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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. The official demo was not the issue, I used the official demo, as I did for other engines when making my decision on which would serve my needs, I also read reviews. And that difference is? can't be the price as a Sharp LC-60E77UN 60" AQUOS LCD TV will set you back about $2000 and the latest version of 3DS Max is ~$3,495.00...
  2. ok, no it wasn't that clear but I see where you are coming from now
  3. Not had a single issue with the Palms pack all converted correctly for me, no mesh issues. But then the included mesh's had no issues.
  4. Doesn't mean he did either, plus your comment was present tense specific.
  5. I dont know about the latest Blender 2.50 alpha, but you could set it to a 4 view port config by splitting the screens. I like AC3D which I found much less awkward to use than blender. As for textures I use Gimp and Paint.NET and make my own so have never tried the software you mentioned.
  6. I wonder if you can read the part below wh1sp3r's name where it says hes not ... As for your other claim about when you are "comfortable with the egine".. you'll forgive me if I have my doubts. Thats one of the reasons only registered users can access certain things
  7. Just curious, but what would be the advantage?
  8. going un-noticed? I hope then one of the new checks is that the monitor is turned on
  9. Well it doesn't have to go straight to tracker, but could be generally discussed in say Leadwerks Editor, a protected forum first, and if a bug then put in the tracker.
  10. Not as far as I know, I think its usable on any terrain area.
  11. Just out of pure curiosity, will gamelib be compatible with both 2.2x and 2.3? or will it now be geared towards one or the other?
  12. I keep getting "attempt to call global 'Round' (a nil value)" warnings, and no roads showing, even when loading the deserthighway.sbx
  13. Is this from the rendering water tutorial?
  14. code example? how have you set the reflections?
  15. Well it was easier to delete and unzip the backup so I could continue with something I was working on. And with other issues it seems outside of the shader one I get the feeling it would not be as simple to just alter the Renderer.cpp for C++ , but I am also using Bmax .. This is my "hotfix" for now.
  16. I dont suppose there is an ETA on the new shaders.pak? until its upped I have just rolled back for now. As I said there is no point tinkering to try and get things working only to find out it all needs to be put back the way it was. I am assuming of course Josh is aware of this as there has been no acknowledgement?
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