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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Used the code above: With the dummy flag steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/ActorTest$ ./ActorTest.sh -devmode -l Reep Softworks - (ActorTest) Initializing Lua... Warning: Lua sandboxing disabled. Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/ActorTest/Scripts/Error.lua" ./ActorTest -devmode -l Installing Game: SDK Initializing OpenGL graphics driver... Without: steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/ActorTest$ ./ActorTest.sh -devmode Reep Softworks - (ActorTest) Initializing Lua... Warning: Lua sandboxing disabled. Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/ActorTest/Scripts/Error.lua" Installing Game: SDK Initializing OpenGL graphics driver...
  2. Vertical works, but not horizontal. USed your new script attached above.
  3. I used my CodeLite project with Ubuntu 18.04 and besides the debugger not working anymore, (Might be a permissions thing) I was successfully able to compile and run my game application. Editor Launches as expected.
  4. I'll definitely give this a go tomorrow, thanks!
  5. It looks like this now with 4.6. The dots are the arrows. All I did was create a TextArea Widget and added text to it. ConsoleWindow(const std::string& pWinTitle) { m_pWindow = ENGINE_NAMESPACE::Window::Create(pWinTitle, 0, 0, 600, 600, ENGINE_NAMESPACE::Window::Titlebar + ENGINE_NAMESPACE::Window::Center, GetWindow()); m_pGUI = GUI::Create(m_pWindow); m_pGUI->GetBase()->SetScript("Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); m_pLogBox = Widget::TextArea(4, 4, m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().x - 8, m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().y - 30 - 8, m_pGUI->GetBase()); #ifdef USE_CMD m_pTextBox = Widget::TextField("", 4, m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().y - 30, m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().x - 8 - 72 - 4, 26, m_pGUI->GetBase()); m_pSendBtn = Widget::Button("Send", m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().x - 4 - 72, m_pGUI->GetBase()->GetClientSize().y - 30, 72, 26, m_pGUI->GetBase()); #endif #ifdef WIN32 std::string header = "Reep Softworks - Leadwerks Console App (" + std::string(__DATE__) + ")"; #else std::string header = "Reep Softworks - Leadwerks Console App"; #endif m_pLogBox->AddText(header); size = 0; UpdateTextBox(); }
  6. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    I'm open for a VSCode setup. How would you go about doing this? Keep in mind that it's common for Linux users to be im anti-Microsoft; they have a sour taste for Microsoft products.
  7. I'm unable to as the application refuses to launch without that Library path bit. Tried hard setting flags within the script. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ./CodeLiteTest -devmode -flag -flag2 Same results: steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh Key: devmode = 1 Key: flag = 1 = 1 flag2
  8. Tried this, still the same results. The application still launches in fullscreen unless a bogus flag is added at the end before "-devmode" so that's evidence that the flag is not registering correctly. Next time you're compiling on Linux, please take a look if you're not doing so already. I don't have this issue on Windows ether.
  9. I'm pretty sure with Windows this works fine, it's with Linux I've found the issue. Not sure what's going on here, might be the use of the shell script. What's also weird is that with my example, "Key" vanishes, so not exactly sure what's going on here.
  10. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Here's my latest work. Shell script changed, and the app launches in -devmode. For now, I had to add a dummy flag so the -devmode flag would set correctly until that bug gets fixed. At this point, the project manager will just copy the files, and it will "just work" with the debugger and all. Linux_CodeLite-nearfinal.zip
  11. A camera that's part of the same world for sure. I've did it before, but it's a cost to do more renders.
  12. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Did a test from the terminal. Reported it as a bug. I can't test running the app directly as we need to set the Library path first. ? Only fix is to add a bogus flag at the end (ex: -devmode -l)
  13. I've noticed that when using the shell scripts, the argument list doesn't work correctly. The last flag set (ex: -smallwindow) doesn't save correctly. My test snip: //Load command-line parameters System::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv); for (auto& p : System::Arguments) { System::Print("Key: " + p.first + " = " + p.second); } Results: steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh -devmode = 1 devmode steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh +devmode 1 Key: devmode = 1 steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh -devmode +sw 1800 Key: devmode = 1 Key: sw = 1800 steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh -devmode -smallwindow Key: devmode = 1 = 1 smallwindow
  14. Using the Stock FPS Template. When the application closes, a Segmentation Fault occurs. steven@blackbox:~/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest$ ./CodeLiteTest.sh Initializing Lua... Warning: Lua sandboxing disabled. Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/Error.lua" Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/Main.lua" Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/Menu.lua" Initializing OpenGL graphics driver... OpenGL version 460 GLSL version 460 Device: GeForce GTX 1050/PCIe/SSE2 Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Drawing/drawprimitive.shader"... Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua" Error: Failed to load font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-L.ttf" Loading font "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Fonts/arial.ttf"... Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Button.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Drawing/drawtext.shader"... Deleting script "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Button.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Tabber.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Tabber.lua" Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Label.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/Label.lua" Loading component "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/ChoiceBox.lua..." Executing file "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Scripts/GUI/ChoiceBox.lua" Loading map "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Maps/start.map"... Loading material "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Developer/orangegrid.mat"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Model/diffuse.shader"... Loading texture "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Developer/orangegrid.tex"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Editor/wireframe.shader"... Loading material "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Concrete/concrete_dirty.mat"... Loading texture "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Concrete/concrete_dirty_diff.tex"... Loading texture "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Concrete/concrete_dirty_dot3.tex"... Loading texture "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Concrete/concrete_dirty_spec.tex"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal+specular.shader"... Loading texture "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Materials/Common/bfn.tex"... Deleting shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Editor/wireframe.shader" Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 480 Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561197996502882 [API loaded no] Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Misc/occlusionquery.shader"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Model/Shadow/shadow.shader"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Lighting/directionallight.shader"... Loading shader "/home/steven/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects/CodeLiteTest/Shaders/Drawing/drawimage.shader"... Segmentation fault (core dumped)
