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Everything posted by Slastraf

  1. When I move the player a long distance from the world origin, firstly the shadows disappear and after Z > 2000 the screen is totally black First it is all normal: then shadows disappear and then (z> 2000) only things from postrender get drawn on the screen. Position x:7.6799964904785 y:1.4799995422363 z:1264.5567626953 -- round about here shadows disappear (+-50) Position x:7.6799974441528 y:1.4799995422363 z:2033.2707519531 -- here black screen (+-50)
  2. I don't know which wizard you are talking about. Anyway for the sake of a better title and proper introduction let's get into it. RPG's Role play games range from your average nintendo ds game to your hardcore retro experience. But what if you have tried so many rpg's and have found only very few specific ones that fit your style ? You make your own. Main inspiration. Divine Divinity (you can reverse search if you want the source, but the screenshot is not by me) ..is a Diablo 2-like isometric classic 2003 rpg. It has made its sales trough overflow of old CDs and had a 2nd debut in the digital release on steam. What can I say about the game ? Anything that your classic rpg has ... but - it had a huge variety of items and weapons that could craft you potions and so on. These all were randomly generated on the map in each playtrough. - You could roam around the city in the north and try to steal something here and there and make some obscure quests in a underground secret facility... or you could try to find the sacred three items that you could craft an ultimate item of your choice with and be in the end-game when you know how to speedrun it. Also it had a huge map with many interesting stuff and so on... - The music of Kirill Pokrovsky, especially in the Divine Divinity game. (youtube playlist:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq60D8pmLxI&list=PLF83209B8D42B26DB It has choir, orchestra and some very distinct sounding instruments like harpsichords, flutes, guitar and others. Personally, I believe there is no better OST out there but you probably have your own "game" with that nostalgic OST. I have attempted an RPG way back and i also wrote a blog about it probably but at that time I had not much experience in coding and a lot of other stuff on my mind to get that project to a presentable state. However today I present you an endless procedurally generated walking simulator where you can shoot arrows (!) You may call it an unfinished game prototype but I have received multiple messages to make a blog so here it is... This is where the world generator started. It had a repeating pattern and also some bugs and no texture generation or any props. Also it had huge lag when baking new terrain. This is a video from today. It seamlessly generates new terrain without lag, and I even managed to write a procedural generated texture shader with help of havenphillip. All you can see was generated without my interference 2021-05-11 11-20-52.mp4 (or click here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwCWs0ZGpRmx40o8ZiynlOg) As you can see, the features are an inventory/crafting system, basic combat system and animaitons. However, the inventory seems to be hidden in this video because it is cropped. If you want to see more videos, please click the link. The game Its not a definitive decision so here it is : Runenrise The main concept is that the player will customize their character with the items they found, and kill foes as well as find runes with powerful spells or runes for incarnating banned monsters. Where is the twist ? 1. All of it will be randomly / procedurally generated. If you visit an area twice it will generate everything exactly like before, down to each blade of grass. (Yes I am working on a grass shader as opposed to the green grass there is now) If you share a seed with your friends, they will also see a perfect replica of that world. 2. NPC with randomly generated "nearby" quests. This one seems really hard to implement, however I will try to keep it as simple as possible at first then work my way up to what is possible. 3. Unique weapons and enemies stats placed in boxes, barrels etc around the world. 4. Dungeons. Again, huge topic but can be cut down a lot for a prototype. I am talking any type of dungen, such as a graveyard on the outside or an inside of a room or a huge catacomb system. Each of which is not much harder to program than the others. I have programmed a Unity game before with my own dungeon generator of which I learned a lot from. With the help of you guys (community is the main reason I stick to Leadwerks)- and sites such as arteria3d which used to be active back somewhere in 2015 on the leadwerks forums and now apparently have moved on to https://arteria3d.myshopify.com (not affiliate but friendly tip). The approach I like the idea of making a "prototype" game to test its concepts, but for this project I have a different approach. The most basic things such as world generating should work flawlessly and without bugs first, to stress the boundaries of the engine and myself. For this there needs to be a good amount of detail, and every system that builds on the previous one needs to be game ready and not break in combination with stuff I want to do in the future. This requires that every part of the system needs to be in a well furbished state. As you can see from the video I tried to do this very much. Throughout the development in the last month and a half I had so many ideas to write in this blog but i would write more than program, but I am very eager to answer your questions if you have any. I will go into detail of the shader in near future but want to furbish it further. A simplified version of both shader and world generation are either on steam workshop or on this sites workshop. Thanks for the read Friedrich (Slastraf)
  3. Hello I have a problem creating a window in c++, when I use this window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("Game Test",0,0,1280,720, Window::FullScreen); context = Context::Create(window); the window will appear correctly but as soon as I try to make it any resolution higher than 1920 1080 the window will not be created. Is this some kind of surprise windows setting that causes this or is this a leadwerks bug?
