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Everything posted by Josh

  1. If you are behind a proxy you need to enter your prozy settings in the fields for that.
  2. This is the final output of Leadwerks 3 on Windows. When you choose "Windows" in the Publish dialog, a few options appear. Press OK and your game's installer is created. The installer looks like this. You can replace the installer images with your own if you like:
  3. Just multiply the texcoord with a number in the shader, and you have scaling. Add a number to it for offseting the coord.
  4. Some words once spoken can't be taken back.
  5. We're focusing on support for Lua and native code. We're providing support for Visual Studio, Xcode, and Eclipse.
  6. Because we try to avoid complicated package schemes and just use the plain file system, it's easy to use SVN, GIT, or Mercurial to synchronize projects. Assets don't get packed into zipped packages until the final publishing step. We synchronize all our assets right now with an SVN server, across PC and Mac computers. In the future I would like to add SVN and GIT support right in the editor. That's how it already works. All .cpp and .h files are shared in a "Source" folder. There's a couple of exceptions, but those are just platform-specific code files the user never has to look at or worry about. Once you create your cross-platform project, you can just keep all your source code files in one folder, and add them to the Visual Studio, Xcode, and Eclipse project. It's the same way we develop Leadwerks itself. It's also possible to add templates for new languages, and the editor will detect it and display it in the project creation wizard.
  7. I'm working on project creation, management, and publishing right now. This is necessary because it automates some steps that would otherwise be very time-consuming. When you create a project, you can choose the language and the platforms you want it to run on: You can switch between projects to reload all assets and change the working directory: You can export a project into a zip file, give it to someone else, and they can easily import it back from the zip, and have it available in the editor on their own computer: The final step is publishing, which I am still working on. On Windows, this will create a win32 installer program automatically for you, so you can export your game's installer straight from the editor! On Mac, this will create an Apple disk image (.dmg), which is the normal way Mac apps are distributed. On Android and iOS, this will copy all needed asset files to the mobile resource directories, and then give you the option to open Eclipse of Xcode. From there, you can compile the project and have it run on your mobile device right away. It's interesting that the new art pipeline provides a visual interface to go from an idea to a finished game. I think this will increase the amount of games and projects that get shared in our community, and will generally make the new engine easier and more fun to work with.
  8. http://www.leadwerks...clearworld-r457 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/command-reference/entities/freeentity-r121
  9. I'm actually working on the new implementation of this right now for Leadwerks 3. We'll have a "Project Manager" and "Project Wizard" that are built into the editor.
  10. No, but you can live without Leadwerks 3. It will just be a miserable existence. LE2 users will get a discount for Leadwerks 3 and have access to it before the public. It's cheapest to buy LE2 now and upgrade, rather than to wait.
  11. I recommend an Nvidia card over ATI. My highest card is a 480, and it runs anything I throw at it.
  12. LE2 uses Newton somewhere around 2.3x. Leadwerks 3 uses Newton 3. Leadwerks 3 uses a modular design, so it is actually possible to replace the renderer, physics, etc. in a seamless manner.
  13. It sounded like nonsense. Boy who cried wolf. :/ I created a topic here to ask about it: http://blitzmax.com/...php?topic=99429 In the meantime, I suggest using an operating system that supports Win32 executables.
  14. I can't imagine why it wouldn't run. LE2 runs fine.
  15. http://www.restuner.com/howto-insert-trust-info-manifest.htm <!-- Identify the application security requirements. --> <!-- level can be "asInvoker", "highestAvailable", or "requireAdministrator" --> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> Keywords: privileges privilege elevated escalated uac resource tuner permissions
  16. $36 for a 600 watt power supply: http://www.frys.com/product/6690454 I don't like the 640. The specs looks good, but it looks like a mobile card: http://www.geforce.c...s/geforce-gt640 When you make things smaller, the performance is never as good. I played Left 4 Dead 2 on my iMac for months. When I switched back to Windows for my primary gaming machine, I could actually see the bullets flying by and everything was so much faster. My skills got way better overnight. It's time to man up and build a desktop machine.
  17. Something like this would be good: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130827 Just look at the number of stream processors/CUDA cores.
  18. And it's still more powerful than 90% of the trash PCs they sell at Best Buy. You don't have to build it yourself. Just go to Fry's Electronics, pick out the parts you want (or ask for help) and then pay them $60 to assemble it. You can build a supercomputer for like $500. Why do people make such horrible purchasing decisions with PCs? They've got a million excuses why they need to buy a ****ty computer for more money. Everyone I talk to isn't just ignorant, they are determined to pay the most money for the worst possible machine.
  19. 1: Can you just use C++ for Leadwerks 2.5 & 3 once it comes out?, because i only know that Language. Yes. 2: Once i buy Leadwerks 2.5, do i need to buy Leadwerks 3? No. 3: Can i use Microsoft C++ 2010 with the Leadwerks Engine? Yes. 4: Is there more Features on the full Version than the Trial? Not really. 5: Is the Full Version only 137.85MB? like the Trial? Might be a little bigger. It uses a different download and install system.
  20. Josh

    iOS 6 Blues

    It's resolved. Everything works great on iOS and Android.
  21. You can spend less than $100 and get a killer GPU.
  22. Josh

    iOS 6 Blues

    The problem has to do with the lighting equation in the fragment shader. If I comment out the lighting code, the box appears. Now to figure out exactly what is wrong...
  23. Josh

    iOS 6 Blues

    BTW, 2D drawing works fine. 8O
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