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Posts posted by flachdrache

  1. He asked for extending the demo game to be fully functional as his prototype e.g. savegame, inventory, level change and such.


    Imho other things do go past "gamedesign" but are about "game engine design" - in a game you create a camera class to do what its supposed to do ... even if you might give it the option to message a global object to disable terrain shadows IF the camera is in a cut scene - however, a camera class for a game engine might be able to deliver/carry any gameType it might be used for.


    I strongly suggest to build on top of "darkness awaits" e.g. with a inventory / a savegame to display complex tasks within just one game source base - extending it to do other gameTypes might then be up to the user.

  2. I gave a range I felt was broad enough to leave room to make decisions, because a lot of people are expecting me to know the exact future and decide everything on the spur of the moment. There are unknown variables when you are developing software and I'm not prepared to announce the price of software I haven't even started writing.


    There was no word on culling afaik yet - if csg gets sortet into bsp then there might be an option to pre compute pvs [i always wanted to write that]. :D This and easy to use networking ^_^ would be a dream engine imho.

  3. Well, i think you could actually extract a second lightmap for dynamically switching them e.g. if a lightning strikes or the classic "lightstyles" e.g. wave + flickering lights - however, doing the light setup in the lightmapper, exporting the light positions used (for pointlights in le, doing specular highlights) and generally organizing / sorting parts of a model from a level and its lightmaps ... seams to be a tedious and quit annoying workflow imho.

  4. ^ i didnt knew that the demo/evaluation comes with model exporters :/ but if the hierarchy is correct (?) usually only the script can mess things up ... see the "vehicle_viperscout.lua" sample and verify model hierarchy and extern tires.



    use an animated model if possible and controll the speed of the animation instead of physic objects which need to be positioned - wouldnt look right on cars and such but for a helicopter it seams to be more fail save imo.

  5. Right - you just get that many workhours from people before it starts to degrade ... that's why "crunchTime" just works for a week or so.



    afaik or iirc glsl does not scale with the users hardware just like that - the shader need's to be compiled before execution and to be able to do that the engine needs to agree to a version used. That's not openGL thats shading language 100 (version 1.20.8 or something). If you can override that (by rewriting / implementing another shaderversion) i dont know and only josh might can tell.


    ps: thats the short and "sick and tired to spell check" version ...



  6. Thats how "mirrors" work in vampire 2 - its a cubemap shader which renders behind the surface ... thats why you cant see through two windows (the edge).


    Already added / not tested though.


       vec3 cubecoord_ = reflect( normalize(modelvertex.xyz - cameraposition), normal * gl_NormalMatrix );
       vec4 cubemapreflectioncolor = textureCubeLod(LW_CUBEMAP_MIRROR, cubecoord_, 0.0);
       diffuse.xyz = mix(diffuse.xyz, cubemapreflectioncolor.xyz, diffuse.w);

  7. You might dont have a idea how awfull that sounds - at first glance it makes me think that you copy some shader code from a random game and are trying to add it to your game ... the way they implemented it in there game ... thats quit confusing, not very much legal and aint getting you there.


    I most likely would use something like the day/night script shader, load the lense textures + a sun flare, draw the sun flare at the sunPos, get a vector from the screen center to the sunflare and draw the lenses depending on that - then fade the lense texture alpha to full alpha ,if looking at the sunflare ... i dont see a reason to filter these flares however, since the god rays will eat them away and the textures used should be good enough in the first place.

  8. I guess you are alone with this cause its all about how you lay out the structure ...




    thats loosely implemented (like all releated to weapons) - however, i just load the mesh of a character and a controller which are not parent or child of the model but the loaded phy object is a child of the model and can be picked ... if that pick occurs i wander up and down the parent/child relations to send a hit message to the model (ENTITY_MODEL) which handles the animations etc. for the character mesh.


    You most likely want to bind collision spheres to "bone" joints and work with pick.filter

    (handling every pick like i do is pretty bad).

    At the end i will track every character entity because i dont need to know that a pick occurred but which and where a character got hit by raytracing.



  9. Ps :

    while i got you on the topic Rick - i think i merge some of your lua Pi-scripts with my lua based "engine integration". Is there something you would have liked to add to your integration design but didnt found the time to do so ?!


    hope you dont mind ... no offense here. :D

  10. Well, thats what the function name already tells me ....


    define "cycles through every entity" -

    define "AABB is in the AABB" -

    define "the callback" ....


    i guess you can forget it .... i asked many question on the forum and people simply seam to be unable.

    I can deal with starters willing to learn but programmers which cant grasp defined context ... well.

  11. "validPointInEntityBBox" is something i`ll try next - fw.camera does have a aabb but seams to inherit its world aabb e.g. i get strange, view dependant results. However, iam not sure about the algo in general - hence the straight question " what is ForEachEntityInAABBDo " .

  12. Try to Vec3.Zero position/rotation for the bones after positioning the new driver but before parenting them to the bones - in your code something like :


    positionentity LCalfp,entityposition(Lfoot),1
    setbodymass Lfootp,1.0
    entitytype Lfootp,1
    Lfootp.rotation =Vec3{0,0,0}
    Lfootp.position =Vec3{0,0,0}
    entityparent Lfoot,Lfootp


    Ps : this has to happen in the moment the ragdoll becomes valid (set a animation frame and switch to ragdoll)

  13. Iam a gameprogrammer but because iam one of the visual kinds with roots in practical character/world/art design ... writing "logo" is like writing "cheese" ... better you actually define what cheese. If you represent Le3 then i would suggest doing corporate image



    Ps: slanderman got a nice intro video . wink.png

  14. Replace the pentacle with an "A" and your well set. rolleyes.gif A pentacle is just a passage for whatever you call ... usually the spirit of adam & eva, to protect a new born from the evil spirit of lilith which tries to steal & swallow it. It has been drawn on the doorstep to pregnant woman.

  15. There could be much said about "lua and the c++ paradoxon" ... rolleyes.gif all i currently can add is, by being used to work with C gamecode in an complete gameDev environment - the whole process of building a game becomes much clearer. Its not for the programmer to have entitys scriptable or for the artist to have 16 classes of enemy types. The result seams to be working quit well as far as i can read - so, its just about making the right decisions while getting the flow right. Looking forward to a "even fast and better looking gameplay experience". :)


    In a team i would prefer to work with something like mantisbt.

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