blended into the normal 'run' animation). Allowing for that, or similar, style of blending and customization would be awesome. And this would bring me to my own additional library request, which would be that of 'collision detection and AI'. Ideally, this would again allow for custom assignment of criteria and response on our part. (so another example: NPC struck by sword on arm, play animation 'arm-hit_drop-weapon' blended onto the normal upper body 'defend' animation) It would be wonderful to be able to also define the collision object bone as well as a radius from said bone. I too would pay for 'libraries' like these. B) When LUA was first proposed, I had thought this kind of thing (libraries, or self-contained coded 'plugins' to LE) was one of the intended uses...but I'm curious how your idea of 'Libraries' would work.
  16. nice job, wh1sp3r...kinda gives the engine an 'Unreal engine' feel.
  17. Pancakes...good start. In terms of facial anatomy, you really should pick up a cheap anatomy book to hit some general 'rules' of structure (unless you're going for stylized). Some initial things that stand out are that the base of the nose is well under the ear-lobe (front-view) when it should be about level. Also, where the ear connects to the head is generally where the eyes line up. With a decent anatomy book you will see proportions and tricks for alignment of facial features, etc... well worth the '2-5 cups of coffee' investment!
  18. nice job with NPC Action...reminds me of GTA:SA and having 'hommies' follow you around.
  19. I initially took the above to mean literal 'time delay' weapons, and not just delayed fuses, so... a counter to these traps, called 'burst' mode (which depletes without some form of recharging): - speeds the player's movement for a short distance (opportunity to show off kewl rendering techniques -- both from the player's perspective and those viewing the player) - can be used to counter getting stuck in a time-delay booby-trap (one that makes the player move like molasses and become an easy target) - can take you out of harm's way ('incoming!') far enough from blast radius that you don't die - can be used to get somewhere faster, if you can afford to use it that way
  20. oops...just didn't want to leave anyone out.
  21. great work, Marleys Ghost and Macklebee!
  22. hmm...think you might want to change the ball-joint in knee to a hinge joint, and the hinge joint in the ankle to a ball-joint... in traditional DCC packages you'd also have an 'up-vector' object controlling the alignment of where the knee/hinge joint should be directed. but I'm no animation expert </legal clause>
  23. that friggin rocks...nice work, Niosop!
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