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Posts posted by flachdrache

  1. Not sure if many have played with that before but it would be a good feature demo for LE!


    Well, basically you guys team up to build a techdemo which is kind of the game i spend somewhat a year in manhours to plan, prepare and code ... awesome. :D

  2. Well, awesome :) ... I´ll be back shortly with a.i. since i had to "redesign" or better rethink my camera/input approach before putting too much energy into going a possibly wrong direction. Looking forward ... have fun.

  3. Hey,

    i like to showcase something slightly different this time ... e.g. everything.

    Well, not really "everything" but a good bunch of my world and character model art-assets.


    Look at my .sig. or go straight to devmex.com - hope you like. More to come ...


    PS :

    you can find more about 'this' & 'my' projects AT by blog.



    Oh, i dont offer gmf just yet because than i would need to fulfill requests of other gamemodel formats too -

    i tested the 2.31 and 2.5 tools to process fbx files (i have all my models in gmf) without failure however.


    thanks for reading :--)

  4. owww bummer - tiles might match but its seams like the wave calculation is not tilable but iam no expert either ... you might can interpolate vertex.y like in the curve function ?!


    You can use a simple linepick from above to below waterpatch to place stuff at the intersecting point - however, sice the sender knows nothing about the receiver and the receiver usually doesnt care about any stuff the sender might tries to archive the user in question might have to come up with its own kind of filter to get rid of failures forwarded into space by the sender.


    Ps :

    there was a (very) early preview of sea waves [in] le3d which appearance a little more realistic, however afaik

  5. Here is my "openwater_low" lua w.i.p. script - you most likely want to use SetShaderVec4 in le2.5+, however.

    It lets the user choose a model to draw the effect on ... not sure how instance safe it is though ...


    local class=CreateClass(...)
    function class:InitDialog(grid)
    group1 = grid:AddGroup("Model")
    group1:AddProperty("usemodel", PROPERTY_FILE, "GMF Files (*.gmf):gmf", "Model File", "Model Files")
    group1:AddProperty("waterdepth", PROPERTY_FLOAT, "2|0.0,20","Water depth")
    group1:AddProperty("depthcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"176,176,227,89","Water Depth color")
    group1:AddProperty("fogcolor",PROPERTY_COLOR,"99,99,130,32","Water Fog color")
    group1:AddProperty("fogrange",PROPERTY_VEC2,"","Water Fog range")
    group1:AddProperty("ambientintensity", PROPERTY_FLOAT, "2|0.0,4","Intensity")
    function class:CreateObject(model)
    local object = self.super:CreateObject(model)
    object.model = model
     object.waterdepth = 6.0
    object.fogcolor   = Vec4(0.39, 0.39, 0.51, .125)
     object.fogrange   = Vec2(0.0, 400.0)
    object.depthcolor = Vec4(0.69, 0.69, 0.89, .35)
     object.ambientintensity = 1.0
     --Use the invisible material so the model is not visible, but can still be picked
    object.model:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::invisible.mat"), 0)
    function object:SetKey(key,value)
     if key=="usemodel" then
      if fw~=nil then
    	-- does leak into other instances (one shader instance)
    	if self.useModel == nil then
    	  self.useModel = LoadMesh("abstract::"..value )  
    if self.useModel ~= nil then
     elseif key=="fogcolor" then
      if r==nil then r=255 end
      if g==nil then g=255 end
      if b==nil then b=255 end
      if a==nil then a=255 end
      self.fogcolor = Vec4(r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0,a/255.0)
     elseif key=="fogrange" then
     elseif key=="depthcolor" then
      if r==nil then r=255 end
      if g==nil then g=255 end
      if b==nil then b=255 end
      if a==nil then a=255 end
      self.depthcolor = Vec4(r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0,a/255.0)
    elseif key=="ambientintensity" then
      self.ambientintensity = tonumber(value)
    elseif key=="waterdepth" then
      self.waterdepth = tonumber(value)
      return self.super:SetKey(key,value)
     return 1
    function object:GetKey(key,value)
     if key=='fogcolor' then
      return (self.fogcolor.x*255.0)..','..(self.fogcolor.y*255.0)..','..(self.fogcolor.z*255.0)..','..(self.fogcolor.w*255.0)
     elseif key=="fogrange" then
      return self.fogrange.x..","..self.fogrange.y
     elseif key=='depthcolor' then
      return (self.depthcolor.x*255.0)..','..(self.depthcolor.y*255.0)..','..(self.depthcolor.z*255.0)..','..(self.depthcolor.w*255.0)
     elseif key=='ambientintensity' then
      return self.ambientintensity
     elseif key=='waterdepth' then
      return self.waterdepth
     elseif key=='usemodel' then
      return self.useModel
      return self.super:GetKey(key,value)
     return value
    function object:Refresh()
     if fw~=nil then
      local mat=LoadMaterial("abstract::effect_oceanplane_low.mat")
      local shader=GetMaterialShader(mat)
      SetShaderFloat(shader,"waterdepth", self.waterdepth)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fogcolorr",self.fogcolor.x)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fogcolorg",self.fogcolor.y)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fogcolorb",self.fogcolor.z)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fogcolora",self.fogcolor.w)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fograngex",self.fogrange.x)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "fograngey",self.fogrange.y)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "depthcolorr",self.depthcolor.x)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "depthcolorg",self.depthcolor.y)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "depthcolorb",self.depthcolor.z)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "depthcolora",self.depthcolor.w)
      SetShaderFloat(shader, "lightambient",self.ambientintensity)
      --Use the invisible material and hide the model
      self.model:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::invisible.mat"), 0)
      if self.useModel ~= nil then
      --Switch back to the main world
    function object:UpdateMatrix()
     if fw~=nil then
      if object.useModel ~= nil then
    function object:UnlockKeys()
    function object:Free(model)
     local model,entity
     for model,entity in pairs(self.class.instances) do
      if entity~=self then
     if self.useModel ~= nil then
     --Notify("Inside free")



