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    Simple kit to create vents for buildings. Its also possible to enter this vents with your player model.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Yue

    Create Brush.

    When I press enter, the brush is not created, it only happens when I try to create on top of another brush with a much smaller grid.
  5. Hey! I've been working on this leadwerks project as a hobby forever. Finally decided to put it up on itch.io to share it with people. Rogue Snowboarding is a simple but addicting roguelike snowboarding game. Play through 4 difficulty levels and a final tournament to win the game. Designed with replayability in mind. Short, sweet, and extremely addicting. Easy to pick up and hard to master gameplay. Procedurally generated slopes with multiple themes keep things interesting; you'll never ride the same slope twice! Leave me some feedback! https://haydenmango.itch.io/roguesnowboarding
  6. Should there be a animation index there too? Or can that be retrieved from the skeleton? If we blend animations... does each bone have a different frame index?
  7. I think so. So this hook would be called per frame?
  8. A total reinstall of OS seems to have solved the problem - not sure what was going on or why but I believe this was an issue with my end. Thanks for looking in to it.
  9. @SpiderPig @Andy90 This is what I am planning on. Does this fit your purposes?: void Skeleton::AddHook(const int frame, void Hook(shared_ptr<Skeleton> skeleton, const int frame, shared_ptr<Object> extra), shared_ptr<Object> extra = nullptr)
  10. Thanks! I even started working on own Quake skybox and removed usual one to resolve an issue
  11. Camera->SetSkybox will be included in the next build.
  12. Last week
  13. The barbarian model works perfectly if I load it in Unwrap3D and re-export it as a glTF: Technically, this is a problem in my software, but inclusion of this "feature" was the dumbest possible move Khronos could have made.
  14. Josh


    I actually did get it working pretty easily. You just install node.js and then start using the windows Command prompt to run commands. Thanks for your offer anyways
  15. IceBurger


    I am a NodeJS developer if you need help.
  16. Could be then used some shader but with keeping a depth somehow?
  17. We can set Msaa() but not get the current setting. Can this be added please?
  18. But it will be visible for main camera as well because second camera render target to sprite that visible in final render so skybox will be visible in a result at all, not just for second camera.
  19. How it can be behind other objects if it should be in front of the camera? Thats what i do for my intended objects and this camera does SetRenderTarget so everything is visible in this layer in final render
  20. Place it behind the other objects, and use the renderlayer so it only appears in one camera.
  21. How it can be done if this camera render to sprite everything that it can see?
  22. You could also put a very large black plane in front of the camera to block to sky out, and make it only appear in the second camera.
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