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Posts posted by flachdrache

  1. I worked with version control software before but since iam a single entity i dont use it atm. I guess for source code a shared folder on the main dev pc would work quit well - however, i dont know how .diff files would work in that matter.


    Another thing in terms of a "base game project folder" i would like to read your suggestions about.


    Requesting a change.

    Imaging the following - x numbers of programmers and artist. A programmer working on some part of the sourcebase ( gui, camera, sound etc. ) usually aint in need of reusing source from some other code ( rather write it oneself ). However, as an artist the last beta showed a gangster wearing shades and some more characters shall get the same kind of shades too.


    So, since the model is part of the character it gets extracted and the shade texture goes into a global/sharing ( abstract:: ) folder - only the model needs to be attached to the new bunch of heads.


    The version control gets the folder change and the abstract path does its work - however, the new artist changes the sphere map for reflections and saves the texture w/o mipmaps. The sphere map appears black but its out of fokus of the original artist. No biggie tho but in a cut-scene a piercing should be visible as a hint to a possible murder suspect. Baaaadddddd.


    Which "version control" allows such requests and reports back. Online preferred.


    "thread capture end" :D



  2. iirc is the "ProcessScene" code, you are using, outdated and does not handle terrain entitys ( or waterplanes etc. ) - comment out the very last part which frees nonProcessed ( not marked ) entitys.


    I suggest to use the "gameLib" ( dont know which version for 2.28, however ) since it will keep a lot of trouble away of yours.


    PS : some forum people still using 2.28/2.27, beside the lua enabled, current version.

  3. I was just thinking out loud how practical my approach is by loading floors, walls etc. into a empty dummy model in terms of physics ... ill take another look into it later.


    Dont know whats going on with your material file though. I guess it should be enough to load/create the transparent obejct in the transparency world and just render it like that. Dont know with shader mods atm - one could render the whole inside offscreen i.e. green-screen and copy it over the scene - but again how practical can it be. ;)


    A material unable to receive dir lighting shadows would work too i guess.


    PS : if the material has noDraw=1 but shadows=1 - it is invisible but casts shadows. So, from the outside view it makes no sense to me that the shadows inside the building, casted by light inside the building is not visible from outside.


    It might should be noDraw, shadows, transparent = 1 ... and No iam not aware of a switch like "transparent". :)

  4. Hmmm, going through the scripts i think the conclusion is a exzessive use of the lua "scene definition" - i mean its currently half-baked. ;)

    One could load all the static objects into the "house-object" too and be sparse with physic objects or make them destructible for the player_controller - which means to rewrite/change my approach.


    However, the objective would be pretty much drag & drop then.


    PS : the front material seams to be correct in my script but i dont create the object in the transparency.world - refraction shader showed me. ^^

  5. For the preview i actually planned it that way, that the walls are removed too - where the walls where removed can be seen on the floor but i like the see-through idea. I just test in the editor - how one has to sort the transparency.world outside the editor i can only guess atm.


    Another idea is to just hide the mesh - make it allways ambient_midnight or high noon, so the sun isnt in the way that much. I didnt played many such games ( only jagged alliance and fallout iirc - which are iso ) but i guess they had a lot of such issues in the design to solve.

  6. Here is the lua render - and these are separate model, assembled witin a dummy lua model. In this case its only the roof texture which gets replaced by a glass texture after close enough to the object


    	if fw~=nil then
    		pick2 = CameraPick(camera,Vec3(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2, 25.0),0,0)
    		if pick2~=nil then
    				object.model:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::dirtyglass2.mat"), 1)
    			-- [fixme] rePaint original material ...
    			-- and scale materials alpha value by distance
    			object.model:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::gTown_1_1024.mat"), 1)




    PS : lightmaps could be viewed from outside still.

  7. I experimented ( a lot ) with it - keeping a barely visible roof with no direct lighting


    //but cast shadow


    However, shadows casted in the house aint visible from outside too.


    [edit] changed nodraw commnad

  8. Nice ... :), seams like iam not the only one who has to do some new, unknown stuff on the way - great to see that there are so many different game_types people are working on.


    I like to add a "shoot`em up" and an action-rpg (FPS) to the list then. :D Currently i setup a testApp to experiment with "camera & cutScene" with the hope to archive some knowledge about movie FX.

  9. So, i dont want to know how far it is or whatever - but i would like to know how many people actually are working on a computer game using leadwerks.

    And, if you like to add, which type of game.



    Iam allready aware of the fact that at least three people, working on such, usually aint visiting the forum on a daily basis.

