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Making Games with LE 2.5

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I'm working on a editor which translates english into C++ for Ultra Engine in realtime. The idea is to make using Ultra Engine really easy, and it should suit beginners as well as advanced users. Over time I plan to make it an universal human language to computer language translator which can be configured to use any game engine or other engine. I'm also wondering if a commanding sentence is more easy than an spectating sentence, but perhaps both can be used to make it suit all cases.


Canardia in Tools

Impressions of Ultra

I started using Ultra Engine on 2023-01-18. Learning to use the engine has been really easy. The documentation is very clear and I can search for keywords I want to learn about. Each command has a fully working example, so I can quickly copy-paste and try the code. The installer is also amazingly fast and automatic, and updating to the latest engine is just a click away. Updating my projects to use the latest version is also fully automatic by clicking on the yellow sign. The supp


Canardia in Game Development

Even Faster

People are wondering what language they choose with Leadwerks3D. Sometimes they have some exotic languages in mind, but quite often it comes down to the decision between Lua and C++.   Recently I read an article that LuaJIT (yes, you can use it in Leadwerks3D too) is actually damn fast. It's fast, because the simpliness of the language allows for extreme optimizations. It might even come close to C++ speed, or in some cases even exceed it. That's how fast LuaJIT 2.0 is. But it's still in beta,



Leadwerks3D as generic cross-platform 2D/3D application framework

I'm dreaming of Leadwerks3D, and while waiting for its release in June, I have already many ideas what I want to do with it. Then I realized, it's actually much more than just a 3D game engine, because it allows to have a OpenGL context on all devices, including Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Linux, and more in future. In addition, it allows you to code in C++ on all those devices, which means that also high level languages, like my SuperBasic will work on all platforms, because it uses a C++ c



Solved! Apache and Domino running together

We can use Apache as frontend HTTP server running on port 80, and Domino on port 81, so that users can access both Apache and Domino pages via port 80 only.This is done via the Apache Rewrite Engine, but until now it caused one nasty problem: When doing a submit on a Domino page, then Domino would add the port 81 to the URL, and the user could not access that page, if only port 80 was opened to the internet.I found a solution how to overcome this Domino's problem, by adding Apache Reverse Proxy



Learning Qt

I decided to try out Qt, and was shocked how easy it was to "install" and use. I only unpacked the mingw-Qt zip to my h:/lib/qt folder and it was "installed". Then I only added the QtCore4.a and QtGui4.a to my codeblocks project's linker settings, and added the h:/lib/qt/include and h:/lib/qt/include/qtgui folder to my project's source files tab, and then I put the QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll in the same folder where my game.exe was.   A simple demo program like this already makes a fully fun



New Stuff

LEO 2.5 has been sent to Josh, there was a few commands missing, and a few bugs were fixed.   GameLib should be ready soon, I'm still testing the new additions to the Application class. It can get quite deep to make a simple spinning cube template, if you want to make it perfect.   For example the window size needs to be read from a config file rather than from LEBuilder, so that it is not hardcoded into the game code. I ended up with the decision to make all config, gamesave, etc...



LEBuilder enables Modders to become Developers

Modding games is a popular sport, and very productive, since you don't have to code usually much, maybe some little additions only. However, modding has its limits, as you are usually bound to a quite hardcoded game genre environment, unless you use Garry's Mod or something, but that has then it's own limits too with the engine features.   Since I am currenly building a GameLib FPS template for LEBuilder, these thoughts came up. What the template will do, is to create a simple FPS game with o



Natural Updates and Community Editions

Things change and other things using those things must be updated from time to time to keep them working properly.   Leadwerks Engine C/C++ was originally designed to work only with VS 2008, but keeping GNU C++ in mind, then a few updates were made to make it work with MinGW 3.4.5. Now MinGW has been updated to support the newest C++ standard, and so a few updates need to be done in the Leadwerks Engine C/C++ headers too. But don't worry, those updates are fully backwards compatibe, s



Yeah, Google+

It just came like a lightning from the clear sky, and illuminated us all. I can't remember to have ever seen such a great success in concept, it's so unbelievably thought troughout. All the details you experience, all the things which just work like they should have always worked in other systems. Everything is real, the people, the talks, the lifes, the avatars, the celebrities, just everything. The Google+ system leads it to be that way. It's simply amazing, and very valuable.   Source



A new Domino based forum template

I have developed my own forum software for Domino for some time, because I was always shocked with the basic lacks of functionality of conventional forum softwares like phpBB, vnboards, Invision Power Boards, SMF, etc.... For them it seems normal that all messages are lost when the forum software is updated, and they just eat it with a bitter taste in their mouth. They also take happily backups every day, but most of the backups fail because of some misconfigured ftp accounts. For someone who h



IBM Lotus Notes/Domino is dead, long live IBM Notes/Domino!

