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Naughty Alien

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Posts posted by Naughty Alien

  1. ..something like this, should work..


    varying vec3 lightDir,normal;

    uniform sampler2D MyDifuseTexture,MyTextureOverDifuse;


    void main()


    vec3 ct,cf,c;

    vec4 texel;

    float intensity,at,af,a;


    intensity = max(dot(lightDir,normalize(normal)),0.0);


    cf = intensity * (gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse).rgb +


    af = gl_FrontMaterial.diffuse.a;


    texel = texture2D(MyDifuseTexture,gl_TexCoord[0].st);


    ct = texel.rgb;

    at = texel.a;


    c = cf * ct;

    a = af * at;


    float coef = smoothstep(1.0,0.2,intensity);

    c += coef * vec3(texture2D(MyTextureOverDifuse,gl_TexCoord[0].st));


    gl_FragColor = vec4(c, a);


  2. Roland, capsule will not make any serious difference. With capsule, you may eventually end up that some parts of your character (feet) cutting inside terrain, so its not a solution..best way is along lines Scarlet Thread Studios suggested, but if that is too much, just simply make radius of controller to wrap character mesh very tight..its common thing and you may see that a lot of games have slight 'floating' characters. Typical example is Tomb Raider..unless some serious accuracy is a factor, either capsule or cylinder will do well, and instead, it has to be some custom made system..

  3. solution is very simple..make controllers to collide with, just and only world geometry, not other controllers...then, create cylinder bounding space, with same size as controller, and position it on same position as controller is, and final, check cylinder bounding spaces intrusion, instead of controllers..similar technique im using for my system and it can run hundreds of characters with no slowdown at all..

  4. @Roland

    Yes, of course..what I said is just a simplified way of process itself, but basically, there is a loading manager what will make sure that all assets are loaded before render/flip call is executed..it does work fine so far, even more elegant solution will be levels set in such way that initial camera cant see them, regardless of rendering/flip execution or not..

  5. ..can you see controller moving with debug physics enabled ??.. also, have you try to swap positions of

    UpdateController( _controller );




    RotateEntity( _model, EntityRotation(_controller ) );

    PositionEntity( _model, EntityPosition(_controller) );


    in your main loop ?Is it controller parented to anything ?

  6. Assembler is not cross-platform, and with normal coding, it's also slower than C/C++, because the compilers do insane optimizations which nobody can do by hand in assembler.


    ..ill think twice about that..and also, remember that compiler is nothing but handwritten code..

    • Upvote 1
  7. Metatron suggestion is nice and it can do very well..Only issue is if you wanna use it over animated characters having skin naturally..so, good way would be to store vertices position and just update vertices for each frame, but thats already done and its called MD2/MD3. It will be great addition to LE..

    • Upvote 1
  8. NA, making $1k per month is not that usual. So far I have 3 games in the markets (all Android, iPhone and WP7) and only one makes money. Interesting enough I make about $300 per month with ads alone (for the free version).


    Don't get me wrong, I would not buy Leadwerks3D for the price of Unity.

    ..what I was saying in my post is that, many people claiming that 'money is there (mobiles)', and for that reason demanding Leadwerks3D at initial form, to go for mobiles (what Josh doing),and at same time, as I can see, not many folks does polishing their skills necessary to get that money, but instead, hoping in to Leadwerks3D magic tools, what will make all difference..thats the spot from where coming question, why Leadwerks3D didnt came in its shine and polished form for PC, what eventually gives good head start considering powerful renderer...whole thing is, if you have polished skillset, then, you will eventually make money, on either platforms, PC or Mobiles..so, since 'money is there' and Leadwerks3D comming right there, then i found rather bizarre that people complaining about eventual price tag, with such flexible license, what basically means, pay once and earn much as you can with it..well..money is out there..in fact, yes, it is..

    • Upvote 2
  9. ..

    Agreed. But if he prices it like Unity Pro I'm outta here...


    ..well..Xaron pointed out that income he make is 1000$ a month, so having said that, it seems to me that unlimited products pro version, cost 1500$ is not much to deal with, since business model is just that good, as it was said, and tools purchase is done once time only, soo..thats good?

  10. ..well..its a nice screenshot :)..heheheh..reasembling some form of modelling aplication..not sure what as there is no much controls exposed to be seen..also, this material window, should be separated from main working area, or if possible, drag it to another screen, if user has 2 screens(monitors)..

  11. ..mmm..well..I still expect LE2.x to be updated, in terms of compatibility with new GPU's, and things like that..also, LE3 in its initial form, is indeed interesting for me, because I was looking for expansion to small devices, as a business model test (i had talk with Josh about it), but I am also very much surprised that LE3 will not shine on PC initially, thats all..

  12. @Rick

    I still stand my word about LE2 being capable..it is and it serves me so well..it can produce stunning visuals, as we all know..however, i said VISUALS, and its tied back to renderer...newton physics is something ill not recomend to depend to (I use Bullet), if you switch to AAA product..network provided as it is is NOT something you wanna rely your multiplayer code on to ( i use RakNet), Sound system is good for basic stuff, and soon as you enter in to some other things, like basic syncing between animation/sound, you will understand that you will have hard hard time to use it, or play certain sounds based on frame of animation, reverse, etc..in my pretty much all previous posts and some requests, i was always asking for 'isolated renderer only', if possible, and i never claim anything over whole package as it is..state machine and any form of AI is not there (i like that by the way as it giving me clean access to what i want), unless you bild yourself (I prefer that)..


    So, all in all, LE2.x is my main PC workhorse and it will remain that. Its VERY capable, and I personally will use it long as it is possible for my PC games. Simple as it is. And again, I will be super happy if i could have renderer only (LE2.x) without any other support but renderer related parts of system. Hoodwink and Hidden Dawn uses LE2.x and it will continue (on PC). So, there is nothing discouraging, im just saying how it went for me, from my observation, thats all..



    And if i could mark LE2.x in my book, ill give it 8.5-9 out of 10, and its just because 10 is perfection and there is no such thing..LE2.x is first system i came accross that gave me exactly what I wanted, and flexible enough to let me ignore some parts of it (Physics, sound, basically things I dont want and its not forcing me to use it)..

    • Upvote 1
  13. LE was never an graphics engine, which for example Ogre3D is.

    An graphics engine doesn't have these features, which LE has:

    - Sound

    - Bitmap fonts

    - Networking

    - Loading of 3D models

    - Loading of textures

    - Loading of sounds

    - Loading of fonts

    - Editing of scenes

    - Loading from pak files

    - Creating a main window

    - Lua scripting

    - Keyboard input

    - Mouse input

    - Physics

    ..you joking?? Soon as you put sysyem under pressure, pretty much everything you see on this list will die or become useless, except renderer..

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