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Blog Entries posted by Josh

  1. Josh
    I spent most of today getting the Android library more polished, especially when handling application switching. It's a little tricky because Android doesn't automatically manage your sound channels and OpenGL resources, so these need to be reloaded when an app regains focus. Here's a video, which I obviously had way too much fun with in iMovie:

  2. Josh
    So, most of December was eaten up on some NASA VR projects. There was a conference last week in Seattle that I attended for a couple of days. Then I had meetings in northern California and Arizona.
    Unfortunately, I can't really talk much about what I am doing with those. Rest assured I am working on a plan to grow the company so we can provide better products and support for you. I'm taking a hit on productivity now in order to make a bigger plan happen.
    Today is my first day back home after all that, and I now have time to focus on the software. Thanks for your patience while I get this all sorted out.
  3. Josh
    I sent my mockups off to the designer to create our very own hoodie as a super tournament prize. This garment will come with not one, not two, but three separate printed graphics on a high-quality American Apparel hooded fleece. Here's roughly what it will look like:

    And here is a t-shirt design for a future production run:

  4. Josh
    I've been doing some work on the sound system in Leadwerks 5 beta, and I added EAX effects in. If you have a dedicated sound card this can be used to add some nice reverb effects that make your sound environment sound a lot more real:
    Here's the simplest usage:
    auto fx = LoadSoundEffect("Sound/FX/sewerpipe.json"); auto listener = CreateListener(world); listener->SetEffect(fx); This will apply the effect to all mono sources. Stereo sources are assumed to be music or GUI noises, and will be unaffected. Eventually, the way I see this being used is a script attached to a CSG brush that changes the listener's EAX effect when the player enters and leaves the volume, but the above shows the API approach.
    I exported all the EAX presets into JSON files like so. You can load one of the existing files, or if you are feeling really creative you can try making your own:
    { "AirAbsorptionGainHF": 0.99426, "DecayHFLimit": 0, "DecayHFRatio": 0.89, "DecayLFRatio": 0.41, "DecayTime": 2.76, "Density": 1.0, "Diffusion": 0.82, "EchoDepth": 0.17, "EchoTime": 0.13, "Gain": 0.316228, "GainHF": 0.281838, "GainLF": 0.0891251, "HFReference": 2854.4, "LateReverbGain": 0.891251, "LateReverbPan": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "LFReference": 107.5, "LateReverbDelay": 0.02, "ModulationDepth": 0.0, "ModulationTime": 0.25, "ReflectionsDelay": 0.029, "ReflectionsGain": 0.354813, "ReflectionsPan": [0.0, 0.0, -0.0], "RoomRolloffFactor": 0.0 } Here's the full list of available presets:
    CastleSmallroom CastleMediumroom CastleLongpassage CastleLargeroom CastleHall CastleCupboard CastleCourtyard CastleAlcove FactoryAlcove FactoryShortPassage FactoryMediumRoom FactoryLongPassage FactoryLargeRoom FactoryHall FactoryCupboard FactoryCourtyard FactorySmallRoom IcepalaceAlcove IcepalaceShortPassage IcepalaceMediumRoom IcepalaceLongPassage IcepalaceLargeroom IcepalaceHall IcepalaceCupboard IcepalaceCourtyard IcepalaceSmallRoom SpacestationAlcove SpacestationMediumRoom SpacestationShortpassage SpacestationLongPassage SpacestationLargeRoom SpacestationHall SpacestationCupboard SpacestationSmallRoom WoodenAlcove WoodenShortPassage WoodenMediumRoom WoodenLongPassage WoodenLargeRoom WoodenHall WoodenCupboard WoodenSmallRoom WoodenCourtyard SportEmptyStadium SportSquashCourt SportSmallSwimmingPool SportLargeSwimmingPool SportGymnasium SportFullStadium SportStadiumTannoy Workshop SchoolRoom PractiseRoom Outhouse Caravan Dome Tomb PipeSmall DomeSaintPauls PipeLongThing PipeLarge PipeResonant OutdoorsBackyard OutdoorsRollingPlains OutdoorsDeepCanyon OutdoorsCreek OutdoorsValley MoodHeaven MoodHell MoodMemory DrivingCommentator DrivingPitGarage DrivingInCarRacer DrivingInCarSports DrivingFullGrandstand DrivingEmptyGrandstand DrivingTunnel CityStreets CitySubway CityMuseum CityLibrary CityUnderpass Dustyroom Chapel SmallWaterRoom I might consider implementing Steam Audio in the future (formerly Phonon) but for now OpenAL does everything I want.
  5. Josh
    Another build is available on the beta branch on Steam.
    Fixed zip import behavior. Fixed physics swept collision bug, waiting for confirmation this fixed other reported problems. Kinematic joint rotation not fixed yet. Updated to Steamworks 1.41 Updated to latest version of OpenVR Code::Blocks C++ project not updated yet. We're getting close to release, so your reports (especially the ones with examples!) are appreciated.
    Instructions for updating C++ projects are available here:
  6. Josh
    Texture loading plugins allow us to move some big libraries like FreeImage into separate optional plugins, and it also allows you to write plugins to load new texture and image formats.
    To demonstrate the feature, I have added a working VTF plugin to the GMF2 SDK. This plugin will load Valve texture files used in Source Engine games like Half-Life 2 and Portal. Here are the results, showing a texture loaded directly from VTF format and also displayed in Nem’s nifty VTFEdit tool.

