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Scott Richmond

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Everything posted by Scott Richmond

  1. Really? Why? Not that it matters, the lua script is sitting in the model folder in my project folder. So all should be well.
  2. Ok, well I've set that up now for use in LEO/Framework: lua.Create(); int luaSize = lua.GetTop(); lua.PushObject(framework); lua.SetGlobal("fw"); if( luaSize - lua.GetTop() ) lua.Pop( lua.GetTop() - luaSize ); Still no luck. Incidently the windwill no longer animates or emits sound anymore. There has got to be something much more simple wrong here. Ideas?
  3. All I'm pointing out there is that people really seem to like the little sudo-chat window on the home page - Except thats the status update function. Its the wrong use. *shrugs* I jsut thought it'd be a better way to communicate between each other. For example - Remove the recent status updates window and see if you can replace it with a live log of the chat and present a button for people to push - "Join chat".
  4. hah. Indeed there is! Well there we go. Maybe we can get that on the front page too? *shrugs*
  5. Doesn't this line do the same thing? SetGlobalObject ("fw", framework); Also, where's the documentation on this?
  6. I'm a bit annoyed at myself for not being able to work this out, but why is it that the code pasted below will not give me lighting (other than ambient) and shadows? Note: The testMap I am loading works fine in the editor. Game::Game() { /*********************************************************************** ENGINE INITIALIZATION ***********************************************************************/ //setGameState(GAMESTATE_INITIALIZING); // NOT IN USE YET scroll_speed = 0.5; engine.Create("HiveMind Keeper v0.01", 800, 600, 0, 60); engine.SetAbstractPath("./Data"); engine.SetFilters(4, 1); engine.SetShadowQuality(DEEPSHADOW); world.Create(); framework.Create(); layer = framework.GetLayer(0); framework.GetRenderer().SetAntialias(1); framework.GetRenderer().SetBloom(1); framework.GetRenderer().SetGodRays(1); framework.GetRenderer().SetHDR(1); framework.GetRenderer().SetSSAO(1); framework.SetStats(2); // Must do this to allow LUA to access them. SetGlobalObject ("fw", framework); SetGlobalObject ("world_main", framework.main.GetWorld()); SetGlobalObject ("world_transparency", framework.transparency.GetWorld()); SetGlobalObject ("world_background", framework.background.GetWorld()); SetGlobalObject ("camera_main", framework.main.GetCamera()); SetGlobalObject ("camera_transparency", framework.transparency.GetCamera()); SetGlobalObject ("camera_background", framework.background.GetCamera()); level.buildMap(); // Load test map. lastSelectedEntity = level.playerPivot; // Need to init this otherwise we'll crash. camrotation=Vec3(0); mx=0; my=0; /*********************************************************************** GAME LOOP ***********************************************************************/ while( !engine.IsTerminated() ) { if( !engine.IsSuspended() ) // Don't do anything if we are not in focus. { framework.Update(); framework.Render(); engine.Flip(1); updateInput(); // Check for input and act accordingly. } } /*********************************************************************** CLEAN UP ***********************************************************************/ engine.Free(); } BuildMap Function: void Level::buildMap() { LoadScene("abstract::TestMap.sbx"); //Actor testGuy(PAWN, Vec3(4, 1, 0), 100); playerPivot.Create(); playerCamera.Create(); playerCamera.SetParent( playerPivot ); setCameraType(1); }
  7. The 'Recent Status Updates' window on the homepage of the forum is currently being used to chat to one another. I don't think everyone realises that they're actually changing the status summary of their avatar. Point is, looks like a real-time chat function could be useful and might server the community better than this sudo-chat window is right now.
  8. You tell me hah. I was just commenting on this: The whole "framework" thing has been kind of a mess. It works the way it is now, and I am not going to change it, but that's one little detail I feel like the design of could have been better.
  9. I haven't really read everything here and have not played around with this stuff just yet, but I thought this might help - As far as I know there are 2 types of movement in 3D space commonly used in engines - World relative and Object relative. My guess is that the hinge is being rotated in relation to the World, and not the object. So when the object rotation changes, the hinge is still rotating long the unchanged world...if that makes sense. Most, if not all, modelling programs have world and object relational rotation features so you should know what I'm trying to get at BrokenPillar. I don't have a direct solution here, but maybe that is the root cause of the problems.
  10. You don't think its worth changing while you can? I mean the LUA functionality has only been out for a month or two. Or is it too fundamental a change to dive into now?
  11. It needs to be stretchy IMO. I hate fixed width forums. I can understand static websites like your main page, but a forum needs to be 100% comfortable for the user to read and interact with. I don't see why you wouldn't just use IP.Board as a template for a new color scheme and banner.
