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Everything posted by aiaf

  1. This is good is very detailed. I want to explain better the first VR interaction for further reference: ACTIONS: subsection 1 .Player is introduced to VR press the monolith in center of room..Player is free to figure it out and do anything. Trigger that ends this is when he pressed "Input command data" and talk back to the monolith in center room, subsection 2 Monolith gives the first real command: N1 S1 W0 E0 U0 D0 Skiping here the monolith words are very long. PURPOSE: activate the VR computer EFFECT: monolith in center of room gets activated (a humming sound/some red graphic effect) subsection 3 Monolith is online but the self test failed. "Monolith online. Self test failed. This could be solved by a restart command: \n\n N 1 S 1 E 1 W 1 U 1 D 1" PURPOSE: self test failed, restart the VR computer to pass self test EFFECT: some sound that represent the restart, change color on the active effect of the monolith to green, to signify self test passed subsection 4 Monolith is ok he teaches you how to exit vr and tell you to come back at any time All internal subsystems are go. This is the VR room You can control the ship subsystems from here In cryo room there is a red book describing usual commands The command to exit VR:\n N 0 S 0 E 0 W 0 U 2 D 0\n Come back at any time. PURPOSE: exit VR, teach the player about the VR manual EFFECT: some sound when exit VR This end the first VR interaction Most of the above is implemented here is what is missing: active effect on the monolith when self test failed (redish effect + humming noise and some crackling) active effect on the monolith when all test passed (green effect + humming noise smooth) exit vr sound specific sound when executing a command from the terminal I would like to keep the first interaction simple as it is now, its enough info there and a few VR commands. Change failure results to this: SECTION 4 - Unlock Cryo Room Door  LEVEL: [level03] VR Level 1 PURPOSE: Introduces VR type levels. MAIN GOAL: Player should locate cryo room door unlock controls in VR. FAILURES RESULTS:  Falling: Player resets to start position if fall out of level (it has gaps initially). Health Runs Out: Player passes out and exit VR level forcibly returns to cryo room SUCCESS RESULTS: Player exit VR by using the exit command Second interaction with VR: LEVEL: [level03] VR Level 1 PURPOSE: activate some cryo room systems by VR MAIN GOAL: Player performs VR puzzle that activates the health station in cryo room Player performs VR puzzle that unlocks the cryo room door FAILURES RESULTS:  Falling: Player resets to start position if fall out of level (it has gaps initially). Health Runs Out: Player passes out and returns to cryo room, SUCCESS RESULTS: Both puzzles are performed If he does this 3 times and not activate heal station or some other methos from stabilize health section, game over player dies. Can you see if this can be integrated in a ok way with the stabilize health section ?
  2. Sounds good plan, looking forward to see what you come up with. But let's consider not scrapping cryo room for good, it's nice work there and looking good. I vollunteer to bring back later, with some changes, as another room.
  3. Just do it, in the simple dumb way at first.And solve the problems along the way. For fps you will probably need a binary network protocol.But for initial testing just have server/client use strings (csv or json if you want). Probably using Le steam network could be simpler. Some libs you could use c/c++: Asio, SDL_net, POCO Net, libevent. Also i used go lang a couple of times for the server, simpler.
  4. Now using Leadwerks 4.6.
  5. aiaf


    I tried 4.6.There is still the problem with the platforms in level1 and level1a.Aside from that all seem to work ok. I dont know if its leadwerks or the script to blame. Scripts\Objects\Physics\NoGravityWithPhysics.lua is the script , i tried to fix it but no luck.Maybe you can have a look. Well figure a way to solve that platform script problem. I adapted level 1a to not use anymore the platform script, its ok , its become a bit easier this way. I think we should upgrade to 4.6.Waiting for your input , if ok ill make the commit with the new 4.6 binaries/files
