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Everything posted by Slastraf

  1. For a sake of a better name The player pushes his implant into his hand, and everything around him slows down. Now he is able to send spheres of electricity trough the space that move rather slow but have an ability to decrease health of enemies close by over time. Explodes if collides with enemy with alot of damage.
  2. Ah , I am cool with that. I did some low poly hard surface stuff before : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiRhl-sRkMo . We could make it more steampunk- ish. For the Missle scripts, we could import a script for each missle , that just makes it follow an entity.
  3. Wait so we don't want a ward but a rocket launcher for the wizard ? I dont understand.
  4. The new Tps controller will have fps , camera collision and a much less complicated camera movement. I already did the script yesterday but I have problems with git. We could make it like in Skyrim , and let the user switch tps / fps. Will be more work tough, for the hand animations.
  5. I think it would be better to push 0.1 further, and not at all go public with what we have right now. Maybe one month. Look what we did in ~2 weeks. What would another 4 weeks make our game look like ? I am currently working on the Third person control refurbished and it is already better because I had a really weird approach in the last one.
  6. guess I'm going to rewrite the player controller
  7. The camera clips trough walls because it is not yet programmed. I tried to make the cam look and walk as smooth as possible for now. Also you guys are more or less building maps for an fps game, dungeons are really possible. For example if you look at some dark souls footage, there are always open spaces. When I looked at one video from us, the character ( in first person mode) jumped along a wall, and then trough a small hole ,on the opposite site of the street, while in the air or something. This is not possible to realize in a third person camera , if you don't specify it enough. (Stuff like in Assassins Creed is possible but there is probably a whole team writing hundred thousand lines of code from a design paper for just that char controller that is pages over pages long.)
  8. Please make sure that you keep scripts on your machine ,as long as they produce a bug.
  9. If you want to change the map , read this:
  10. I kinda want a female crisp-fast moving character because a male wizard is featured in millions of games and it is more boring to look at. Or something that makes the wizard very different from other mages.
  11. first and last interwire Imo. And also the second one
  12. This game is going to be something if we all give 100% (uhh of our free time of course)
  13. I also had this direction in mind. Totally agree with the floating islands. Late game perhaps , shortly before the end boss level who destroyed the whole world
  14. I'd want to finish an enemy flying in a circle in the sky which is targetable and killable by the player's ward.
  15. I can model and animate a low poly wizard model in Blender, did low poly stuff before and it should be no problem. Again, I stress that we should make everything from scratch and not use other people's stuff. Only in the worst case
  16. We should really document and comment everything no matter what.
  17. Yes, actually because then the player can choose freely where he wants to go and what he wants to unlock. It takes away the open world part of an rpg and still leaves the freedom and sense of achievement, because throughout the game there are items to be collected. Otherwise it would be a chain of levels and be more like an action game.
  18. Found this very good on how to upload your changes to the cloud with git.
  19. NICE ! That was actually kind of what I was thinking about. As you can see its hard to explain. I would put some less realistic and more abstract textures on it and just experiment with what looks best. Also in combination with Low poly rocks or stuff that flies around. And colorful lightning because we have a world where magic exists.
  20. I propose that our game will have combat , and in this case I think about the following. The main character has as his major weapon a ward, which he can fire projectiles with. These don't shoot like a bullet but follow the enemy and hit them. It is fun to look at especially with particles. The player therefore doesn't need to aim perfectly, but just target the enemy. If like 2 of you agree I will start implementing proof of concept
  21. If I think about it we could go more abstract and extensively use brushes and less terrain. That would create its own art style. It was originally my Idea from the what type of game thread but I haven't made a map yet, just finalizing the third person controller script.
  22. I am the blender guy of our project if it comes to stuff like this I have extensively practiced 3D hard surface modeling. A low poly terrain could easily be done even in a few minutes , depending on the size and so . But I am again stressing that there should be a mayor map the player goes back to to travel between levels. ____________________________________ As for the terrains or map size I also think we should keep them relatively small, and not bigger than one or two km^2 . But many different maps each map designer can put his / her ideas into and one big level that serves as hub for visiting different areas of the game. I agree that maps should be made by one person usually.
  23. I think we should not make any restrictions. What I mean is that we could use some islands in the sky and bridges etc between them to unlock new portals that each put the player in a new situation. Like that we could have any type of level we want to do ( I wanted to do a cave and also a post apocalyptic mini city and so on ) EDIT That way I would already have a small lore in mind.. An hero like main character can use heavenly portals to save the earth or something.
  24. We could use this as a template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-I08qX76DgSFyN1ByIGtPuqXh7bVKraHcNIA25tpAzE/edit?usp=sharing
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