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Posts posted by flachdrache

  1. Le`s gmf just looks for material names like "theWild_door2Clean" doesnt matters if bmp or dds ( or some other 3dws supported ) -

    however, dds alpha channels will show up as transparent, so it might be wise to keep the dds files in the leadwerks project and just use jpg within 3dws.


    Before i start to texture my level geometry i paint every surface with a invisible.jpg, with the hope that ill get no unwanted/overlooked surfaces casting shadows.


    There is a secret i cant share atm though - basically i can output hundreds of highres textures a day. ;)

  2. @ Eagle - i observed you name showed up in the old forum so i just wrote UU3D. ;)


    Actually there is not much too it atm.


    3dws Units to Le Units :
    exported from world studio and * 0.0078125 for Le (1:1)
    exported from world studio and * 0.0156250 for Le (1:0.5) etc.
    export [b]to[/b] 3D world Studio : use le world size (metric) inside UU3D and *64.00 before exporting.
    scale at UU3D world`s origin.

  3. Ill post up my arch_pipeline with 3dws in my blog soon.

    Currently i use export to dbo/b3d, untriangulate ( maybe for collision mesh, dont know just yet ) and export to gmf within UU3D.

    The scaling was something i needed to figure out, plus b3d keeps everything intact so i dont export 'straight' with 3dw2gmf.exe.

  4. Hmmm, the cubemap faces are fine. Replace to


    CameraProjMode(camera, 0)
    PositionEntity(cubecamera, camera.position)
    CameraProjMode(cubecamera, 1)


    its the upload through the material pipeline which isnt working as aspected.

    i.e. "SetShader(GetMaterialShader(mesh.material))" might be a little to lazy. :huh:


    PS: Hmmm, so we have to sphere map, the opposite direction that we are looking, to the mesh, through the material pipeline and have the cubemap rotate counterclockwise just so that it is not too easy, right ?

  5. I have no idea - at first glance hide/unhide the entity which uses the cubemap but aint doing nothing so does switching materials from invisible.mat to cubemap.mat.

    What i didnt tried is to bind a dummy cubemap in the material and use kind of a FreeTexture before using cubemap.material or a freeBuffer on the cubemap buffers each pass.


    Cant give anymore time on this currently. :)

  6. Oh, this is open for business and not just a demo ?! - lets see with what you can come up then. :)


    I totally vote against any kind of dolphin however.

  7. File Name: win32Class with CustomBuffer

    File Submitter: JTimm

    File Submitted: 16 Jul 2010

    File Category: C/C++ Code


    As promised here is the download link for the source from my "simple-rollingdemo".

    The most interesting part might be the customBuffer and the window class itself.


    filename : Win32GameClass.zip

    release : 07.2010

    topic : Link


    Readme :


    // JTimm 07.2010

    // W32GameClass, a windows class utilising render to CustomBuffer within leadwerks engine.

    // more info see "W32GameClass.txt" and the release topic.


    // PS : did not took the time to make this perfectly standalone.

    // --

    // contains the implementation of

    // Theora (LGPL) by Niosop

    // openAL (LGPL) Audio implementation by paramecij

    // and the leGL tools written by Masterxilo.


    Please report any issues or fixed issues you encounter.




    Click here to download this file

  8. I tried to look into my old x360 projects but the damn usb-stick keeps crashing. Found another one Here. However, in HL2 they use preRendered cubemaps with "samplepoints" along the track which is way cheaper on the hardware. :)

  9. He, i know that shader - a pretty expensive car effect paint. <_< A good bunch of layers ... not just diffuse and cubemap.

    The cheap way is to use a "noise filter" on your specular map

    or to bake the effect onto the diffuse map (missing realtime specular reflections, though) maybe <<blender>> can do ?!




    For the "realtime" reflections - and iam no glsl expert but that sounds expensive.

    Try to find the "Half-Life2_Shading.pdf" - there might be some info about this.


    I would say "fake it" or get an shader expert.

  10. From the shader the EMBM should blend with the diffuse.w (alphachannel) but it seams not to do much.


    just replace the #LW_CUBEMAP in the frag with this


       #ifdef LW_CUBEMAP
       vec3 cubecoord = reflect( normalize( modelvertex.xyz - cameraposition ), normal * gl_NormalMatrix );
    //  diffuse = vec4( textureCube(LW_CUBEMAP,cubecoord).xyz, diffuse.w);
       float lerpvalue = 0.5;
       diffuse = mix(vec4( textureCube(LW_CUBEMAP,cubecoord).xyz, diffuse.w), diffuse, lerpvalue); 


    thats a "temp" solution.

    I do have the same issue with my shaders but only on *_cubemap_skin.vert shaders which seam to be rejected in

    r5 in a whole (special care with the nmat maybe) ... ill take a look into it.


    PS: The diffuse texture should be there no matter what - no need to pass it along with a 2nd "vec4 diftex".


  11. Nope thats the old - pre 2.31 way to do it. Currently this (first post) descibes how-to position/dublicate entitys to a "picked position".

    tbh, control aint doing it with right-mouse button (the arrow just disappears) and written is "click" not "hold + let go" ... sorry for being that picky. harhar

  12. can someone please enlighten me


    -Ctrl key + right click in editor duplicates selection and positions it at the picked position.
    -Ctrl key + left click in editor positions selection at the picked position.


    How does this work e.g. mouse pointer is jumping around but aint picking/positioning stuff. :P



  13. [offtopic]


    In my language "isidisi" means "easygoing" - yet, you keep wetting yourself.


    Here is my straight personal view !

    Iam a very bad guesser.

    I cant say what kind of experiments you are trying and for what reason.

    Plus you are a 2.0SDK user - there possibly where bugs no_one remembers.




    So let this be my last guess on you newbees. :P


    The modelscale should be choosen relative to the world and/or terrain size.


    It might be not wise to (over)scale lights nor to intersect pointlight volumes. -> choose a midway.


    The key here is renderpasses per pixel ( if its the same for a deferred renderer ) e.g. guessing.


    At least provide your system specs so one can exclude driver issues.

  14. are you serious?! :o


    Usually - no :P,

    however if you want speed things up for a first pass i would suggest so. You can preview at different scale and "keep one eye" on the terrain at the same time. For a final, beauty pass you most likely want to

    know every brushstroke anyway - or let people find some "ugly" corner. :)


    better suggestions always welcome, though.

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