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Scott Richmond

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Everything posted by Scott Richmond

  1. Was just playing around with LUA with the LUA Editor (Not in the sandbox) and when I went to run the little script I made it sat there churning away at the CPU for ages. I figured it was borked since all it was meant to do is load a map I made in two seconds. I haven't worked out why that happened, but it made me realise that this editor should have a crash recovery mechanism. It shouldn't be a big deal - Simply have it save all open files as *.tmp in the same directory every 5 minutes and when it boots back up have it search for *.tmp files and load them and ask the user whether they want to keep or delete the file.
  2. Ah! How simple is that! Rockin, this looks like it'll be fun.
  3. No problems. I have no idea how LUA works in conjunction with LE from a high level though (DLing and reading up on LUA now). Do we have any LE LUA stand-alone examples yet?
  4. I sort of meant specifically to do with your implementation in the editor. But yeah, I am currently looking at your examples. I have a little mini-game in mind already, so I'll see if I can crack it out this week.
  5. Sounds like a nice little challenge! Is there actually any documentation on LUA btw? I've not really touched the LE implementation yet.
  6. Fantastic idea! This sounds like a fun project. +1 rep for you.
  7. Check out the AppLog and AppLogMode functions.
  8. Show us what code you're using and what (if any) errors.
  9. Is this because moving geom in certain ways doesn't trigger collision and thus force reaction on objects? I know D3 used to disable physics on an object once it reaches a point where it is barely moving and if you say changed the gravity value or moved static geom out from under it, it wouldn't react until a force trigger was applied to it (shooting it for example).
  10. I don't think there would be too many technical reasons why not (Though don't hold me to that). It more often comes down to the fact that cutting up a scene often saves a lot of time because you're able to reuse resources more readily.
  11. I actually had a similar thought I little while ago. It might pay to grab Crysis and open up the airship carrier level in the editer. You'll find that there is very little there that is a complete scene. Much of it is made up of little pieces put together.
  12. Hrm good catch. You might want to submit this issue into the Bug Tracker so Josh can get visibility of it.
  13. I'll probably stick to C++ where possible to be honest. That said, I really haven't invested much time into LUA. Maybe I should... Also, congratulations on the upgrade. It must be incredibly satisfying to see that your work has paid off more that you envisioned.
  14. Lies and deceit! I thought it was a prerequisite for any half decent programmer to have insomnia.
  15. On a related subject, does Josh still email out user/pass details and information on how to download the engine? Bought it a few days ago and have had nudda. I figure Josh is damn busy right now with all the upgrades, but surely there is a better way to do this than manually emailing out the login details? Seems so...archaic.
  16. Ah yeah I know of it. Though I didn't know it was so bad. Ever tried the Tor network? I hear its slow, but works well.
  17. Very nice! Congratulations Josh on what is obviously a big milestone for you.
  18. I needed a reason to make my first post here so - Yes I am waiting as well. \o/
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