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Everything posted by Sakru

  1. I don’t know if it is a bug, but instead of show leaves ( texture shadow ) it show sprites?
  2. So you trying to use leaves.shader on other models? I never tryed it, but maybe you need different input to make this shader work?
  3. Hi! Do you use a diffrend editor theme?
  4. If you ask me, I can create something for free. PM me if you need new zombies, I have mocap at home so I could animate it and stuff. (FOR FREE).
  5. Guys download latest GPU drivers and reinstall. There is a new 15.3 driver.
  6. Sakru

    Vegetation Update

    Josh will we have any brushes too paint with grass/tree/stone models in terrain editor?
  7. Josh, right now i have no luck in recreating this bug with new AMD drivers "Driver Packaging Version 15.30.1025-151117a-296567C". Maybe they managed to fix it somehow...
  8. I think as a developer, you need both. AMD and NVIDIA. Because some of the shaders you write will show the bugs on different hardware. Right now I have a third PC to test how everything works on NVIDIA/Intel hardware.
  9. Well, after i removed all decals in AI and Events map, I got rid of this strange bug on my laptop.
  10. I have same bug on my AMD laptop with A8 APU and r7 GPU. AMD 7970 Matrix on Linux everything works fine.
  11. Sakru

    Steam OS

    Hi guys, do Leadwerks Editor support SteamOS as a development platform?
  12. Do editor support SteamOS?
  13. Just testing normals with some random material. 3k faces.
  14. No, i will do Retopo in 3D-Coat so it will be low poly with detailed bump map.
  15. Thank you! And here is some model I work on for my friends game.
  16. Nice!! I want to try it out=). Do you have it on Launcher?
  17. Yeah I am too interested in how to do it.
  18. Sakru

    Droid planet

    I think it is a bug in normal map (second pic. Page 3).When you baiking textures you should subdivade retopo mesh to get correct information on you normal map.s
  19. Josh? Will you add this to Linux?
  20. Yep. No shortcuts for scale/rotation/moving in Linux version.
  21. Sakru


    Hi guys. I think rotation design in editor is quite wrong, because if you select 2 objects and try to rotate a group this 2 objects will rotate along Y axis not as a group but as a separate objects. I know that you could combine them inside scene tree but it takes some time. Not a major problem, but it could be better to have this function specially when you have 200+ objects in scene tree.
  22. Hello i wonder if Josh could add keyboard shortcuts like in UE4? It will be much easier to place/scale/rotate objects in the scene. I would be thanks full if you can add this, because it take me so much time to place objects right.
  23. Well it is not hard. But in my project i have a folder with basic building elements and it is around 250+ models of geometry. Removing them by hand is hell.
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