    Just like we saw with the MD3 model loader, loading a texture with a plugin is done by first loading the plugin, and then the texture. (Make sure you keep a handle to the plugin or it will be automatically unloaded.)
    auto vtfloader = LoadPlugin("Plugins/VTF.dll"); auto tex = LoadTexture("Materials/HL2/gordon.vtf”); This will be included in the next update to the Turbo Game Engine update, and at that point there is nothing stopping you from creating your own plugins. I hope to someone smart write a plugin for Crunch .crn files, which could cut the size of your game's distribution files down by half.
    Unlike the GMF2 model format, which provides fast loading of large model files, my internal texture format ("GTF2") has no advantage over other texture formats, and I do not plan to make standalone files in this format. I recommend using DDS files for textures, using BC7 compression for most images and BC5 for normal maps.
  7. Josh
    Since brushes in Leadwerks3D are entities, and the Leadwerks3D editor gives you access to the entity hierarchy throughout a scene, we don't use "groups" like 3D World Studio had. Instead, when a compound brush is created, a parent pivot is created, and all brush segments are made a child of that. When you select any part of the hierarchy, the entire compound brush is selected (unless "Ignore Hierarchy" is turned on).
    Since brushes can now have a 4x4 matrix, which wasn't the case in the past, my code for editing has to be a little more advanced. I was initially having some trouble getting this working with my first compound primitive, the arch shape:

    However, I think it's all good now. You can see the smooth groups working across multiple subobjects, to give the arch interior a smooth curved surface:

    You can also see how the scene tree displays every object in the scene, allowing you to select multiple objects at once.
  8. Josh
    Leadwerks.com now features a video gallery where our members can post movies of their games made with Leadwerks Engine. Instead of slowly uploading a huge video file, you can simply enter a YouTube video ID to submit movies. Check out some of the cool videos like Legos falling over to a techno soundtrack, fly through floating islands in Aerora, and of course there's Dave Lee's excellent Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
    We've also created a random rotating banner image in our website header. Leadwerks developers can now submit their own Leadwerks.com banners and have them appear on our site.
    -Banner images must be 980x128 pixels in size, in JPG format, with 10% compression (high quality).
    -Your profile will be linked to from the small box in the upper right corner of the banner.
    -The title you submit will appear in the URL popup title.
    -Banners will appear in the rotation after they are approved by the staff.
    -If we have used one of your gallery images, feel free to resubmit it so you can get it linked to your account, and get full credit.
    We hope these new community features give our users even more ways to interact and have fun making games.
  9. Josh
    I'm going to focus on directing people to the Leadwerks mailing list and getting people to sign up for Leadwerks accounts. This is much more valuable than social media followers we have no data for, or even Steam users we can't contact directly.
    We do need something extra to get the word out to people on the web about Leadwerks, but I don't think Facebook and Twitter are it...
  10. Josh
    A big update is now available for beta subscribers!
    Multipass Rendering
    You can use several cameras to increase the depth range or mix 2D and 3D graphics.
    2D Graphics
    As discussed earlier, 2D graphics are now supported using persistent 2D objects.
    Depth Sorting
    Multiple layers of transparency will now render in correct order, with lighting in each layer. Note that I used an empty script called "null.lua" to prevent the glass surfaces here from being collapsed at load.

