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Blog Comments posted by Mumbles

  1. The time control is done a lot less efficiently at the time. I record the position, rotation, velocity and angular momentum in a vector for each object for each frame when its playing forward.

    When its paused, I set physics mode to off and remove all momentum on the object.

    And for rewind, I set objects position, rotation, angular momentum and velocity as its played back in time using a pop on the vector.


    That must take up a ton of memory, storing all that information about so many bodies... Does this happen 60 times per second? Is there a maximum rewind time (for example 10 seconds) Or will it try to save as much as it can until it runs out of memory?

  2. I wish my parents had encouraged my inherent nerdiness so much that they had gotten me a ZX speccy too! But no, I just had a nintendo but we did play Oregon Trail on our Apples at school. So...kind of close...but not really I guess.


    Frag Dolls... isn't that kind of sexist? Can't they just call themselves the Frag Persons instead?


    AAAANYWAYZ :D A girl who likes first person shooters makes a great friend. But I want to marry a Final Fantasy fan :D A Breath of Fire III player? I would worship the ground she walks on.


    As a gaming machine, the British speccy was almost entirely inferior to the American Commodore 64. Speccy had a 3.5 MHz processor (instead of the C64's 1 MHz), and 16K of memory (C64 had ... 64K). Later speccies had 48K and 128K (I, well, 'we' had a 128K machine). Other than that, the C64 totally outclassed it. Better graphics, better sounds, and for games, that's what you want.


    Frag Dolls: Most of them are console gamers, and none of them really stand a chance of winning at QuakeCon (that said, neither do I). A few of them venture on to the PC, But that's only to play WoW... I could slap them for not using their computers to their full potential.


    Halo and MW2 are both FPS games, but you would not catch me playing either of them. You would also never catch me playing Final Fantasy. I watch my brother play the new one, 13 is it? At this point I'm already thinking "Money grab, number 12". The combat looks boring, the story sounds boring. The story is also clearly very poorly thought out, If you can make 12 sequels from one game, I think that says it all... Breath of Fire III - please don't say it's about dragons. Never been one for mythical, fantasy or magic (spells) - Paul Daniels' magic tricks do not count as magic, but I wouldn't want to see them in a game either

  3. Very interesting...though I had thought that girls only cared about edutainment games and tetris clones :D



    I'm wondering if you have ever heard of the frag dolls, although I'm also thinking, everyone knows of them... Maybe most girls are into that sort of game, but I can say I never really played with dolls when I grew up. The ZX speccy was my growing up toy, so you might wonder: Just how girly am I? Answer is, not very...

  4. This is just one of those scenes where you can really feel that you are there. With every update, the feeling of actually being there gets even stronger. I suppose it has something to do with the lighting being just right. It doesn't feel like you are sat in a photographer's studio with lights everywhere, but you can still see some shadows being cast by the limited light in the sky.


    As a small side note though, you now have two blog 09's

    (The other being: "Leadwerks Blog Post 09: The Beginning of the End" on Jul 16 2010 06:19 PM)

  5. They need to get Leadwerks inside of the schools.


    I think that's a bit much... Blitz and DB etc. They work in schools, for teaching basic level programming (although I couldn't even see programming being taught until the sixth form years). Leadwerks though, is not a programming language. It's primarily a graphical command set with support for audio and physical representation. I just can't see that being taught in schools, even at A-level. So for that reason, I can't see that opening up to schools would be a viable option.


    But hey, I'm not Josh, so I'm not going to tell him where he can and can't market his engine

  6. On the basis of upgrades. For those it involved, it appeared to be quite a troublesome process between 2.2 and 2.3. Eventually, I got the idea that due to complications the upgrade was no longer offered. Is 2.4 a paid upgrade? and if so, Is the upgrade only available for 2.3 devleopers, or is it open to all LE 2 developers. And will the upgrade process only be available temporarily?


    Likewise, is it realistic to ask the same question about LE 3? or is that still so far away that you have no idea about the upgrade process / prices?

  7. I guess that doesn't say much for the brand of MB you have


    That's exactly what I was thinking... Any chance of naming and shaming this manufacturer? Just because this was an i7 board doesn't mean it can't happen on any of their Phenom II boards...


    And - oooh, when they find which out little toe rag broke their hammer, his head will suffer the same treatment, you mark my words...

  8. It may just be me, but I generally build a machine which has components that are already 1 - 2 years old, and can make the machine last for another 4 years. I never buy brand new components


    For processors, I bought an AMD Phenom X4 at practically the same time they started to bring out Phenom II's (The socket AM2+ versions. AM3 versions were 2 months later). So I got quite a high-end processor for about £100 (which back in Dec 2008 was probably about $120). There's no need to upgrade that any time soon. And the computer that's actually designed for playing games has an even older processor (Athlon 64 X2 6000+). Again, there's no need to upgrade that either, as more and more processing is done on graphics cards.


    Both my machines are equipped with GeForce 8 series cards, which weren't that new even when I bought them. And they've probably still got a bit of life in them yet (but if I was building today rather than 18 months ago, I'd probably settle with GeForce 9's instead).


    After several problems with hard drives, it's now very clear in my mind. Don't buy anything but Seagate. 80GB or smaller for an OS drive, and 1TB or larger for a storage drive.

  9. Looks quite good actually, probably because there's only one picture, and it doesn't dominate the entire page. All I can think that is maybe missing, is a 'Join Selected' button. Whilst I'm assuming the idea of 'double-click an entry to join it', some people I think would prefer a button. So that way, those that want to double click, can. And those that want to go the slow way, also can.


    But for a test, I might have put fake pings in of around 50 - 100. Not 8000! :lol:

  10. For( Int, i, 1, 10 )


    The comma between the 'int' and the 'i' would start to annoy me after a while. Perhaps because I'm not used to it. But I think even a non-programmer would eventually start to think "I wish I didn't have to put that comma in all the time"

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