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Marleys Ghost

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Everything posted by Marleys Ghost

  1. How complicated a scene Niosop? am trying to recreate your problem but can't, not sure if I have enough "stuff" in it
  2. If you don't mind my asking what are you using to convert to .gmf format?
  3. It was very good of you Masterxilo to do that, much appreciated, thank you
  4. Excellent, Thanks EC most generous of you, much appreciated.
  5. That would be like trusting McDonalds with your favorite Cow!! ooops sorry Mack ...
  6. Well I tried it on a POS low spec system and could not get the same problem.
  7. you never mentoned settings for L4D2 hence the comment ... you simply stated you could run it.
  8. Isn't it possible to thumbnail the image in the gallery to an off site storage area?
  9. Maybe use jpg format and drop the quality down?
  10. If you do use models from previous versions (pre 2.28) make sure you delete the .phy files and regenerate new ones.
  11. well I tried an empty level and loaded sbx still no problems maybe its just "one of those things" ?
  12. Wasn't one of those points loading times? Means nothing without more info. Like what settings L4D2 was using and if it had good framerates .. the only accurate comparison that can be drawn so far is you can run both.
  13. Well I am sure I am setting it up the same way as you, I create the first Cam node .. set this to 1 for the start, create a second node, connect the first to the second, and then run flythrough.lua
  14. I wondered about that, but I was more interested in the load times and see if I could replicate the times TheoLogic was getting.. but even with a low spec POS test system I could not. I view the results for the test platform considering its spec quite a success The X1550 was the lowest spec SM3 card I had.
  15. I would not say it looked bad or flat, the difference seems to be as stated hue and saturation.
  16. It wasn't too bad, just I always picture that type of concrete as dull and a matt finish. I was just checking it was ok to play with the textures supplied.
  17. Pretty good actually ... could use a mini gun though for all them indians
  18. Why not the other way around do I now have something I should not have as I have not paid for it which was the intention all along? Theft is theft ... I'm sorry thats such a hard concept to grasp. using romantic language like "piracy" and "leeching" and Philosophising over the tangabiltiy of a product as some moral dichtomy between right and wrong is just plain silly. If you want an "item" and have no intention of getting that "item" legally .. then by definition you have to obtain it ilegally or not at all. Its all quite simple.
  19. I agree with Lumooja it really makes no sense not to use framewerk. Plus most of the tutes need updating for the more recent versions of the engine, which I think Josh is in the middle of right now.
  20. What about electronic money theft? is that not really stealing because no pysical banknotes were involved just "information" ?
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