    Coroutine Sequences
    Lua coroutine sequences are working now. Lua coroutines can be added to an entity and they will be updated each frame, in order:
    function Start() self:AddCoroutine(self.MoveToPoint,10,0,0) self:AddCoroutine(self.MoveToPoint,10,0,10) self:AddCoroutine(self.MoveToPoint,0,0,10) end Key / Action Bindings
    Key bindings are now working for Lua scripts or C++ actors. You supply a default key code and an action name. Action name is not implemented yet but later it will allow the player to remap their keys.
    Along with text rendering and Unicode support, you can now load language definition sets to automatically replace your text when you call CreateText.
    auto lang = LoadLanguage("Config/Localization/German.json"); SetLanguage(lang); Language files are just a bunch of JSON key pairs:
    { "Hello": "Guten Tag", "How are you?": "Wie gehts?", "I must have an apple.": "Ich muss einen Apfel haben." } Vertical fonts are not currently supported.
    Notification Boxes and File Dialogs
    In anticipation of our new editor, these have been added.
  11. Josh
    Most entity types will start with collision type=0 now.
    Fix so collidable emitter particles won't collide with the emitter itself anymore.
    Added lens flares to lighting prefabs in showcase map.
    Added bloom to showcase map.
    Modified the way the Flicker effect script works.

  12. Josh

    Before finalizing Ultra App Kit I want to make sure our 3D engine works correctly with the GUI system. This is going to be the basis of all our 3D tools in the future, so I want to get it right before releasing the GUI toolkit. This can prevent breaking changes from being made in the future after the software is released.
    Below you can see our new 3D engine being rendered in a viewport created on a GUI application. The GUI is being rendered using Windows GDI+, the same system that draws the real OS interface, while the 3D rendering is performed with Vulkan 1.1. The GUI is using an efficient event-driven program structure with retained mode drawing, while Vulkan rendering is performed asynchronously in real time, on another thread. (The rendering thread can also be set to render only when the viewport needs to be refreshed.)

    The viewport resizes nicely with the window:

    During this process I learned there are two types of child window behavior. If a window is parented to another window it will appear on top of the parent, and it won’t have a separate icon appear in the Windows task bar. Additionally, if the WS_CHILD window style is used, then the child window coordinates will be relative to the parent, and moving the parent will instantly move the child window with it. We need both types of behavior. A splash screen is an example of the first, and a 3D viewport is an example of the second. Therefore, I have added a WINDOW_CHILD window creation flag you can use to control this behavior.
    This design has been my plan going back several years, and at long last we have the result. This will be a strong foundation for creating game development tools like the new engine's editor, as well as other ideas I have.
    This is what "not cutting corners" looks like.
  13. Josh
    Here's an update of the model sheet for our "Mercenary" character. We're spending more time in the planning phase than previous attempts, and I think the effort is really paying off.
    All design is really a process of decision-making. If you don't make decisions you'll end up with something without much definition. Everything about this character was decided according to factors I set out at the beginning of this project.

  14. Josh

    I've been wracking my brain trying to decide what I want to show at the upcoming conference, and decided I should get the new editor in a semi-workable state. I started laying out the interface two days ago. To my surprise, the whole process went very fast and I discovered some cool design features along the way.
    With the freedom and control I have with the new user interface system, I was able to make the side panel extend all the way to the top and bottom of the window client area. This gives you a little more vertical space to work with.
    The object bar on the left also extends higher and goes all the way down the side, so there is room for more buttons now.
    The toolbar only spans the width of the viewport area, and has only the most common buttons you will need.
    Right now, I am showing all files in the project, not just game files. If it's a model or texture file the editor will generate a rendered thumbnail, but for other files it just retrieves the thumbnail image from Windows for that file type.