    i think it would be a good idea to have "effect_ambient" and "effect_sundirection" as a global with the dynamic "night&day" emitting these shader values but couldnt take a look into it further.



    • Upvote 1
  6. erm ... dont use example code i am posting while figuring stuff out myself huh.png - in that matter do we talk about throwing a physics controller into the scene while still loading the map (the latest bit i posted) or using appspeed to equalise framerates.


    1. load the gamedata / map, force pause screen and let the player enter/spawn into a stable environment.


    2. use VsyncOn and live with the 60 fps or cap the frames yourself (timebased rendering vs. framebased).


    Dont take every bit as granted - we all work from different preconditions ... imho.

  7. The releases so far do kind of puzzle me ... i could run all builds with your first release never going out of "fade_screen" however.


    I suggest to go two steps back and dont complicate things for starters. Build samples for features, get into app design and assemble it into smaller builds till you tackle your game code as such.




    Could be just "Graphics(Width,Height,fullscreen);" with a const int fullscreen = 32; or not.

    You have two "noise.dll" in your shader.pak - causing errors or white halos at least.


    For the AppSpeed() issues i suggest to simply spawn 200+ dynamic objects to let them tear down your fps -

    the old sample map for the gameLib had a pyramid of of bodys for that matter. In my case its the other way around

    and i simply can use a 640x480 resolution to get 120+ fps while i usually have my inGame scenes at ~60 fps.


    Now the evil part - as a developer, i usually do not download .exe files because its a sample/test build i do, however.

    1. put a "build.txt" or something in the zip with a date and some keyboard settings at least !

    2. your "config your screenRes from console build" (see what i mean with build.txt) somewhat archives its settings !

    3. the build before (which all other couldnt run) was stable at 29 - 32 fps - the "consoleRes" version jumps back to initial spawn position now and then which i cant track down to issue ...


    the later two are most evil because its bad behaviour imho ... a crash could be tracked down, some strange behavior just looks like bad hacking. wink.png Even worse would it be to save random config files into the path of random user profiles (who ever is in charge by the time of execution) or to install additional software secretly in the background, however ... avoid that.


    Sys spec`s are in my sig, hth.


    [edit] : ... and dont listen to Mumbles, she`s experimenting a lot with all kinds of strange systems. wink.png

  8. FYI :


    Because its not quickload but scene change i dont know if clearing the world will do ... or what happens with the data if its memory isnt free`d.


    that is from some lua engine.exe fps-sample


    if KeyHit(KEY_F1)==1 then
       g_playerstart = nil	 
       g_playerstart = scene:FindChild("playerstart")
    if KeyHit(KEY_F2)==1 then
       g_playerstart = nil	 
       g_playerstart = scene:FindChild("playerstart")


    ... which works because of the differance of who`s client<>host.

  9. Hi, i want to convert my sceneLoader C source to c++ and hit a wall with retrieving the lua state for using its transparency script settings ... this is/should all be frameWork.


    The entities in question are not handled within ProcessScene(), are the usual suspects firepit, waterplane and the atmosphere but loading fine first time around.


    from the engine.log

    Loading script "c:/devlab01/le23sample/vs2008_proto_arena_01/media/engine/models/props/firepit/firepit.lua"...
    Lua error: c:/devlab01/le23sample/vs2008_proto_arena_01/media/engine/models/props/firepit/firepit.lua:25: attempt to index field 'transparency' (a nil value)


    I init lua like this :

    // --
    // Set Lua framework object	  
    SetGlobalObject( "fw", fw );
    // Set Lua framework variable	  
    BP lua = GetLuaState();	  
    lua_pushobject( lua, fw );	  
    lua_setglobal( lua, "fw" );	  
    lua_pop( lua, 1 );
    // ...


