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Function pointer with a class function


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Hei ya,

I wan't to add a function SetButtonFunction to my MenuSystem to call a given function when the button is pressed.


In my button class I have a void pointer -> void (*_func)(void);


I just have to call SetButtonFunction(IMenuButton* b, void (*_func)(void)); and add the function.

But when I enter a class owned function it doesn't work.For example I have in my class the function Test() --> (IMenuSystem::Test()) and enter that to the function it doesn't work.I become a error....something with a argumentlist.... but when I just create a custom function in the source file void Test() { MessageBoxA(0,"Hey",0,0); } it works fine.


Have someone a idea how to manage that ?

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This seems to be exactly what you are looking for.


Instead of storing the function pointer in your button class Just store an Event0 object. Then bind your function in your other class to that. In order to call class methods you have to store a pointer to that class as well as the function pointer. This is what the Event classes I linked to is doing.


Here is an example on how to do it but you'll notice it's very specific to the 1 class. I assume you want this to be generic enough to handle member functions from any class, and that's what the code I linked to above is doing.




An "good" event system is one that allows calling member functions to other classes. Seems to be the same thing you are asking for here. They are one in the same.



Function pointers to class methods has to be treated differently than normal stand alone. You must have a pointer to the class in order to make the call. Again, I think you'll find what I linked to does what you want very easily and is very flexible to work between any classes and wraps it all up in a nice little class to avoid dealing with function pointers.

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Don't know if I understood the question correctly but this might be what you are asking for


typedef void (*TheFunc)(void);

class Adam
   TheFunc _func;

   Adam() : _func(0) {}

   void SetFunc( TheFunc func  ) { _func = func; }

   void Call()
         if( _func )

void MyFunc()
     // Called ....

int main( int, char*[])
     Adam a;
     a.SetFunc( MyFunc );

     return 0;

AV MX Linux

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