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Everything posted by L B

  1. There are more settings to bloom than just a decimal number. This feature comes back to Betke's most requested feature, sliders for post-processing effects. +over 9000.
  2. What can I say - I'm stomped. For once, I would have said the exact same thing. If this is in LE3, I'll roll on the floor crying of joy. Oh wait - My 2 cents would be a river editor / multiple water planes and streamed terrain (but this is already planned).
  3. I don't have MSVC# right now, but I think this would be valid: class Foo { int Test() { ... } new string Test() { ... } }
  4. In C#/a bit pseudo because my memory's off, it would go like that: if (Mouse.I**** && Raycasting.Pick(ScreenPosition.Center) == player.Children["head"]) { Model headShot = Model.Load("abstract::Head-Shot.gmf"); headShot.Position = player.Position; player.Children["head"].Hide(); }
  5. class A { int Test() { ... } } class B : A { new string Test() { ... } } I guess C# now is a real programming language as well.
  6. Can't find the link to set it up in C++ or another language. Any example?
  7. You will need 2010 for the .NET 4.0 features anyway.
  8. I'll post my screenshots instead of the gallery though, to avoid spamming it. Like it or not, it will have a node editor, but it will have other mechanisms as well. Then again, if you don't like it, don't buy it. There seems to be some kind of mentality across this forum that I'm taking the money out of your pocket by force.
  9. You're right. Link removed, topic closed. I'll stop talking about Middlewerks until I have a decent preview to show you all.
  10. VeTaL said he would because he needed conversion now. I'm in no way trying to force you into buying it. Just wait
  11. If you want to pre-order, send me a PM and I'll arrange the details for a beta version.
  12. The reason why there is no downloadable version is that I'm not used yet to key/time restricting applications, and I need the benefits from Middlewerks to fund my game. I'll try to see if I can whip something downloadable for you guys. Meanwhile, you can be sure I won't drop it, because I want to use it myself.
  13. Heh, turns out headers will exist. Although I might still wrap it.
  14. So am I. I spend all my free time developing it, although it's long and I don't get much positive feedback, or constructive criticism/ideas for that matter. Feel free to add me on MSN if you want more frequent updates.
  15. I hate the in-parenthesis spaces coding style. Some people find it clean, it just gives me shivers. Besides, wait until you create a GDK window - it's about 3 times that amount of code.
  16. @Tyler: Let's fix these callbacks and delegates tonight.
  17. Why don't you pass 3 floats and make the shader create a Vec3 from it?
  18. L B

    River Editor

    Is it for sale?
  19. Get used to it, no one likes to wait on Werkspace. Besides, as he said, the license is forever "valid", meaning you will have the permanent right to use the engine. As the EULA states however, the warranty period lasts 30 days, in which you will be able to obtain a refund in case of a software defect, but not if you actually "don't need it anymore". This warranty is only valid in the U.S. That said, one thing has to be mentioned: I don't think anyone ever used the refund. Heck, I think most people would rather upgrade their computer to run the engine instead. Have fun with the engine and welcome to the community
  20. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    emitter.World = Framework.Layers.Transparency.World; That will only work in C# though. Don't expect it in another language.
  21. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    emitter.Material = Material.Load("abstract::leaf.mat");
  22. L B

    Week 3

    Client prediction is a must, although I don't know if it's up to the engine to handle it. I would surely like it though.
  23. You could simply change the "Material" property of the emitter, in the editor. Replace it with an alpha-test leaf material with your texture on it. Voilà.
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