    All in all I am very pleased with the design and pleasantly surprised how quickly I am able to implement editor features.
  15. Josh
    In my work with NASA we visualize many detailed CAD models in VR. These models may consist of tens of millions of polygons and thousands of articulated sub-objects. This often results in rendering performance that is bottlenecked by the vertex rather than the fragment pipeline. I recently performed some research to determine how to maximize our rendering speed in these situations.
    Leadwerks 4 used separate vertex buffers, but in Leadwerks 5 I have been working exclusively with interleaved vertex buffers. Data is interleaved and packed tightly. I always knew this could make a small improvement in speed, but I underestimated how important this is. Each byte in the data makes a huge impact. Now vertex colors and the second texture coordinate set are two vertex attributes that are almost never used. I decided to eliminate these. If required, this data can be packed into a 1D texture, applied to a material, and then read in a custom vertex shader, but I don't think the cost of keeping this data in the default vertex structure is justified. By reducing the size of the vertex structure I was able to make rendering speed in vertex-heavy scenarios about four times faster.
    Our vertex structure has been cut down to a convenient 32 bytes:
    struct Vertex {     Vec3 position;     short texcoords[2];     signed char normal[3];     signed char displacement;     signed char tangent[4];     unsigned char boneweights[4];     unsigned char boneindices[4]; }; I created a separate vertex buffer for rendering shadow maps, which only require position data. I decided to copy the position data into this and store it separately. This requires about 15% more vertex memory usage, but results in a much more compact vertex structure for faster shadow rendering. I may pack the vertex texture coordinates in there, since that would result in a 16-byte-aligned structure. I did not see any difference in performance on my Nvidia card and I suspect this is the same cost as a 12-byte structure on most hardware.
    Using unsigned shorts instead of unsigned integers for mesh indices increases performance by 11%.
    A vertex-limited scene is one in which our default setting of using an early Z-pass can be a disadvantage, so I added an option to disable this on a per-camera basis.
    Finally, I found that vertex cache optimization tools can produce a significant performance increase. I implemented two different libraries. In order to do this, I added a new plugin function for filtering a mesh:
    int FilterMesh(char* filtername, char* params, GMFSDK::GMFVertex*& vertices, uint32_t& vertex_count, uint32_t*& indices, uint32_t& indice_count, int polygonpoints); This allows you to add new mesh processing routines such as flipping the indices of a mesh, calculating normals, or performing mesh modifications like bending, twisting, distorting, etc. Both libraries resulted in an additional 100% increase in framerate in vertex-limited scenes.
    What will this help with? These optimizations will make a real difference when rendering CAD models and point cloud data.
  16. Josh
    Since the community has done their part and we are approaching 100 game, it's almost time to take Game Launcher out of early preview mode make it a full release. When it becomes a full release on Steam the number of people playing your games will go up, a lot.
    There are still some odds and ends in the interface to finish up. The thumbnail loading routine needs to be improved. There are some changes that need to be made so it will work better with Big Picture mode. So I am aiming for a release in Spring 2017.
    By default, the game launcher will show about 20 games with a "Staff Pick" tag. The full library of games will still be viewable by selecting the list item in the categories list. I want to make sure new players try the games first that will give them the best experience, and keep them coming back for more.
    There are also a few non-working games that will be removed from the Workshop if they are not updated. Games will only be removed if they don't start, or if they are loading the default starting map accidentally.
    The "Staff Pick" games are the showcase of what the Leadwerks community can create, and will get more players. They are being selected based on the following criteria.
    Is the game fun?
    Is the objective clear? Does the player know what to do?
    Is there a place in the game where most players will get stuck?

    Does the game load quickly and run fast?

    Does the game look good?
    Is it using decent-looking assets or programmer art?

    I hope that pushing simple games with high replay value to the front will result in people trying more games.
  17. Josh
    I've been working to make my previously demonstrated voxel ray tracing system fully dynamic. Getting the voxel data to update fast enough was a major challenge, and it forced me to rethink the design. In the video below you can see the voxel data being updated at a sufficient speed. Lighting has been removed, as I need to change the way this runs.
    I plan to keep two copies of the data in memory and let the GPU interpolate smoothly in between them, in order to smooth out the motion. Next I need to add the direct lighting and GI passes back in, which will add an additional small delay but hopefully be within a tolerable threshold.
  18. Josh
    I am now accepting additional paid content from select authors to publish their Workshop content. Valve will take their standard 30% cut, you will receive 50% of each sale, and Leadwerks will take just 20%. If you are interested in reaching a new audience with the Workshop store, please contact me. You must be a seller with 3D models or textures in an existing marketplace for 3D content, or have a website showing your work.

    More information on publishing here:
  19. Josh
    Happy Friday.