  6. How will it work with custom shaders from the user? Suppose they will need to compile them.
  7. aiaf


    That Kairo game looks awesome. Mine resulted as it is because i was thinking abit about mist. There is also a somewhat main quest that start from the right side of the map (you need to explore all pyramids to find bits of the commands from the VR level).The monolith there is the ship AI and explain this somewhat. I have to signal that better for people to go there. Agree, there are some things on the upper level. After you climb the tower first time. the chief robot opens another way to a pyramid so you can get the last part of the VR command, If you spot this you dont have to climb the tower again. You have to talk to all upper level robots to activate the teleporter.They send you to reactivate the generator on lower level (big cubes on the right).After that the chief robot send you to kill a rogue robot on the lower level.And you are open a hidden way to another robot that will give you spell powers (this is not finished yet). Ill try add some more puzzles. They are a bit different they move slightly.But probably is not enough to notice. Still have to tweak some areas that are too hard. I will try to update to 4.6 again.
  8. aiaf


    I can setup waypoints from code and put them in gworld, but if is a simpler way to do from editor im all ears, do tell. I need the first waypoint to be after the player climbs the tower.
  9. Level01a is about exploration and some story. Story wise you enter the dream world (sleep).At the moment its a about a robot society, but could be anything(fantasy setting etc) is a dream. Then somehow the AI can enter too and try to help you, but also the enemy (spheres ? etc) can be there. For now goal is to present to the player some "AI commands" from level 3. General mechanics: Most robots have some text when clicking on them with info of whats going on. Buttons activate things, or teleports. There are 5 special robots.That give you tasks , but i tried to make it such way that player can have choice and ignore them if they want. You can activate a power generator. Also is the monolith model with represents the AI. One robot will give you the spell powers in this level, that will have effects in the ship. Things to do: Activate health command: You uncover this by visiting each pyramid in the lower level ( 2 pads with one number per pyramid). Other unknown command: You get this if you talk with the 3 AI monoliths , on upper level. You can get there by climbing tower or using a teleport Depending on what path you choose. Not finished , i think it needs more interaction , the level beeing so big. This level is not forgiving on the player (maybe annoying), one mistake and you fall and start again ( waypoints needed ?) Climbing the tower is hard for a new player, but i can do that with ease now. I tried to have a strange level, mystery , dont know if i pull it off, probably not . Tell me what you think. To try level Forth.exe +loadlevel 1a
  10. Ok, good. Yes menu, it's meant to run it once with parameter New Game just when changing level. Then you can run normally without parameters to stay on same level and press Continue.
  11. This code is executed when you run as i described: if System:GetProperty("loadlevel")~= "" then os.remove("gworld") System:Print("test: " .. System:GetProperty("loadlevel")) changenextstate = System:GetProperty("loadlevel") end if FileSystem:GetFileType("gworld") == 0 then gworld:setPlayerLocationId(changenextstate) gworld:setPlayerPosition(0,0,0) gworld:setStartPlayerPosition(0,0,0) gworld:setStartPlayerRotation(0, 0) gworld:addIsland("Principium") gworld:addIsland("Secundus") gconf:getSerializer():save(gworld:getData(), "gworld") end do local _={player={1 ... The code deletes the old file. How this 1 gets in there ? when you run with Forth.exe +loadlevel 3. Should be 3. How exactly do you run Forth and add the command line parameter ? What is the value of changenextstate on your machine ? print that variable before this call: gconf:getSerializer():save(gworld:getData(), "gworld") Put a 3 in that file instead of that 1 and run again , will it load the level 3 ? Sorry for insist but this is annoying , cant be cpu architecture related ... its just a file write.
  12. To reproduce press A key. When i call world:FindEntity("BoxA"):Hide() on object with no script attached it crashes with: "attempt to index a nil value" BoxB has some script attached and doesnt have this problem. if (window:KeyHit(Key.A)) then world:FindEntity("BoxA"):Hide() end if (window:KeyHit(Key.B)) then world:FindEntity("BoxB"):Hide() end test.map PS im on 4.5 , didnt test on 4.6 but think is the same problem
  13. Lets verify/debug this a bit im curios, do this steps: delete gworld run Forth.exe +levelload 3 just exit game , dont press anything else Post content of gworld in this thread I want to see the exact content, we using some library that serialize lua tables to disk (https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent) , maybe is a problem there. After this steps , run forth again normally (double click forth.exe) and press continue , it still loads level 1 ?
