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Posts posted by puki

  1. I still haven't bothered with a horse yet. I just love running everywhere, sniffing about like an over-excited glockenspiel.


    Surely it is a bit bent being on a horse as (I assume) you have to get off it to fight things - then get back on it again to carry on?

  2. I've given up on the mage character - which was a Breton.


    Skyrim suffers from exactly the same problem that The Witcher 2 did for me - you have to keep manual records of the spells that you know because the developers didn't know how to do this within the game. So the problem is this: You find someone selling spells, but the developers couldn't think of a way of indicating which spells you already know - so, you have to leave the trading screen to go to your spells to make a list of them (or make a list of the spells that the trader is selling) and then cross reference them - work out which ones you already have, then go back to the trading screen to buy the spells.


    In a nutshell I can't play a mage - because I just don't want all the faffing about of making my own records. It's annoying when there are dozens of chuffing spells that you have to manually make your own lists of.


    A bow and arrows is just so much easier - it really is.


    I do find this all worrying though - it makes me wonder if any of you would also have no idea of how to resolve the same problem that has blighted (for me) two separate development teams of two separate major RPGs. Is it really that difficult?


    Answers on a postcard.

  3. I started a new mage character.


    I prefer my thief though.


    Magic is okay, but I find it a bit cumbersome and it seems less easy to level it up quickly by simply casting spells like you could in Oblivion. Having a spell in each hand is great though - love it!


    It's just that nothing beats the satisfaction of my thief launching an arrow into the eye of an opponent who is 200 feet away. I just love the sniping ability of the humble bow. True, a mage can snipe with electric spells in a similar way - but, it just isn't as satisfying.


    Skyrim surely is the new "Megan Fox".

  4. I'm level 41 and sniping everything like a silent sausage of stealth.


    One thing that annoys me is that the game doesn't have any kind of rank screen - ie, you cannot see your standings with guilds etc. I find this annoying as I have lost track of what I am doing for the various guilds and factions. With Oblivion it showed your rank/standing.


    I also hate the Miscellaneous section of the quest log - it just doesn't show enough info - ie who set the quest and where, etc. It is almost like Bethesda did not finish logging the quests properly and just decided to shove the unfinished ones into Miscellaneous.


    Still, at least it looks good.

  5. The game is awesome apart from the crummy user interface.


    To give anyone (who doesn't know) an example - your inventory is basically an alphabetical list of item names. I've got used to it now - but I prefer a more traditional RPG UI.


    There's some nice locations and the game world can look stunning at certain times of the day and under certain weather conditions.


    Basically, the game feels *epic* - it just feels huge and that you are a pinprick in that world. I think this one will take months to fully explore - ie not just rush through the main quest line to completion. Quite often with Oblivion I found the speech boring and just wished they would all shut up. I actually love listening to the dialogue in this one.


    I love the fact that perpetual questing is in the game which means that the game will stay alive for as long as you want to play it. No more of this do X amount of limited quests for a guild and, when you have completed them, there is nothing else left to do. The guilds will always have quests - there will always be towns-people somewhere that have a quest.


    The game is definitely a major improvement on Oblivion. It's still not perfect, but I look forward to the next game that will probably slap us in the face in 6 years time. Imagine that people - another six years of hardware advancement, graphical improvement - Oh, we will be in for a treat when they release the next one.


    There are some odd difficulty spikes though - Quite ofen I have found a really tough opponent (like a super-boss creature) in a quest and have resorted to cheating to kill it.

  6. Graphically, I think it is very nice. I am playing on ultra settings with a GTX 260.


    However, the user interface is clumsy and very, very *console*. People will probably hate the UI. It is nothing and I mean NOTHING like Oblivion's UI - you have been warned.


    I think I will probably get used to the UI - but, it kind of sucks.


    Another grumblng point is there is no manual yet with the Steam version (that I have found) - yet the Readme file has amendments to the manual.


    All-in-all, the graphics are winning me over.

  7. 10 November 2011

    Dear Steam Users and Steam Forum Users:


    Our Steam forums were defaced on the evening of Sunday, November 6. We began investigating and found that the intrusion goes beyond the Steam forums.


    We learned that intruders obtained access to a Steam database in addition to the forums. This database contained information including user names, hashed and salted passwords, game purchases, email addresses, billing addresses and encrypted credit card information. We do not have evidence that encrypted credit card numbers or personally identifying information were taken by the intruders, or that the protection on credit card numbers or passwords was cracked. We are still investigating.


    We don’t have evidence of credit card misuse at this time. Nonetheless you should watch your credit card activity and statements closely.


    While we only know of a few forum accounts that have been compromised, all forum users will be required to change their passwords the next time they login. If you have used your Steam forum password on other accounts you should change those passwords as well.


    We do not know of any compromised Steam accounts, so we are not planning to force a change of Steam account passwords (which are separate from forum passwords). However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to change that as well, especially if it is the same as your Steam forum account password.


    We will reopen the forums as soon as we can.


    I am truly sorry this happened, and I apologize for the inconvenience.



  8. This is a nice video. Basically, the guy playing it just jogs for 30 minutes across the game world - only stopping to kill things that attack him.


    The graphics look great - baring in mind he is playing the XBox version:


    It shows off the various areas of Oblivion in terms of terrain/vegetation quite nicely.

  9. Wait a minute! There's bloody robots in Skyrim.


    I just watched this video - right at the beginning (it happens so fast), I thought 'that was a robot'. Then when you get to 24 seconds into the video it slaps you in the face!




    46 seconds in, the big robot that was at the beginning is back again.


    I don't want robots!!!


    I hate fantasy/medieval RPGs that have these robot things and stuff - I bloody hate it!


    I really hope that these robot things and other mechanical elements are not prevalent in the game.


    Me sad now :(

  10. Video reviews:


    (you have to add the first 'w' yourself to bypass the sites restriction on media file posting)











    Game Trailers:


  11. I probably will end up buying it via Steam - just to be able to start playing soon after midnight. Looking at the Xbox manual, they have used a dark font on a light background which makes it convenient to print a manual (or sections of it).


    One thing that has always bugged me is pdf manuals that are a light font on a dark (sometimes BLACK!) background.


    I just can't wait to get stuck into this thing - and that LA Noire thing too. Just wish they'd release Red Dead Redemption on the PC too - sniff.

  12. Wow! $89.99 = £56.


    Generally, the most expensive PC games in the UK are £39.99 ($64) (if you buy them in store) - but, quite often you will be able to shop around and pick them up for £29.99 - £34.99 from online stores.


    In the UK, Skyrim is £34.99 on Steam. Many online stores sell it for £29.99 (for a retail version that would be delivered in the mail).


    If Skyrim was on Steam for £56, then that would cause outrage.


    In the UK, Steam is not always as cheap as buying from the online stores and sometimes you pay an extra £5 for the convenience of downloading a game.

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