    One thing I will point out is that success is much more about creative experimentation than it is about sheer willpower. You have a little control over willpower, but not a ton. It's much better to keep the same amount of effort and just be smarter about what you do, than to try really really hard. That means taking a lot of risks and experiencing a lot of small low-cost failures to find what works.
  20. Josh

    Happy Friday! I am taking a break from global illumination to take care of some various remaining odds and ends in Ultra Engine.
    Variance shadow maps are a type of shadowmap filter technique that use a statistical sample of the depth at each pixel to do some funky math stuff. GPU Gems 3 has a nice chapter on the technique. The end result is softer shadows that run faster. I was wondering where my variance shadow map code went, until I realized this is something I only prototyped in OpenGL and never implemented in Vulkan until now. Here's my first pass at variance shadow maps in Vulkan:

    There are a few small issues but they are no problem to work out. The blurring is taking place before the scene render, in the shadow map itself, which is a floating point color texture instead of a depth texture. (This makes VSMs faster than normal shadow maps.) The seams you see on the edges in the shot above are caused by that blurring, but there's a way we can fix that. If we store one sharp and one blurred image in the variance shadow map, we can interpolate between those based on distance from the shadow caster. Not only does this get rid of the ugly artifacts (say goodbye to shadow acne forever), but it also creates a realistic penumbra, as you can see in the shot of my original OpenGL implementation. Close to the shadow caster, the shadow is well-defined and sharp, but it gets much blurrier the further away it gets from the object:

    Instead of blurring the near image after rendering, we can use MSAA to give it a fine-but-smooth edge. There is no such thing as an MSAA depth shadow sampler in GLSL, although I think there should be, and I have lobbied on behalf of this idea.

    Finally, in my Vulkan implementation I used a compute shader instead of a fragment shader to perform the blurring. The advantage is that a compute shader can gather a bunch of samples and store them in memory, then access them to process a group of pixels at once. Instead of reading 9x9 pixels for each fragment, it can read a block of pixels and process them all at once, performing the same number of image writes, but much fewer reads:
    // Read all required pixel samples x = int(gl_WorkGroupID.x) * BATCHSIZE; y = int(gl_WorkGroupID.y) * BATCHSIZE; for (coord.x = max(x - EXTENTS, 0); coord.x < min(x + BATCHSIZE + EXTENTS, outsize.x); ++coord.x) { for (coord.y = max(y - EXTENTS, 0); coord.y < min(y + BATCHSIZE + EXTENTS, outsize.y); ++coord.y) { color = imageLoad(imagearrayCube[inputimage], coord); samples[coord.x - int(gl_WorkGroupID.x) * BATCHSIZE + EXTENTS][coord.y - int(gl_WorkGroupID.y) * BATCHSIZE + EXTENTS] = color; } } This same technique will be used to make post-processing effects faster. I previously thought the speed of those would be pretty much the same in every engine, but now I see ways they can be improved significantly for a general-use speed increase. @klepto2 has been talking about the benefits of compute shaders for a while, and he is right, they are very cool. Most performance-intensive post-processing effects perform some kind of gather operation, so compute shaders can make a big improvement there.
    One issue with conventional VSMs is that all objects must cast a shadow. Otherwise, an object that appears in front of a shadow caster will be dark. However, I added some math of my own to fix this problem, and it appears to work with no issues. So that's not something we need to worry about.
    All around, variance shadow maps are a big win. They run faster, look better, and eliminate shadow acne, so they basically kill three birds with one stone.
  21. Josh

