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Everything posted by Russell

  1. Ok, so I don't know how to use it in Leadwerks... That's where I have the TEX file that I would need to convert back to PNG.
  2. I have lost a *.PSD (corrupted file) that I used to generate and change the hair texture of some models. And unfortunately I don't keep the exported PNG to try to recover a provisional version. Is there any way to convert a *.TEX file with transparency from Leadwerks into a PNG also with transparency? I want change a blonde hair to red one, but without the psd with the texturemap i can't do it... Thank you in advance 🙂🙂🙂🙂
  3. Modeled a basic version of the "Gasolino de Erandio" boat that allows us to cross the estuary when needed.
  4. Hibrid model of "Metro Bilbao" and "Euskotren" made with Sketchup and imported to FotoMuseo 3D with Leadwerks. There is still a lot of 3D modeling work left in this, but i'm happy. The idea is (besides taking a break from creating our protagonist's dialogues) to use this train to visit the 2nd Expo at the Museum.
  5. Yeah!!! +1 For this reason in my Spider Web i don't use entities those i will change/eliminate their functions in a future... If I lose the connections in the entities, I'd go crazy redoing them...
  6. Zoom feature will be nice to make Flowgraph tool better... 🙂 A zoom system that makes it easier for us to move throughout the entire flowgraph.
  7. SUPAIDAMAN!!! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Leadwerks FLOWGRAPH from the TUTORIAL LEVEL in my game... It's a Spiderman web... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. I know this thread is old. Sorry to get it back. But I'm happy to have it here... Today it has happened to me again in another of the maps of my game, after develop the security camera system, the hud images have become translucent: I didn't remember how to fix it. But after review the thread and review the original code for the Diving Goggles and adding 2 lines: context:SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) This solves the problem... I know the problem is how i'm using the PostRender function in my lua scripts, but anyway i'm happy to have the solution here on the forum. After 2 years, I had completely forgotten the solution that I managed to find to solve my particular case. 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
  9. I found 1.2 and a project example on my computer too. I'm not sure I've tapped into the full potential of this. FlowGUI_1.2.zip flowgui-example.zip
  10. Outdoor area In the 2ºExpo of FotoMuseo 3D with the road crossing the train tracks 3 times. For now there are only 3 accessible buildings in the map, and a virtual tour in a rustic boat.

    © Russell Variedalia

  11. Only accessible through a Kinton-type cloud and a couple of previous puzzles.

    © Russell Variedalia

  12. Thanks to HavenPhillip's Noob Shaders I have been able to create the effect of fog on the floor of this secret area of FotoMuseo 3D. A few weeks ago, I asked permission on the forum to post the nicknames and avatar images of people in the community who have helped me a lot. This map with HavenPhillip's cup (I'm still modeling it on 3DS) is the start of all those secret and thank you areas. Everything we do in this area will unlock new areas on the game maps.

    © Russell Variedalia

  13. Beginning of development of Acknowledgments Map zones. In this secret area (unlockable after a couple of puzzles) will appear the first tribute cup to the Leadwerks community dedicated to HavenPhillip. The grass in this screenshot, and the mist on the ground in the next, were made possible by HavenPhillip's NOOB SHADERS. I haven't decided yet if the cup will be inside that building after opening the door, or levitating outside with those levitating custom Dragon Balls. XD

