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Posts posted by DooMAGE

  1. LOGRIDERS.jpg


    Hello guys, since I am updating this game frequently I decided to make a thread to help center all the news and feedback in one place.


    This is my entry for the Summer Games 2016 Tournament, I tried to follow the theme as much I can and this is the result so far.


    Log Riders is a exploration physics based first-person platformer game, where you have to try get to the end of the stage while without falling in the water. The game will feature more stages later in the development and some new twists to make a dynamic and varied gameplay like other kind of logs, collectibles and secret stages.







    Changelog v0.4


    - Increased player speed

    - You don't need to press shift to run anymore

    - Player is always at top speed

    - Added "thank you" screen

    - Added total best time on ending

    - Added best dev times

    - Added a secret stage (you will receive a hint when finishing the game)

    - Little tweaks on performance


    Special thanks to shadmar and thehankinator



    Game Launcher - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=734499057

    Standalone - https://ragingmages.itch.io/log-riders

    • Upvote 5
  2. I agree with gamecreator. If there aren't going to be profiling tools (which there really should be), then there needs to be an extensive documentation for this. The only one who knows how the engine is designed in Josh, so he's the only person who can definitely say where the engine performs well and where it doesn't. I really shouldn't be expected to upload a project every time I encounter a performance issue.


    Looks like your concerns is the same as mine, and I think the community share the same concerns. Just take a look on the increasing number of threads about performance.


    Sometimes is really hard to tell what is going now, even with drawstats().


    Please keep this thread alive so Josh can see that we are all worried about the current performance of Leadwerks.

  3. Since I have some problems with FPS too in my game (is not even that kind of AAA gfx game) I noticed something related to the multisample


    When I use


    I get 40 FPS


    And when I set the multisample to 16 I get 60 FPS blink.png


    I think the engine let our GFX cards on underclock when we are not usign higher multisample? Can someone try this too?


    My card is a R9 390



    Did some more tests


    Multisample values - FPS get


    0 = 40 FPS

    2 = 40 FPS

    4 = 40 FPS

    8 = 60 FPS

    16 = 60 FPS


    Multisample = 0




    Multisample = 16




    Notice the memory clocks

  4. Thanks thehankinator, now I can show the timer on the screen :)

    But I am having a hard time to reset the stopwatch.


    Tried force MS = 0 using a If, but when the if is no more true the timer resumes and keeps going up.


    Maybe I need some beer :P

    • Thanks 1
  5. Hello guys!


    I am working on a hud stopwatch timer thing for my game, but looks like I can't use os.date("%X",0) from Lua since I guess you can't upload games with sandbox Lua off to the game launcher :/


    Having a little trouble to format my Time:GetSpeed()/100 to something like MM:SS:MI


    Thanks in advance smile.png

    • Thanks 1
  6. Hello guys, I don't know if this is a bug or I am doing something wrong.


    I am using the built in script TriggerChangeMap.lua to restart the map when the player falls on a death spot.


    I noticed using DrawStats() that there is a video memory increase when I load the same map. The assets are already in memory this should not happen at all.


    Any clues?

  7. Hello friends,


    I did a quick search and found nothing about detecting player collision with the terrain.

    Is this possible?


    For my summer game I am trying to respawn the player when he touchs the Leadwerks terrain.


    In mean time I am using a huge CSG brush.


    For the newbies this is how it looked like

    in 2009 !!! and why I say he can do it.


    Also I feel really scared of doing things wrong when I mod shaders, I would really like the engine to do this job.


    Woa this ocean water is amazing, hope someone port this to LE4 :D


    Not yet, maybe this can be used to a 3D game too?


    I think I fixed the problem, but I don't know why or how it works. I used something called Joint::Slider


    function Script:Start()
     local position=self.entity:GetPosition(true)
    function Script:UpdatePhysics()
     self.entity:SetVelocity(0,0,2, true)

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