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  2. Alienhead

    Outdoor GI

    Love this screenie. Needs some rocks though :)>>
  3. Yesterday
  4. I think i have seen that WASD is only used when keeping the right mouse button pressed. So that would be a solution to still use g, s, r. I think currently using WASD without the right mouse button is pretty unusable anyway as it moves with the speed of the keyboard pressed repeat speed. so without mouse button, when i keep W, A, S or D pressed, it first moves in that direction for a little bit, then stops until it starts to move again but more slowly than when keeping the mouse button pressed.
  5. Currently, all textures in any materials used in the terrain need to be the texture resolution the terrain has specified upon creation. Normal maps must be in BC5 format. Displacement maps must be in Luminance 8 format. All other textures must be in BC7 format. This is done because the textures get merged together into an atlas, so the texture lookups in the shader are dynamically uniform. I plan to add automatic resizing and format conversion to make this easier.
  6. This is listed in the system requires here, but I did not know the FBX converter also required it. https://www.ultraengine.com/learn The link I have is this: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe I think that includes the required version, but I am not sure. vcredist_x64.zip
  7. XFORM/Maps/xform.ultra at main · UltraEngine/XFORM (github.com)
  8. Can you upload a map that demonstrates this problem?
  9. To reproduce: 1. Add a new Layer. 2. Edit the default layer "dirt01" and change its material (by double clicking). 3. Painting the new second layer results in a white paint. 4. Painting with the first layer uses the old original texture. Not the edited one. 5. Add another new Layer. -> Now the Terrain actually updates to use the first painted layer 6. All new layers are still white though. (no idea what i am doing wrong. I compared it with the default layer and see nothing wrong). --- Unrelated to the above: The "Clear" Button only clears the smoothing between the layers. Not the solid part of the layer. (see screenshot). Might be intended functionality, but then the "Clear" is pretty much useless since you need to paint over it anyway? Can't really tell much since my new layers are white anyway.
  10. I found the Terrain tools a bit unintuitive. 1. Its not really clear, what the upper Buttons belong to. You first think, its to load a material for the layers, not for the terrain heightmap itself. 2. Once you added a Layer and you then notice you don't need it, there is no way to delete it again. Only Replace it with another one. (Or i just haven't found any way).
  11. Editor Crashes and just closes when selecting "None" for Shader family on any material.
  12. If you change the brush type, it'll start working again, but only in one viewport apparently.
  13. Adding to this list: In order for me to attach a NavAgent to a entity already in the world I have to move the entity to 0,0,0 and rotation 0,0,0 then attach it, then SetPosition() and SetRotation() the agent back to the normal spot for it to work. Simply creating the agent, moving it to pos and rot then attaching it causes some weird effects usually resulting in the model/entity being placed all about the map.
  14. Adding to this list: navagent:Stop() is missing in lua.
  15. Nevermind, looks like grid snapping is now an option!
  16. When using the vertex tool, it's a free for all and the point no longer snaps to the nearest grid.
  17. Working on the xform map and noticed that I can't see the size dimensions on brushes. However, on a new map, it works fine.
  18. Also trying to mimic the creation in code results with an error: navmesh = CreateNavMesh(world, 100, 64, 64, 32, 0.25, 0.4, 1.8, 0.5, 45) CreateNavMesh(shared_ptr<World> world, const float height, const int tilesx, const int tilesz, const int tileres = 32, const float voxelsize = 0.25, const float agentradius = 0.4, const float agentheight = 1.8, const float stepheight = 0.501, const float maxslope = 45.01)
  19. Josh, can you expose the NavMesh class to lua? I need to access an editor created Navmesh but i cant cast it and lua thinks its Entity class. So CreateNavAgent(navmesh) fails. navmesh = NavMesh(navmesh) or nav:As<NavMesh>()
  20. You just need to let the edior open while you do something else. But dont minimize it. Just switch the tab in windows.
  21. Is NavMesh creation currently turned off in the editor? Nothing happens whatsoever when I click Build NavMesh. just wondering Strike that, I just realized I was doing it wrong.
  22. FotoMuseo 3D v4.0 Official Trailer: Finally released!!
  23. 0.9.6 Fixed bug when saving animated models with out-of-order bones IDs. Fixed bug where animation controls could crash editor if extract animation window had not been opened yet.
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