  12. Josh, thats simple: Politics. All the tech is there, always has been. All the big guys sitting in their decision making chairs don't want to change business model. Why should they? They make billions where they are. If they change it up and loose some money then they get a golden handshake and leave (Read: Paid 10M+ to go find another job). Why do you think Apple is so restrictive in their file formats and supported software (Java, flash, etc). Its because they want to corner the market. Personally it makes me sick, specially when I see companies like MS who have done nothing but support every third party get slammed with a 8 billion dollar fine by the EU union for being 'uncompedative'.
  13. Oh and don't think for a second that the iPad can actually browse the web, because it doesn't support Flash: Source: http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/28/adobe-on-flash-and-the-ipad-apple-is-continuing-to-impose-rest/ Thank you for nothing Apple.
  14. I think everyone has made some really good points, and it'll certainly be interesting to see how tablet PCs evolve this year. Because whether this iPad is a real hit or not is almost irrelevent - I think we'll start seeing all the other big companies (ASUS, MS, Samsung, etc) really kick it up a notch because Apple will create a market with this thing. And now that they've shown their cards, everyone else can now start touting their "better" product with more innovative features. Personally I'm more excited to see what the others come up with: The Courier concept MS came up with completely blew me away and I would buy that device in a heartbeat. Lenovo have also show-cased a laptop at CES that is basically a laptop but you pull off the screen whenever you want and it turns into a touchscreen tablet. Now that is cool. With that said everything I've seen so far, iPad included, has been half-way there. I don't think anything out on the market right now is worth our money just yet.
  15. You make some good points, and you also make some really bad ones. And I'm not even going to approach why in gods name you're using Macs as servers. But ask yourself this - What are you going to do on it? It can't be a phone or GPS. It could be a great eBook reader, except it can't read PDFs or any other kind other than Apple's standard, so we can cross that off the list. What else? Business? Yeah, right. Use a projector and an office if you want to present some slides. and you're certainly not going to draw up some excel spreadsheets on it. Game development? The iPad will be part of the iPhone game network. If you think you seriously have a strong business case to get into that crazy market (Have you actually done research on it? I have) then you should know you don't actually need the iPad - Its all there in the SDK already, you should be ready to go. Well, theres not much left for it is there. We've got internet browsing and the iTunes store. Ok, so its an over-sized iPhone. I'd stick to that, at least you can do functional things on that device.
  16. Aye. MS have already prototyped my dream Tablet PC. Go google the Courier. Its pure awesome running on Windows 7. Who knows if it'll ever see the light of day though. Makes me sad.
  17. No chance Josh. Its Apple's way or the highway. If its not on your account on iTunes then it aint gonna work.
  18. True enough. Too bad you're locked into Apples jaded view on the world with their file formats. All 500GB of my digital movie library wouldn't work. Plus, why get this when you can go buy a netbook for less that has twicethrice the feature set? All you loose is the touch functionality. Don't get me wrong though, the idea is good. I just don't think Apple can pull it off - If you want a versitile tablet/PC you need a Windows/Linux based machine to get the full functionality. All Apple brings to the table is tasty UIs and wallet holes.
  19. 1. I can't comment on that other than that feature isn't worth squat outside of the US. But no wifi A/B/G/N is a complete joke. You have to use the GSM internet when your at home! 2. Typing what, exactly? This is my point - The thing is useless. If you're seriously thinking about using this thing to type away emails or perform work then you might want to move on. You can obviously only use the typing features with any speed while at a desk. Forget trying to type an email on the move. Which makes you wonder that if you're at a desk that often, then you'll want to do your eyes a favour and get something with a decent screen size and resolution. The thing has no multitasking functionality either, so forget trying to do any work with it. P.S. Mac Mini? Seriously? To do what exactly? You realise they cost more than anything else on the market and do less?
  20. Video and more info here, for those interested: http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/apple-ipad-first-hands-on/ I'll come out right now and say that I'm an Apple hater - Their products are often little more than overly expensive fashion statements. I did, however, applaud some of the innovation the iPhone bought to the table. On the flipside, this iPad looks pretty damn useless to me. It wants to be a netbook killer but has no flash, no camera, no wifi, is stupendiously expensive, and having watched the video looks like little more than a toy you'd use occassionally. If you already have an iPhone i'd stick to that. The iPad brings little more to the table other than a hole in your wallet.
  21. Hrm, well that certainly is MUCH better in terms of feedback. But, I just jumped on a server (Chat20finland) and I couldn't interact with any objects at all.
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