  4. make a new script Script.first = nil --entity Script.second = nil --entity function Script:Start() if self.second == nil then System:Print(">> second is nil") end end now drag two random things in each slot of the Script tab and run the game, nothing will happen. then click on the red x of "first" so it will disappear. Now for some reason, second will be nil when you run the game again. I don't know if it has some more details for reproduction but I think this should be enough.
  5. This. My current new job will require usage of Linux at some point. It is a lot easier to get all the "stuff" for your environment unlike windows.
  6. Have just gone "around" this issue like this and for some reason the camera was always in the aabb so i just checked if the entity in the parameter of callback was the camera
  7. How do I handle the camera creation in c++ ? I create a camera in c++ and it works fine but the Camera has no GetCurrent() so how do I pass it down to the player script ? Basically what is the equivalent of entity.script.camera in cpp ? I need the camera in both c++ and lua.
  8. new script editor/better direct support for VS code better shader workflow(getting lots of engine side bugs while working with shaders) hair (alpha like leaves.shader but animated), outline shader for selecting things terrain heightmap generator (from 1..n noise funcitons with custom arguments)
  9. Any recent version for a material outline shader available ? Thanks in advance.
  10. modular Plugins This one is going to be interesting
  11. View this video Description This is a spider which walks in a responsive way to the ground. Inverse Kinematics + regular animation
  12. Should work regardless. How would you put a sword on a hand for a rpg for example ? Edit it is fixed now
  13. I forgot I did something in my script to make this behaviour.
  14. I have issues importing a very simple model. If I apply baked textures from blender spots on the model will be black. Also UV's will not be the same as in blender. Also when applying a material with animation shader the model will disappear. This is the blender view (sorry for gore-ish) Above the leadwerks view. Major black spot on top and also completely misaligned UV's. As I said, with animation shaders it will just disappear. I also needed to make three copies of the fbx until it was imported without random holes in the mesh. spiderTex.mat spidertorso.mdl.meta spiderTorso.fbx spiderTorso.mdl spider_ver4.mdl
  15. I have played around some more and managed to align the boxes to the other spider leg again. But as soon as I enable another leg and it comes into view , not before, the whole thing breaks again. Here another script where you can enable/disable. Look at the video, its very weird. oldSpiderLeg.lua
  16. At this time I have come to the conclusion that every type of entity has different rotation "offset" that is all over the place. I have had the boxes align to the leg model without bones, align it to the leg with bones but now I broke everything and cant revert it. I need to find some universal rule for inversing the rotations. They are as I found out by default not inverse. Thats why it's called "Inverse Kinematics" ha. Here is the script that creates boxes as knee etc. Still need to experiment with it to make it work on everything oldSpiderLeg.lua
  17. I have replicated the issue with three boxes. They are now doing the same weird rotation as the leg with bone (but are just boxes with relation)
  18. Hard to make because only distance is taken into account. To place boxes at the starting position and then relate them to copy over the rotation would be possible. I will do this right now and post the script.
  19. The rotation is set like this - during runtime the entity of the script makes a new pivot on itself and set itself as child of the new pivot - this new pivot points at the target point so it eliminates two axis of rotation - to set the x rotation of the leg the two bones are determined and a triangle with base from leg origin to target is made. - then from the length of the origin of the leg to the knee, and from the length knee to the target, the other two sides are determined. - with that there is enough information to calculate two angles, one of the upper leg and lower child leg and set. (something with arccos) For the latter, I am confident they are calculated correctly because one of the leg works when inverted. For the leg with bone, I already tried to store offset rotation at start and add it to the calculated rotation with weird outcome. When I modeled the leg I tried to keep it as clean as possible. Everything that came out was not avoidable.
  20. You need to reset the targetPoint to sphere_Far and Sphere 1 as in the screenshots. It was in the map data but probably lost when you opened it somehow.
  21. Try it in the fps template, it has the fps player in there
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