    The terrain streaming / planet rendering stuff was the last of the feature creep. That finishes out the features I have planned for the first release of the new engine. My approach for development has been to go very broad so I could get a handle on how all the features work together, solve the hard problems, and then fill in the details when convenient.
    The hard problems are all solved so now it's just a matter of finishing things, Consequently, I don't think my blogs are going to make any more groundbreaking feature announcements, but rather are going to show steady improvement of each subsystem as we progress towards a finished product.
    The GUI is something I wanted to spend some more cycles on. The initial release of the new engine will be a pure programming SDK with GUI support, but the GUI I am implementing is also going to be the basis of the new editor, when that time comes. I decided that using Lua scripts to control widgets was a bad idea because when operating at-scale I think this will cause some small slowdown in the UI. My goals for the new editor are for it to load fast and be very snappy and responsive, and that is my highest priority. It is nice to have overarching design goals because then you know what you must do.
    I've started the process of converting our Lua widget scripts into C++ code. The API now has functions like CreatePanel(), CreateButton(), etc. and is much more formalized than the flexible-but-open-ended GUI system in Leadwerks 4. For customization, I am implementing a color system. We have a bunch of color constants like this:
        enum WidgetColor     {         WIDGET_COLOR_BACKGROUND,         WIDGET_COLOR_BORDER,         WIDGET_COLOR_FOREGROUND,         WIDGET_COLOR_SELECTION,         WIDGET_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT,         WIDGET_COLOR_AUX0,         WIDGET_COLOR_AUX1,         WIDGET_COLOR_AUX2,         WIDGET_COLOR_AUX3,     }; There is a Widget::SetColor() command that lets you set any of the above values. Now, this is not a complete set of colors. The GUI system uses a lot more colors than that. But these colors are generated by multiplying the defined color by some value to make it a little darker or a little lighter.
    This means I am making a decision to reduce the flexibility of the system in favor of more formalized feature support, better documentation, and better performance.
    I think we will be able to load a color scheme from a JSON file and that will allow enough customization that most things people want to do will be possible. For custom widget behavior, I think either an actor or a DLL plugin could be used. There are enough options for future extensibility that I feel like we will be okay deferring that decision for now, and I am not coding myself into a corner.
    Here's a shot of the current state of things:

    I probably have enough GUI code ahead of me I could just go silent for a month and stay busy with this. I don't really want to think about that for the rest of today. Goodnight.
  22. Josh
    The Leadwerks 5 beta will soon be updated with particle emitters and an example particle system plugin. Previously, I showed some impressive results with physically interactive particles that collide with and exert forces on the environment. I decided to use the plugin system for controlling particle behavior, as this offers the best performance and can be run on the physics thread. 
    A particle system plugin uses some predefined structures and functions to modify the behavior of particles when they are emitted or as they are updated. This allows for unlimited features to be added to the particle system, because anything you want can be added with a plugin. A system for sending settings to the plugin will be implemented in the future so you can adjust the plugin settings and see the results. The default particle settings and features will probably stay pretty barebones and I will just use the plugin system to add any advanced functionality since it is so flexible.
    void EmitParticle(ParticleModifier* mod, ParticleSystem* particlesystem, Particle* particle) { if (mod->emissionshape == EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX) { particle->position[0] = Random(-mod->area[0], mod->area[0]); particle->position[1] = Random(-mod->area[1], mod->area[1]); particle->position[2] = Random(-mod->area[2], mod->area[2]); } else if (mod->emissionshape == EMISSION_SHAPE_CYLINDER) { particle->position[0] = Random(-mod->area[0], mod->area[0]); particle->position[1] = Random(-mod->area[1], mod->area[1]); particle->position[2] = Random(-mod->area[2], mod->area[2]); auto l = sqrt(particle->position[0] * particle->position[0] + particle->position[1] * particle->position[1] + particle->position[2] * particle->position[2]); if (l > 0.0f) { particle->position[0] /= l; particle->position[1] /= l; particle->position[2] /= l; } } particle->position[0] += particlesystem->matrix[12]; particle->position[1] += particlesystem->matrix[13]; particle->position[2] += particlesystem->matrix[14]; } There are three other new Lua examples included. Coroutines.lua shows how a sequence of actions can be added to an entity before the game starts, and the actions will be executed in order:
    --Create model local model = CreateBox(world) --Add some behaviors to be executed in order model:AddCoroutine(MoveToPoint, Vec3(3,0,0), 2) model:AddCoroutine(MoveToPoint, Vec3(-3,0,0), 2) model:AddCoroutine(MoveToPoint, Vec3(0,0,0), 2) --Main loop while window:Closed() == false do world:Update() world:Render(framebuffer) end This is great for setting up cut scenes or other sequences of events.
    An example showing how to enable tessellation is also included. Tessellation is now a per-camera setting.
    camera:SetTessellation(10) The number you input is the size in pixels of the tessellated primitives. Use zero to disable tessellation. Tessellation is disabled by default on all cameras.
    Finally, an example showing how to use a texture loader plugin is included. All you have to do is load the plugin and after that textures can be loaded in VTF format:
    local vtfloader = LoadPlugin("Plugins/VTF.dll") local tex = LoadTexture("Materials/wall01.vtf")  
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