    © Russell Variedalia

  14. Greetings fellow Leadwerks / UltraEngine forum members! I wanted to write this post in the forum (I hope I have not made the wrong thread) to ask you a question that I would like you to tell/answer me if you think it's a good or a bad idea. Every day I'm falling more in love with Leadwerks and its tremendous and gigantic potential for work. And every day I spend on the forum, I learn a lot from each and every one of the members. Thanks to the resolution of doubts (mine and other people) in the forum, my little game FotoMuseo 3D continues growing in content. Little puzzles, secrets to explore, etc... Many of these contents, I would not have been able to develop them without your help, since I get saturated very quickly "chopping" code programming without visual references. And this is where my question comes in... I'm creating a map... A small corner with a puzzle where to place various trophies of gratitude. Each trophy is a thank you to different people who have contributed to solving problems with very specific parts of the development of FotoMuseo 3D. I am creating the trophies with an inscription of thanks and I would like to put the AVATAR + the NICK of the person to whom I thank something specific. Would it be possible to put your avatars and nicknames recorded on the trophies? If the idea of using avatars bothers you, could you just put your nicknames? The other day browsing the forum looking for specific things, I discovered Havenphillip's Shaders blog. It's wonderfull and I have subscribed to it. And I've realized that I have a lot to thank the forum for... - The music of @Eric Matyas... - @shadmar's incredible works... - @Joshs endless/inexhaustible support... - The newly discovered @havenphillip "noob shaders". I love them!! - All the support of the forum in my queries, @Thirsty Panther, @gamecreator, @Yue, @Marcousik, @Angelwolf, @DoomSlayer, @Slastraf, large etc... I have realized that I have a lot to be thankful for, and a simple mention or attribution of the works falls very short for me... So I would like to do something more special, something that we could explore or walk through different rooms or open and natural spaces... But I'll understand that not everyone likes my idea of using his avatar image with his nickname in a game accessible to the public... I will post screenshots of the attribution/recognition map here in the forum as I develop them. Many thanks team.
  15. Many many many many many many thanks Yue!!! This finally works for me!!! It works perfectly for me, and finally knowing why something so simple with the camera was giving me so many problems, now I can implement the puzzles and ideas I had for my project!! I've tried to solve it lot of times by code and I haven't been able to!! Thank you very much!! Me acabas de hacer un hijo de madera!!!!!!
  16. De put* madre!!! Muchísimas gracias!!! Many thanks!!!! I had been trying to solve it with code for a long time, and I have not been able to even use the Leadwerks wiki with the example render target that comes there. For a **** like that and I was going crazy!! This afternoon I will try to implement it in my project, and finally I will be able to create the puzzles I had in mind for FotoMuseo 3D on Steam... From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!
  17. With my uploaded project, if you publish the "Prueba4" like a STANDALONE game, can you see there running the standalone game (out of leadwerks) what is the camera projecting on the box???
  18. Here. https://www.jonatanfoto.com/descargas/Project_Test4.rar Many Thanks Josh!!
  19. This is the project Uploaded: https://www.jonatanfoto.com/descargas/Project_Test4.rar And this is the Exported PUBLISHED STANDALONE test game: https://www.jonatanfoto.com/descargas/TestCamera_prueba4.rar If you execute it, can you see if the camera image is projected on the box??
  20. I have run LEADWERKS on 2 different computers to discard a problem on my work computer. But the same thing happens on 2 different computers.
  21. This is my bluegrid texture: Anyway, I have tested the TARGET TEXTURE with another diffuse texture in my Leadwerks and the results are the same. The camera projects ok images running the game from LEADWERKS, but when i export the game with PUBLISH / STANDALONE game, the camera images doesn't appears on the wall being possible to see the texture instead of the camera image.
  22. Many thanks!! But Nope... In the second screenshot i've shown you the bluegrid texture is correctly shown in the box... Mi BLUEGRID.TEX is in the DATA.ZIP inside the PUBLISHED game, check this screenshot: The texture is correctly exported and inside of data.zip. More ideas? Thank you very much.
  23. Greetings!!! It's been many months since the last time I've worked with Leadwerks, the same months since I've been here. I hope you are all OK. This week I have resumed my project, and I have come face to face with a problem that I still cannot solve in my Leadwerks. And this is the using of "Render Target" in the Camera entity. Inside Leadwerks it works great, and the camera image renders fine when running the game. But publishing/exporting the game in a Standalone, when I run it the texture doesn't receive the image projected by the camera. I've kept searching on Google and here on the forum, and I still can't find an answer to my problem. Can someone help me, because I can't fix this problem that seems so simple... I've been dragging it for very long time and I'm not capable of making this work in Standalone. Many thanks!! Many thanks in advance!!
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