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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. If you were to save this as a material, open it the editor, then do File -> Save on it, the custom property (myproperty) will be deleted. { "material": { "displacement": [ 0.05000000074505806, -0.02500000037252903 ], "metallic": 0.0, "roughness": 1.0, "shaderfamily": "Shaders/PBR.fam", "shadow": true, "texture0": "./grid01.dds", "texture1": "./grid_normal.dds", "myproperty": 1 } } I want to store the surface property in the material without worrying about it getting overwritten.
  2. Because I wanted zooming in my game. 😭
  3. Seems you can see some artificing with the cluster rendering when having the camera preform a zoom, The best way to demonstrate this is to install this component in a CPP project and replace the character in the start map with a simple camera that has this component. Use Z and X to toggle zoom. The zoom out code isn't right, but that's not important. I just recycled code I already had. Also, I might add that the starting zoom value needs to be stored on start because Zoom affects the camera's FOV value. Zoomer.zip
  4. Somethings I've brought up during the call. General Beams (Like lasers but just stretches a sprite between one point to another w/o a raycast.) Script (For loading and calling lua script functions.) Ballsocket (For swinging ropes, lights, etc) Tag Filters (Used with triggers to only allow entites with certain tags to trigger.) An Animation Controller (Used to animate models that otherwise don't need any additional functionality. Logic Relay (Much like the one I posted) Random Outputs Auto Save Like I mentioned, I recorded the conversation so we can refer to that.
  5. The separate window is the better route imo but I also hate losing the window. It's much better when you got a dual monitor setup though. I really don't like the idea of "It has to be one way or the other" since everyone had different setups.
  6. Download the AmbientNoise component and scale the right sidebar around.
  7. You can remove any listing from the Scene Tree by dragging the item out of the list.
  8. When using the Print Message component (Found here) the message value doesn't save.
  9. Wanted to get a start on these after today's discussion. Here is the first draft of the logic components. I'm kind of limited on what I can do without any argument support. I've made the following: Auto - Used to start things on Start or Level Load. (Inspired by logic_auto) Relay - Used as a switch or a delay between connections. You can toggle the component to cut or rejoin connections. (Inspired by logic_relay) RelayTimer - Fires outputs on every interval. (Inspired by logic_timer) PrintMessage - Simply prints whatever to console. This is only my first draft to continue the discussion! Logic.zip
  10. LZMA is in the ziplib repo and should be easily compilable. Josh just has to include it. I actually rearranged ziplib so it all compiled in one fat static lib and it worked fine.
  11. The library that 7z uses should be apart of ziplib unless Josh excluded it.
  12. No. Unlike Epic Games, Josh isn't 40%+ owned by a Chinese firm. What modifications you have on mind? I'm sure Josh will be able to see if he can add it in as a future update. He has been pretty open in discussing how everything works too so you shouldn't need to do much reverse engineering. Source code would be nice but I personally don't see a need for it if everything is working.
  13. This makes sense but I understand why this would be annoying.
  14. If/when the group feature is implemented, it would be better to auto group the brush segments.
  15. I had this happen many times. It happens when editing in face selection mode. Try having all the faces selected and try to grab only one of the faces.
  16. I didn't see any changes on my end ether. I even used the sliders to move the UV around and the material stayed still.
