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A few questions


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I had a few questions before I get started on a project, I was unable to find the information throughout the forums or in a tutorial so I decided to start this post.  


1) Frame capping / tweening ?  

How does LW handle frame limiting ( ie: game logic running at the same UPS on each computer regardless of the FPS count. )

2)  Ability to tie in an external Editor for the LUA scripting.

I read several posts on this topic but nothing was ever really answered and left me wondering if it was possible to use editors such as Sublime etc..

3) Completed games processed on Streamworks .

Are games processed through a LW hub like interface? or are we able to submit as a game not linked to the LW app/process?

4) Virtual viewports.  How does screen scaling work? 800x600 res vs 4k. Mainly GUI and 2d text/image scaling across different resolutions.

Upscaling? downscaling? again I didn't find a lot of information regarding this very important aspect of game design.

5) Looking for results/findings regarding performance with semi-large projects ( not graphically large but code heavy. )

6) Ability to BoxAPP ? or create exe with assest not exposed?  for media  theft protection.

Being new to leadwerks but not new to coding/3d game designing, I have tons more questions but these were my most important ones so I thought I'd see if you could provide some feedback regarding these topics.  


Thank you.


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Welcome to the Leadwerks community.

Hope these answers help.

1. Getspeed.

2. Visual Code. 


3. The game launcher is no longer supported but you can still publish a stand alone program.


4. ? not sure on this one. Maybe someone else can help.

5. Suggestions from Josh on how to improve performance in your Leadwerks projects.

6. Leadwerks encrypts your assets when you create a stand alone project.


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Thank you, yes your answers helped a lot.   I keep finding references to pages concerning LE 5, so basically LUA and Visual code editor with 4.6 LE wont work ? Are their any alternatives? and is LE 5 beta availabeto Pro edition owners?  Has Le 5 been in development since 2017 ?

Just to be clear,  a game project can be compiled standalone and then $100 gets you a space on steam, does le 4.6 have the hook up for achivmements  and other steam demands ?

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Leadwerks will work with VS code . https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=aggror.Leadwerks

LE 5 ( UltraEngine) is not in Beta yet.  I'm not sure how Josh picks his beta users but if you are active here and participate in discussions  it may help.

UltraEngine  has been a while in development ( hurry up Josh).

Here are a few links in regard Steam achievements .




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