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  1. Past hour
  2. 0.9.6 Updated editor with recent fixes.
  3. Today
  4. All working! and looking good to. Well done.
  5. 1. Open the attached map. 2. Select all three brushes, duplicate & drag. 3. Notice the bug shown below. duplicatebug.zip
  6. Saving animation has been added in the new version of the Ultra / Leadwerks model format.
  7. Uh-oh. I was working on some math stuff to make the rotate-to-normal option work, and I did not update that quaternion shader code file. The fix is uploaded now.
  8. Wow Ultra is fast, running all the post effects at once and still frames not effected..
  9. Im pleased to say that all post effects are now loading and working.
  10. #2 and 3 appear to be working fine now. Please let me know if this is not the case.
  11. Yesterday
  12. #1 is solved for next build.
  13. Failed to compile those two shader updates
  14. Josh

    Terrain bugs

    #1 is some design that could be improved, but not a bug. #4 is resolved for the next build, I think. When you change textures all affected terrains will be updated. The other properties should just already be working right. #3 Tessellation on terrain is not currently supported. This will be implemented along with GPU culling.
  15. My bad, shaders are updated now.
  16. That's what's aggravating about this. When you battle test the undo system, it seems to work fine but when you're the middle of a mapping session, the undo system lets you down. I don't even know how you could debug this without doing a remote debugger on them while they map. I can try to find step by step examples, but watch it be fine on your end.
  17. To be honest, I haven't ran into this issue since. Let's mark it as resolved it for now.
  18. This is me changing the seed values.. I always look for Sync after i do updates so Im never worried about shaders or exe syncs not being right.
  19. I assume the post-processing effect problem is solved in more recent builds? It does not seem to be a problem when I try it.
  20. Can you link to a glTF or glb file that does not load correctly? I use glTF files from Sketchfab all the time. GLB should work as well. The FITextureLoader plugin must be loaded in order to load PNG and JPEG images as textures, but if it isn't the model should still load with no textures.
  21. Marking this as solved, unless anyone tells me otherwise...
  22. The program does not crash for me. Instead I see this: The solution is to specify a wide string in the string declaration: auto label2 = CreateLabel(L"Тест", 20, 50, 120, 30, ui->root, LABEL_BORDER | LABEL_CENTER | LABEL_MIDDLE); Then it looks like this: (Non-latin characters are currently not supported in a 3D GUI because I have to change the way characters are rasterized from the font. This is on my to-do list.)
  23. I did not test the code above with the latest build, but this might be solved. I removed some "tight intersection testing" that was not working correctly. The results are more likely to include false positives but it might resolve this problem.
  24. Added NavAgent:Stop Added NavMesh() casting function Added the missing CreateNavMesh overload These will be included in the next build that goes up. When an entity is attached to an object, it's local orientation is preserved relative to the parent. This might be a design decision that should be revisited, but it is currently working as intended. I don't think you need to move the agent, the entity's global orientation at the time of attachment will turn into its relative orientation to the attached object.
  25. Problems that don't have a specific way to produce them unfortunately are harder to resolve.
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