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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    pak files

    Sounds interesting. Worth an entry in Feature Requests.
  2. This key seems to be gone (returns blank), and since we still need to manually parse the SBX for some reasons, it would be needed. I tried GetEntityKey("path"), but path isn't a key, it's a built-in property. Without this function, I can't make an automatic framework loading of SBX with atmosphere and waterplanes.
  3. For Josh it wouldn't, since he has access to the actual BMax members. For us, it would be quite a lot of trouble.
  4. I changed the structure to your second suggestion. Here's an example from the "Scene.Load(string path);" I'm working on: Framework.Effects.DistanceFog.Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(int.Parse(child.GetKey("fogmode"))); Framework.Effects.DistanceFog.Color = Vector4.Parse(child.GetKey("fogcolor")); Framework.Effects.DistanceFog.SetAngles(float.Parse(child.GetKey("fogangle").Split(',')[0]), float.Parse(child.GetKey("fogangle").Split(',')[1])); Framework.Effects.DistanceFog.SetRanges(float.Parse(child.GetKey("fogrange").Split(',')[0]), float.Parse(child.GetKey("fogrange").Split(',')[1]));
  5. FreeCamera is basically a spectator, only faster to make for me. Here's the code, but I don't guarantee it's clean or efficient. It's just for my personal development use that I made it: using Leadwerks; namespace Origins { public class FreeCamera { public Camera Camera { get; set; } public float SpeedMultiplier { get; set; } private Vector3 CameraRotation { get; set; } private Vector2 MouseDelta { get; set; } private float Move { get; set; } private float Strafe { get; set; } public FreeCamera(Camera camera) { this.Camera = camera; this.SpeedMultiplier = 10.0f; this.CameraRotation = new Vector3(); this.MouseDelta = new Vector2(); this.Move = 0.0f; this.Strafe = 0.0f; Mouse.Center(); Mouse.Hide(); } public void Update() { this.MouseDelta.X = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.X - Window.Width / 2, this.MouseDelta.X, 6); this.MouseDelta.Y = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.Y - Window.Height / 2, this.MouseDelta.Y, 6); Mouse.Center(); this.CameraRotation.X += this.MouseDelta.Y / 10; this.CameraRotation.Y -= this.MouseDelta.X / 10; this.Camera.Rotation = this.CameraRotation; this.Move = Utilities.Curve(((Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.W) ? 1 : 0) - (Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.S) ? 1 : 0)) * this.SpeedMultiplier, this.Move, 20); this.Strafe = Utilities.Curve(((Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.D) ? 1 : 0) - (Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.A) ? 1 : 0)) * this.SpeedMultiplier, this.Strafe, 20); this.Camera.Move(new Vector3(this.Strafe / 10 * Timing.Speed, 0, this.Move / 10 * Timing.Speed)); } } }
  6. It wasn't a criticism, I was just wondering. I like the new system too, and although I'm not a Lua fan, I will surely enjoy the compiled Framework. The only thing I use Lua for is "prefabs" (attaching a point light to my lamp post), which could ideally be replaced by actual prefabs.
  7. I guess you could get it manually with another event hook system, but that would probably cause more trouble than anything else.
  8. Lumooja once posted a way of creating 2 objects without being instances. It was in the old forum, for a guy who tried to apply an outline shader to a model that was hovered.
  9. Because the .NET framework uses a method similar to this one. For instance, if you want to create a Bitmap object, you don't use "new Bitmap("test.bmp");". You use "Bitmap.FromFile("test.bmp");". Since LE loads objects and caches them, I thought using "Load" instead of "FromFile" was more appropriate.
  10. I chose this method because we seldom access parameters and some effects don't even have any, but I'll consider your approach.
  11. I'd rather have models in GMF than a 25% rebate on bundles.
  12. By the way, I was re-reading this entry when something puzzled me: You try to provide a "low" level engine (comparatively to Framewerk) and hesitate about integrating high-level commands (Framewerk's) into your DLL for access. Although I must say that if you started scripting, you can no longer consider your engine "low-level", and such rendering methods are just at the same level as scripting a game in the editor.
  13. If GameLib gets compiled, I might get time to port it to C# and wrap it accordingly. Framework is now wrapped in C# too, and available for download.
  14. Framewe(o?)rk is now implemented in C# and available for download. Took me an hour and a half only. Awesome work, thanks again.
  15. Update: Version 1.1 is now available for download as a beta. If you find any bug fix or if you find a structure annoying, please tell me. Download
  16. Completely. See this thread for download.
  17. Just got done implementing Framework into C#. I run this scene at 60 FPS, which is the top I can seem to get in editor or in C#. So performance wise, it's quite good. I'll let you judge for the simplicity: public static void Main() { FileSystem.AbstractPath = @"C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK"; Graphics.Initialize(800, 600); Framework.Initialize(); Scene.Load("abstract::test.sbx"); FreeCamera fc = new FreeCamera(Framework.Layers.Main.Camera); // Custom class Framework.Effects.Water = true; Framework.Effects.Parameters.Water.Height = 2.0f; Framework.Effects.DistanceFog = true; Framework.Effects.Bloom = true; Framework.Effects.VolumetricLighting = true; Framework.Effects.HighDynamicRange = true; Framework.Effects.Skybox = Material.Load("abstract::FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat"); while (!Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)) { fc.Update(); Framework.Update(); Framework.Render(); Graphics.Flip(); } Framework.Terminate(); Engine.Terminate(); }
  18. This thread is outdated. Please see: .NET Leadwerks wrapper on Google Code This wrapper and its child projects are being developed and maintained by TylerH, ZioRed, klepto2 and myself. Enjoy Leadwerks for .NET!
  19. You know, you can edit the Wiki yourself
  20. L B

    Important Update

    Starting C# implementation.
  21. Great. In any case, I'll be busy making C# headers for tonight. And thanks, although it would only be playable as a FPS, which isn't my style. Will have to work on it.
  22. @Marcus: Although I'm a programmer, I have an extensive knowledge of colors and palettes as well. Making matching colors for my own assets wouldn't be hard at all, except I don't always get assets from the same location. @Davaris: Recoloring images in real-time based on a palette is practically impossible.
  23. Fortunately I have no life to waste, so I don't mind if it doesn't.
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