  17. I imagine you'll still notice it on slower hardware but it'll be less obvious than Debug.
  18. This lua script will generate a working VS project with Premake. Replace "Game" with the title of your project. I store premake5.exe and this script in a "Tools" folder where my preprocessor also sits. I might make a git repo in the future depending how often this will change. -- Define Ultra Engine Paths UltraEnginePath = os.getenv("ULTRAENGINE") if UltraEnginePath==nil then return end -- Define Game Directory (Relative to this premake script) GameDir = path.getabsolute("..") -- Define Root Source Directory SourceDir = GameDir .. "/Source" -- Define Soultion Directory SoultionDir = GameDir -- Define tools Directory ToolsPath = GameDir .."/Tools" -- Workspace workspace "Game" location "%{SoultionDir}" startproject "Game" configurations { "Debug", "Release"} filter {"system:windows", "configurations:*"} architecture "x64" project "Game" targetname ("Game") location "%{SoultionDir}" language "C++" cppdialect "C++17" staticruntime "off" editandcontinue "on" flags { "MultiProcessorCompile" } conformancemode (false) -- Game Location targetdir("%{GameDir}") debugdir ("%{GameDir}") -- OBJ Output Location objdir ("%{prj.location}/.vs/%{cfg.buildcfg}") -- Include Directories includedirs { -- Engine "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/zlib", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/Box2D", "$(UniversalCRT_LibraryPath)", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/freetype/include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/OpenAL/include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/RecastDemo/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/DetourCrowd/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/DetourTileCache/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/DebugUtils/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/Recast/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/RecastNavigation/Detour/Include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/sol3/include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/Lua/src", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/enet/include", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dTinyxml", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dExtensions", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dlkSolver", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dJoints", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dModels/dVehicle", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dModels/dCharacter", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dModels", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dParticles", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dNewton", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dCore", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/newton/sdk/dCollision", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dVehicle/dMultiBodyVehicle", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dVehicle", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dMath", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dgCore", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dgNewton", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dAnimation", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dgTimeTracker", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dContainers", "%{UltraEnginePath}/Include/Libraries/NewtonDynamics/sdk/dCustomJoints", -- Local Source Directory "%{SourceDir}" } files { "%{SourceDir}/**.h", "%{SourceDir}/**.hpp", "%{SourceDir}/**.cpp", } -- Global Defines: defines { "_NEWTON_STATIC_LIB", "_CUSTOM_JOINTS_STATIC_LIB", } -- Shared PCH pchheader "UltraEngine.h" --------------------------------------------------------- -- Visual Studio Exclusive --------------------------------------------------------- filter "action:vs*" systemversion "latest" entrypoint "mainCRTStartup" pchsource "%{SourceDir}/UltraEngine.cpp" files { "%{SourceDir}/**.ico", "%{SourceDir}/**.rc" } libdirs { "%{UltraEnginePath}/Library" } defines { "NOMINMAX", "_HAS_STD_BYTE=0", } linkoptions { "/delayload:openvr_api.dll" } -- Preprocessor prebuildcommands { --"\"%{ToolsPath}/preprocessor.exe\" +path ../" } filter {"system:windows", "configurations:Debug"} links { "UltraEngine_d.lib" } filter {"system:windows", "configurations:Release"} links { "UltraEngine.lib" } filter "configurations:Debug" defines { "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" } kind "WindowedApp" targetsuffix "_d" runtime "Debug" symbols "on" filter "configurations:Release" defines { "NDEBUG" } kind "WindowedApp" runtime "Release" symbols "off" optimize "off" --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- My batch script: @echo off :: Check to see if Ultra Engine is installed and defined. if not exist "%ULTRAENGINE%" ( echo ERROR: Unable to find Ultra Engine installed on this PC! Try running the editor first! pause EXIT /B 999 ) echo Found Ultra Engine at: "%ULTRAENGINE%" :: Go into the Tools folder. pushd . cd Tools premake5.exe --file=premake5.lua vs2022 popd pause
  19. Posting this here so my thoughts have been heard before the weekend. I think the left sidebar should return with the following: Object Selection/Edit Mode Face Selection/Edit Mode CSG Creation Point Entity Creation (Lights, Pivots, Etc) Volume Entity Creation (Probes, NavMesh, maybe even make a new entity that's just an empty volume for triggers so we don't have to make trigger brushes invisible in code anymore.) Terrain Tool (Sculpting Terrain only) Paint Tool (Vertex/vegetation painting) The Object tab would reflect what can be created in each mode. Something I never got used to was having what I can make split up in different categories. I should be able to see every point entity I can create in one menu. I also want to turn Instant Creation off. I also think the paint tool should be different from the terrain tool as I would like to see vertex painting on bushes to add more variety to walls and floors in the future. Some of this can be optimized, but just some thoughts when it comes to the 3 creation points.
  20. I'll give it a try and report back to you since it seemed like it was exclusive to me.
  21. Interesting. I also have a 3060 and I never got this. However, I don't religiously update my driver's like I should.
  22. @Josh This is why we need grid snapping. This is frustrating. video.zip
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