  15. I don't think this is possible as I believe with Leadwerks, only one world at a time can be rendered.
  16. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Ok, after that win, we have 2-3 options. Edit the script file to launch the debugger in the debug shell script. The shell script can not be launched alone without a debugger attached, but the editor seems to execute the debug application directly and why would you execute the debug version with no debuggers attached? Figure out a way to pass a value so our script knows we are setting a debugger to the application. Make a new script for the gdb use. I say we go with option 1 to be honest. Also noticed that any arguments being set from CodeLite isn't passing through. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" gdb ./$PROJECT_NAME.debug "$@"
  17. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Got it to work. We need to write better launch scripts... export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=".:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" gdb ./CodeLiteTest.debug "$@" #exec "./CodeLiteTest.debug" "$@"
  18. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Ok, turns out, $PROJECT_PATH was fixed in a push earlier which broke my setup. Getting the same results as Josh now which the debugger doesn't stop at the break points. Uploaded update. Linux_CodeLite_updated.zip
  19. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Here is hl2.sh file. There is debugging information that looks like it might help. #!/bin/bash # figure out the absolute path to the script being run a bit # non-obvious, the ${0%/*} pulls the path out of $0, cd's into the # specified directory, then uses $PWD to figure out where that # directory lives - and all this in a subshell, so we don't affect # $PWD GAMEROOT=$(cd "${0%/*}" && echo $PWD) #determine platform UNAME=`uname` if [ "$UNAME" == "Darwin" ]; then # prepend our lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${GAMEROOT}"/bin:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH elif [ "$UNAME" == "Linux" ]; then # prepend our lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${GAMEROOT}"/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi if [ -z $GAMEEXE ]; then if [ "$UNAME" == "Darwin" ]; then GAMEEXE=hl2_osx elif [ "$UNAME" == "Linux" ]; then GAMEEXE=hl2_linux fi fi ulimit -n 2048 # enable nVidia threaded optimizations export __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 # and launch the game cd "$GAMEROOT" # Enable path match if we are running with loose files if [ -f pathmatch.inf ]; then export ENABLE_PATHMATCH=1 fi # Do the following for strace: # GAME_DEBUGGER="strace -f -o strace.log" # Do the following for tcmalloc # LD_PRELOAD=../src/thirdparty/gperftools-2.0/.libs/libtcmalloc_debug.so:$LD_PRELOAD STATUS=42 while [ $STATUS -eq 42 ]; do if [ "${GAME_DEBUGGER}" == "gdb" ] || [ "${GAME_DEBUGGER}" == "cgdb" ]; then ARGSFILE=$(mktemp $USER.hl2.gdb.XXXX) echo b main > "$ARGSFILE" # Set the LD_PRELOAD varname in the debugger, and unset the global version. This makes it so that # gameoverlayrenderer.so and the other preload objects aren't loaded in our debugger's process. echo set env LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD >> "$ARGSFILE" echo show env LD_PRELOAD >> "$ARGSFILE" unset LD_PRELOAD echo run $@ >> "$ARGSFILE" echo show args >> "$ARGSFILE" ${GAME_DEBUGGER} "${GAMEROOT}"/${GAMEEXE} -x "$ARGSFILE" rm "$ARGSFILE" else ${GAME_DEBUGGER} "${GAMEROOT}"/${GAMEEXE} "$@" fi STATUS=$? done exit $STATUS I need to fix LAUNCHING the game from the IDE first, but I still think this holds the key.
  20. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    Really weird. Now I can't launch the application from CodeLite at all. I can the scripts run it from the terminal just fine. ?
  21. reepblue

    Codelite Support

    I'm attaching the files here if anyone wishes to experiment with it. Install within your "/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Leadwerks/Templates/Common/Projects" directory. "Linux_CodeLite should sit with the Existing Windows and Linux folders. Looks like we just need to get the debugger system configured. If anyone has any insight, let us know! On my end, I'm getting this. Not sure it's because we are launching a shell script instead of the actual application or not. Linux_CodeLite_Test.zip
  22. Tested this for a few minutes and it seems to be working as it should. I can't say if picks with a radius were effected or not. If there are any issues, I'll let you know as always.
  23. Awesome. Again, I'll continue to bug hunt and test compiling on Linux this weekend. Maybe sooner depending on things. ?
  24. I will play with it this weekend. By any chance was this fixed in this build? Did any depenences change now building with 18.04?
  25. Very cool. Hopefully there will be no limit on how many can join. I'll be there unless my dentist appointment takes longer than usual.
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