  14. Looks like you making really good progress with the new engine, Congrats! my plan to finish my game before turbo is released may not work
  15. I added a command line for loading single levels with proper state, for example: Forth.exe +levelload 3 Once is enough to be run , you can run Forth normally after if you want to finish that level. I have some problem with the buttons scripts , it crashes when it try to release sound.Ill see tommorow what is that.
  16. This console and amd/nvidia i find really strange, is not much rendering being done with that console. I dont know how publishing is working, never used it.We could do our own release distribution in worse case. But either way you are right , we will have problems when we get near release , only god knows now what assets are in use at this moment. And btw we have a limitation from bitbucket, has a max 2GB repository size , i noticed recently. We may have to reorganize at some point. Yes there is a way that fully respects states: I will create a game command line option to force load a level , and that command will just overwrite gworld file with the right stuff. At the moment you could be outside level in case you change by hand only the level id. I think this could work. Console doesnt really respect the states at the moment, needs some improvments also.
  17. Yep ,cool stuff. You can change the level like this: changenextstate = LEVEL3_STATE gstate:set(changenextstate) changemapname = "GameMaps/level03/level" Where you get the sounds from ?
  18. Quite nice , this cutscene will happen right after you finish the first level ? , before entering cryo room i suppose ? or on new game ?
  19. Agree. This sounds good but you are totally missing from this what happens with level03 VR and level01a second sleep. In my above post is described what is implemented now in vr level. Vr level is meant to be reusable from different levels , it has commands and must have effects in real ship rooms. - [LEVEL02 - alternate 1] subject 004 falls to floor (physics body or camera path). Fade to black...few seconds of black...fade from black. 004 can now explore room.Computer is malfunctioning and there is some info on some tablets(as you mentioned) that should enter vr to fix it. 004 is severely wounded, Enters vr by pressing some headset (will do this actions inside vr start/restart computer and activate the heal station). After exit from vr (back in level02) 004 crawls towards the heal station and when near it another blackout (fade in/out to black) that loads level01a. Level01a is finished, 004 wakes up near heal station almost dead and use it to heal himself. [LEVEL 02 - alternate 2] The same with what you said in your post. There will be a special real life room in the ship that has a chair and a vr headset. So all initial events with the sphere will not need the vr, will be available later. Second sleep level triggers when you actually go to sleep in a bed somewhere. I dont know.
  20. I think is good as final version also, adds flavor to the room. Let's discuss to figure out order of events: Player must blackout to enter second sleep level. So what will trigger the alarm? It will be before or after blackout? The headset to enter vr will appear after blackout? User must enter vr to input the commands: start/restart computer activate health station Input exit command to come back to cryo room and heal itself.And that finish the vr part for now. What other events you have in mind?
  21. I would like to keep the current way the teleporter works in vr. We can use buttons on the real world levels. If you want to make a better effect for teleport sure.Can you add a demo button in level01a so i see how it works, want to use that to activate an event that will rotate the pillars. Yes, a vr station in real world would be great far better then triggering off the table. At the moment to exit vr you need to input a command , i think we can keep this is consistent with how vr is used. I dont get it , im doing same thing and it works. For some reason the red teleporter doesnt show up on the white background, probably because of the alpha i dont know. Thats why i put some objects behind the teleporters for it to be visible. Its exactly the same emitter from the teleporter with color change.But for my purpose in that level i think it looks good.
  22. Ok ill change it to have only bars running at first and rest only on activation of teleporter.For less aggressive visuals. No need for one shot or timer because of the way the teleports are working, you activate one teleport by mouse over and press e key, I show a reader then show the emitters for that teleport , you are not required to walk in the teleport immediately you can just look at it.Once you pass a teleporter i hide the activated emitters.
  23. Done now , all teleports with particles + activation effect when pressing use. Pretty cool looking.
  24. I think will be using the emitters without the prefab , i setup one of the teleporters for now. I dont have much time this morning.I commited just one set of the emitters, once i get back from work ill finish and make activation only show when wou step through. Looking great.And i plan to use this effect as a one way teleporter in level01a to make the player know what it is.
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