  10. I know that ... the whole ASE terrain thing within E.T. was blender or nothing, since i dont own a copy of 3DStudio. However, some front-ends are simply counterproductive (aint for me since 2.5 though).

    If configuration is simple enough i would happily download such a "configuration/plugIn" but forcing me to have to use this or that, since there is no other solution available, amplifies the possibility that i have to use another counterproductive tool.

  11. glew basically helps to make ARB and EXT gl_extensions available iirc.

    However, you could take a look into the "glext.h" for which extension the "CompressedTexImage2D" command would ask for and implement the extension yourself. There are plenty of tutorials how one would implement FrameBufferObjects etc. - its all the same "basically". :blink:


    imho 3rd party libs are great if not to huge or simply redundant i.e. horrible to write a own openGL renderer w/o such thinks like glew i assume.




    glCompressedTexImage2D (OpenGL 1.3, ARB_texture_compression)

  12. .lib would be great i assume -

    however, that bears another question (iam self learning e.g. not in school) - who would suggest bloodshed using Mingw/GCC 3.4.2 over Ms-EE version(s)? And - is there any differance at all, in terms of which (windows) dlls will be included ?

    Iirc missing dx dll`s are allways debug builds from the SDK (which would need to be provided) and missing windows dll`s are from the windows SDK (if one is using those) ?! Sorry if i miss the point.

  13. Hmmm, thanks for the head up but the child models are actually not needed since i load them into a "dummy" model (the parent).

    However, i guess i cant exclude them from the list of available models.


    I would like to pass "COLLISION_PROP" to the child models, so i can let a small house float in a river but using a pivot might be better anyway.

    I tried "CopyEntityKeys" and such but w/o effect - changing color, hide/unhide gets translated to the child(s), however.


    I guess ill go through your how-to`s and read a little more and see what i can gather, Aggror. :)

  14. Ermmmm - ok, since this will allways be scene collision i added


    object.large01_quad_high_base :SetCollisionType( COLLISION_SCENE, 0 ) 
           object.large01_quad_high_green:SetCollisionType( COLLISION_SCENE, 0 ) 


    and it seams the loaded phy will indeed be used. :)


    However, any takers on the OcclusionCulling part i.e. will the ground level apartment be occluded if the player is on second floor ?

  15. Hi,

    i have some single objects i like to load into a lua class to assemble level geometry.


    The hope here is to let OcclusionCulling remove child parts of the assembled parent (?!) and to be able to "fade out" parts of it by camera distance (top-down or iso-camera).


    The single objects do have an offset relative to each other, so itll fit well together.


    As far as i understand, i do need to write an update function to roatate/position the model in one piece (using a dummy model as parent).


    That works quit well -

    The issue now is (with my current code) that the loadModel does load the correct phy objects, though - but the physic keys, i set on the parent (dummy) model, aint

    passed to the child object(s).


    function class:CreateObject(model)
           local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
           --Load all the parts for the models
           --parent all parts to form the model
    --object handling will now be performed relative to its parent
    object.large02_quad_high_base:SetPosition(object.model.position, 1)
    object.large02_quad_high_base:SetRotation(object.model.position, 1)
    object.large02_quad_high_green:SetPosition(object.model.position, 1)
    object.large02_quad_high_green:SetRotation(object.model.position, 1)
           function object:Collision(entity,position,normal,force,speed)
    function object:Update()
    	object.large02_quad_high_base:SetPosition(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1)
    	object.large02_quad_high_base:SetRotation(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1)
    	object.large02_quad_high_green:SetPosition(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1)
    	object.large02_quad_high_green:SetRotation(object.model:GetPosition(0), 1)
           function object:Free(model)


    How do i get physics interaction on the child models ?

  16. I posted before in the other topic about saving ( meaningless info about save 1,2,3 in a row :) - atm i guess you possibly overlooked some files during an update or (in this matter) the update of terrain informations, like the position of foliage (for its billboards), aint happened well or not at all.

  17. thx guys - makes me think of a more cinematic approach iam just playing with atm. :lol:

    Instead of just hiding stuff top-down, i could track in which area the current alter-ego is and hide whats on the list to be hidden.

    Maybe even provide both, a camera pivot for the controller in question for the action sequence and a "outside" iso-perspective for the turns -

    way better then my initial idea of a "model viewer".

  18. Hi,

    iam trying to figure out the best possible approach how to "reveal" (make visible) fighting NPC`s or bot`s in an "RTS" game.


    Lets assume we have a game like the old fallout (round based with action budged) - some comrades are on ground level but some allready entered the staircase to first-floor.

    If we now circle the camera around the building`s center - how to blend-out the building floor-by-floor?


