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  1. Today
  2. Np, i hope it will be fixed sooner now. Can't make a maps for my game without normally working prefabs.
  3. Josh

    Imposter Lighting

    Previously the normals in the imposter shader were not correct for a variety of reasons.
  4. SpiderPig

    Imposter Lighting

    What was the trick to getting it work? Just manipulating the normal map?
  5. Josh

    Foliage Lighting

    Another shot with a little bit different lighting conditions.
  6. Oh sorry for the duplicate. We probably should continue on that topic.
  7. Josh

    Imposter Lighting

    Imposters shown with correct lighting that matches the model.
  8. Yesterday
  9. How would I save a table without it saving like below? "{\n\t\"Console\": 112,\n\t\"Fullscreen\": 122,\n\t\"InGameControls\":\n\t{\n\t\t\"Crouch\": 17,\n\t\t\"Jump\": 32,\n\t\t\"MoveBackward\": 83,\n\t\t\"MoveForward\": 87,\n\t\t\"MoveLeft\": 65,\n\t\t\"MoveRight\": 68,\n\t\t\"QuickSpin\": 81,\n\t\t\"Use\": 69,\n\t\t\"ZoomIn\": 257,\n\t\t\"ZoomOut\": 258,\n\t\t\"axes\":\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\"Camera\": 0\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"mousecursor\": 0\n\t},\n\t\"Pause\": 27,\n\t\"Quick Load\": 117,\n\t\"Quick Save\": 116,\n\t\"Screenshot\": 113,\n\t\"Terminate\": 35,\n\t\"mousecursor\": 1\n}"
  10. Load this in the XFORM project. Open the prefab and pay attention to the texture coordinates. Then make a new map and place the prefab exactly at the origin and notice the texture offset. testarea.zip
  11. Do you still have your source code? Also, some applications such as Samsung's Disk Magician can prevent Leadwerks from launching in fullscreen from my experience.
  12. Marcousik


    Nice! Would be very interesting to see this scene in a video with performance test (FPS) with animated Sky (sun + clouds+clouds shadows) with shaped models + a few NPC running their paths.
  13. Is there a way to disable any dependency for UI from DPI scale and stuff? Even if i create app initionally on 2nd screen with 100% scale it's still have wrong offset if 1st had 125%. ui->SetScale(1.0f); does not help
  14. 0.9.6 Added an example of a custom shader family and shader. I tried to make it as simple as possible, with one input and one output structure in which all parameters are stored. The files in "Shaders/Custom" are an example of what any node-based shader editor should output.
  15. Last week
  16. 0.9.6 Shader update fixes mesh layer normals. Shader update fixes missing ambient light in imposter fragment shader.
  17. The grate.mat material in the XFORM project seems to be hit or miss trying to select a brush that has this material applied to it. You also can't move it in the 2D viewports nor retexture the brush. Must be something with the picking. XFORM/Materials/Developer at main · UltraEngine/XFORM (github.com)
  18. New error on the rise, oh joy! XD Upon usage of TriggerChangeMap.lua in the base scripts, I find the error "Assert Failed" no comment. I used my map name as a string, and used the object which parents the script as a fail-safe for falling out the map, in order to trigger a reset of the map in use. start.map -- "start" (as used in the string)
  19. If it's fullscreen, how can the cursor go outside the window?
  20. Even with fullscreen cursor going out of window which can be annoying for moving camera by putting cursor near screen border in tactic and strategy games, I want to have it as an option game settings.
  21. What would you use this for? If the window is fullscreen, you have nothing to worry about. If the window is not fullscreen, you presumably want to be able to click on another window to select it.
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