Just fresh out from the press: IBM will drop the Lotus part from the name, because it misleads many people who remember Lotus 1-2-3, Lotus Smartsuite, and yes even Lotus Notes which is often thought as ancient and dead. This is very cool, because it removes the long name nonsense and makes it clear that it's a real IBM product, and everyone knows that IBM is the leader in computer technology, mostly on the hardware side, but since the aquisition of Lotus also on the software side, and of course



The Fastest Programming Language of the World

I was looking at some old programming languages like COBOL (a business oriented language, and the second oldest language: founded in 1959), Ada, Fortran, Prolog, and few others. My interest was only to see how programming worked in the old days, and if they had any good ideas which I could reuse for the upcoming symbolic visual language. When I stumbled upon Fortran, I remembered that some people had said that it's faster than C++, and I remember the funny fact that Intel has the fastest C++ co



Next Generation Computer Programming

Today I was explaining what the problem with all programming languages today is, that they have all failed, because they are not intented to make results (except Prolog maybe), but rather to aid the programmer to tell the computer what to do. This is a fundamental mistake, since computers should serve humans, including programmers. So the base for a better programming language is to focus on what the programmer wants as result, and let the computer optimize and decide what method is best to impl



Leadwerks Editor SQL

Today I wanted to start a GameLib tutorial series, and wanted to eliminate all temporary code and build the tutorial from beginning so that it will only expand and build on the previous tutorial steps.   Loading models and creating meshes programmatically is out of question, as you don't do that in real games. You would at least somehow have them loaded from a config file.   Then I thought I should put all assets into a Leadwerks Editor scene, but that won't work with real games either, as y




I'm testing Code::Blocks with LE2, instead of Visual Studio 2008/2010. So far it seems quite nice, and very intuitive to learn and configure. I already found some benefits of Code::Blocks over Visual Studio:   1) LE2 syntax highlighting can be configured to be different from the built-in C++ keywords. In VS they always have the same color. 2) Compiling time is much faster, because it can use MinGW. 3) Generated code is much faster, because it can use -O3 and -O6 optimizations. 4) Loading



My First XPage

Today I tried to make a simple web page using the Domino Designer 8.5.2FP1 XPage design element on a Domino 8.5.2FP1 Linux server. Getting to know how it works is pretty easy, and I didn't need to read any documentation. I made a Form with a Subject and Body field, and a View which shows the Subject, then I made an XPage which uses the Form as its Data Source. Then I found some good and bad sides about XPages: The Good The Bad 1) It's quite easy to learn how to use XPages, as the UI makes s



Why LAMP is better than Domino

Since the end of life of Notes/Domino 7 is coming in 2011-04-30 according to Ed Brill: End of Life for ND7, it's a good time to review the benefits of the two best Web Database platforms available on the market today: LAMP (=Linux Apache MySQL PHP) and Domino. 1) LAMP database design can be edited with any text editor remotely, even with vi via secure shell (SSH). Domino Designer 7 and Notes 7 work fine, but not Domino Designer 8.5 or Notes 8. Domino Designer 8.5 is written in Java and is thus



Advanced C++ programming

I just had a 3 day course about Advanced C++ programming. It was pretty cool, and I enjoyed every second of it.   I already knew most of the C++ language itself, but I've never taken any course about the different ways of programming, and which way suits best each solution. This was exactly what I wanted to learn, and I feel much more professional now   The course talked about the following things, and we had to write also real C++ code for most of the ways we just learned and compile and




Humankind never had a chance. They came from the skies, like they did before, but this time they were not our gods - they were our fate, or so it seemed. We called them the Anushar, since that was the only thing we knew about them: the name of their leader. A few of us survived, perhaps because we were weak, and didn't appear to be a threat to them. This is where my story begins... Just testing the storyline for the new model I'm getting soon I'm so excited about it and hope tha



Missing Pieces

I have many projects going on, some have been going on for years, some were finished in very short time. When I got all pieces together, then projects are finished in very short time, and when some essential piece is missing, it will keep the project open until... well, until the piece is found.   I was inspired to write this blog, because today I saw many pieces come together. Not just one for one project, but multiple for multiple projects. Actually this wave started already yesterday, and t



Leadwerks Navigator

I had some funny idea again, and started to make Leadwerks Navigator.   It's a simple web page which allows the user to choose different paths and areas of information about Leadwerks Engine. The deeper he navigates and into the more advanced topics he goes, the higher level he gets.   I have no idea how useful this is, or if the Leadwerks web site will be easier to navigate, but at least it's fun to do! :   http://www.siipi.com/leadwerks



Quickr + Domino 8.5.1FP1 = Stable!

Finally I got the newest Quickr version to work together with the newest Domino version.Before the last version update, I was running Quickr and Domino 8.5.1 and it crashed almost daily.Domino left a 0 byte NSD file behind each time it crashed.Now it hasn't crashed once yet.All SNAPPS apps are also installed and working fine.   Source



Something To Do

Add CREATENOW parameter to LEO's Framework::Framework() and Engine::Engine(). Expand hybrid fpscontroller2.lua example Also try to split it into universally reusable thingoids [*]Make some cool dungeon with 3DWS [*]Write a short tutorial how to create a distributable game (including built-in C++ RunTime) Include a game launcher and updater in the tutorial [*]Write also a mini game while doing the tutorial [*]Try to get a ragdoll physics character controller working [*]It could be



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