    The building might be allready separated in groundfloor, groundfloor-walls etc.

    so, In LUA i might would load the building floor-by-floor and jump from pivot-to-pivot vertically while using show/hide.


    How would other, solid ways to handle such look like ?


    Iam interested in all kinds of ideas.


    tia, JT

  19. Its everything the same basically - so you could wade through tutorials about Worldcraft, UnrealEd and/or the qRadiant (the more early though).

    The real advantage you might gain, is how one has to processes the world model(s) and thats something which can only be "figured out" by the time you (can) spend with it.

  20. Coming from the modding-community i know exactly what its like to "stand-alone" - all i can say, right now, is that we have something in the making to support independent game development or self-learning hobbyists.




    You might notice that these are ******* twins and incorporating an .org domain ... and that my origin is located in the realms of "game" artwork. :mellow:


    However, iam currently moving and my "real-life" work comes first, "free" support comes second but i have art-assets to be released on the market, with a reasonable pricing model. With that being said, ill take care that releasing supportive work (which comes with source) aint getting in the way of ones business interests - which means [somewhat] restrictive licensing for the "free" content.

  21. great,

    thx for sharing. :)



    FYI - need to change for le 2.31


    local class=CreateClass(...)
    function class:InitDialog(grid)
    group=grid:FindGroup( "Appearance" )
    group:AddProperty("castshadows",PROPERTY_CHOICE,"Disabled,Dynamic,Static,Dynamic + Static,Dynamic + Static + Buffered","Cast shadows")	
    group:AddProperty("shadowresolution",PROPERTY_CHOICE,"256,512,1024,2048","Shadow resolution")
    group:AddProperty("linearoffset",PROPERTY_FLOAT,"0,1,2","Linear offset")
    group:AddProperty("coneangles",PROPERTY_VEC2,"0,180","Cone angles")
    group:AddProperty("rotationspeed",PROPERTY_VEC3,"Rotation Speed")
    function class:CreateObject(model)
    local object = self.super:CreateObject(model)
    local lampPivot = CreatePivot()
    --MoveEntity(lampPivot, EntityPosition(object.model))
    EntityParent(lampPivot, object.model, 0)
    object.light=CreateSpotLight(5, lampPivot)	
    function object:SetKey(key,value)
    	if key=="shadowresolution" then
    		if value=="0" then
    		elseif value=="1" then
    		elseif value=="2" then
    		elseif value=="3" then
    	elseif key=="castshadows" then
    		local mode=tonumber(value)
    		if mode==0 then
    		elseif mode==1 then
    		elseif mode==2 then
    		elseif mode==3 then
    		elseif mode==4
    			then self.light:SetShadowMode(7)
    	elseif key=="coneangles" then
    		local angles=StringToVec2(value)
    		self.light:SetConeAngles( angles.x, angles.y )
    	elseif key=="range" then
    	elseif key=="castshadows" then
    	--	local mode=tonumber(value)--+4
    	--	self.model:SetShadowMode(mode,1)
    	elseif key=="multoffset" then
    	elseif key=="linearoffset" then
    	elseif key=="rotationspeed" then
                           self.rotationspeed = StringToVec3(value)
    		return self.super:SetKey(key,value)
    	return 1
    function object:GetKey(key,value)
    	if key=="linearoffset" then
    		return self.light:GetShadowOffset(0,0)
    	elseif key=="castshadows" then
    		local mode=self.light:GetShadowMode()
    		if mode==0 then
    			return 0
    		elseif mode==1 then
    			return 1
    		elseif mode==2 then
    			return 3
    		elseif mode==3 then
    			return 3
    		elseif mode==7 then
    			return 4
    	elseif key=="multoffset" then
    		return self.light:GetShadowOffset(1,0)
    	elseif key=="coneangles" then
    		return self.light.innerconeangle..","..self.light.outerconeangle
    	elseif key=="shadowresolution" then
    		if resolution==256 then
    			return 0
    		elseif resolution==512 then
    			return 1
    		elseif resolution==1024 then
    			return 2	
    		elseif resolution==2048 then
    			return 3
    			return -1
    	elseif key=="range" then
    		return self.light:GetRange()
    		return self.super:GetKey(key,value)
    	return value
    function object:Update() -- Le 2.32 uses Draw() ?!

  22. Or do it the other way around -


    .pick random surfaces in camera view

    .if it hits the skybox/skysphere while shooting up

    .allow a raindrop fall at that target pos

    .if raindrop is done spawn a decal at picket target


    could be any surface even npcs ( ignoring different worlds atm though ).

    with a "solid" system this could be used for ricochets, lightning strikes etc.


    [edit] ... n/a

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