    i brute force reLoading in the main loop like this :

      // --
      // Prepare App for new sceneLoad
      if( KeyHit(KEY_F5) )
    			fw = CreateFramework();
    // Set Lua framework object	  
    SetGlobalObject( "fw", fw );
    // GfxSetup
    // --
    SetBloom( true );
    SetHDR( true );
    SetGodRays( false);
    SetSSAO( false );
    SetAntialias( true );
    // --
    // recreate layer_world for new framework
    TLayer _layer_main;
    TLayer _layer_background;
    TLayer _layer_transparency;
    _layer_main = GetFrameworkLayer(0);
    _layer_background = GetFrameworkLayer(-1);
    _layer_transparency = GetFrameworkLayer(1);
    // Set its global vars for lua ...
    SetGlobalObject ("main.world", _layer_main );
    SetGlobalObject ("transparency.world", _layer_transparency );
    SetGlobalObject ("background.world", _layer_background );
    playerIndex01.SetCamera( GetLayerCamera(_layer_main) );
    // --
    scene.Load( "abstract::SceneParaTropique_GTownCamp.sbx" );
    // add camera from scene
    PositionEntity( playerIndex01.GetCamera(), scene.GetCameraPos() );	  
    RotateEntity( playerIndex01.GetCamera(), scene.GetCameraRot() );
    // add controller from scene camera
    PositionEntity( playerIndex01.GetPlayer(), scene.GetCameraPos() );


    As you can see i even tried to pass framework layers with "SetGlobalObject" - however, i just want to assign/get the previous lua state back to use fw.transparency etc ...


    hint&help appreciated

  10. If generating a navgraph one usually removes non-valid edges between nodes in a post step e.g. if a node is inside a entity aabb remove the node or if node A cant see node B ( blocked by a wall ) dont link these nodes ( north-west-south-east ). MG had something implemented for dynamic obstacles - i dont know how he solved that, however.

  11. I tidy up some of my stuff and realise that 2.5 is somewhat falling behind earlier releases in terms of included content or does contain slight outdated material ... since josh got his head running leadwerks3D smile.png - i like to suggest to make it a little easier for him maintaining future (final ?!) builds of leadwerks 2.x and have the community find those loose ends.



    -the light fixture "Hanginglight" seams to be no longer a physical object

    -the switch shader "switch.frag" is missing the normalmap slot


    ... thats how it appears to me at least - there is possible more.


    Ill start and add the missing shader line to the bug tracker.


    thx for reading


    [edit] - forget the "switch.frag" - seams to be fixed already. rolleyes.gif

  12. Leadwerks has a "custombuffer" - i used to render le`s framework to a custom openGL context but the upload got lost during the forum database mismatch some time ago.


    PS: "fallthrough" was suggested by using librocket`s "spacegame" demo.

  13. Dont post try out code if you got the source.

    I pointed out that the dll is picky about its file paths (material, dll, video path).

    It could be anything from your description ... even more so with the "try out" code. biggrin.png


    put the video in the root e.g. same level as the scripts folder and work from a sample which only is there to get that thing done - no other stuff in its way.

  14. iirc the lib was added by request and niosop just provided the tools.


    How can I fix this?


    You fix it by integrating your video surface with given sample. ph34r.png

    Take care about the "video.mat", the dll path and the cleanup when the surface isnt needed anymore.


    CreateMaterial aint in for an abstract path in that case afaik.


    Ps :

    You seam to be something else then just lazy if you choose an image above the good old code tags.

    If i would need to point out what you might do wrong - i would need to rewrite your code


    people these days. rolleyes.gif

  15. right - no sign of an eula is strange ...

    on the other hand, i did put up a lot of art assets as a starter w/o any license myself and since it looks like a students work i wouldnt mind.


    Defending the law is easy - using the internet - would be hard with real world brands ( VW, BMW, Porsche etc. )

    or obviously "extracted" game content though. Game content usualy is obvious because of its well thought-out uv maps etc.


    I write a mail though - once "we can have it" ... can we ?

  16. depends ... with my sheer knowledge of shader programming i would say that one "reflect" beats two instances of "normalize" in terms of speed + processing vertexshaders is basically allways faster as fragmentshader processing but since i dont know what the compiled shader expect to be better, i play it save and say - add the old "cubecoord" instance to your .vert/.frag ... just the "varying vec3 cubecoord;" in the mesh.frag though.


    PS: iam not aware of random changes to some 2.5 shader ( insert funny EvilSmiley here). :D

  17. - second wave on my designDoc`s ( for if people like to read those )

    - finished my online-shop and waiting to get it online

    - meanwhile, ill xtract the script / shader sets i plan to use into its project dirs

    - then ill xport all "final" maps to EKI and "implement" the feature list i have


    I might should / would write the designDoc`s for my online-mafia RPG but the first two parts were quit exhausting ...

    so iam happy to get to the following two.

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