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Unable to draw Font Studio generated fonts


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I can't draw any fonts made by using FontStudio 4.1.

The font loads OK but nothing is drawn to screen.


I have followed the instructions in the Wiki

and uses the code from that example to view the font.


There is a font Arial12Shadow that can be downloaded from that example and

it works nice. But when using FontStudio to generate my own font nothing is drawn to screen.


I follow the FontStudio instructions and gets a .ini and a .tga file.

I then use MakeDDS to convert the .tga file to a .dds (Uncompressed + Save mipmaps).


So what's the trick to get thins going


I attach my test font

AV MX Linux

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..i havent tried your font, but this is how structuraly, same things works for me with my fonts, considering that you have created it properly..


'before main loop
MyFont:TGLFont = LoadFont("abstract::MyFontName")
'in main loop. For use with GUI's blending modes are relevant. if it is just plain text, then ignore blending modes.
DrawText("THIS IS TEST", 10, 10)
SetBlend 0


..also, i guess, you doing text drawing last in order, over gedgets graphics text belong to..

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well the first thing I see is that you are saving mipmaps which you shouldn't do... but even that doesn't appear to fix your problem. What font is that Roland? Maybe someone can try to get that font to work. I just tried a font and it works just fine.

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..i have tested just now..my fonts all work..I have also resaved your TGA file properly, to make sure that no issues with DDS you delivered..however, no luck..only thing I could think of, what makes your font different than mine is that I use to use 512x512 pattern, while yours is 256x512, and that may cause a problem..try to export your bitmap with 512x512..

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..i have tried same version he used, same output texture size and here are exact settings i have used, just to make 100% clear, and this works for me without touching ini file..i guess commas appeared because FNT extraction..so here is setting I have used without any altering at all..










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I had to replace all , with . in the ini file.

That solved the problem you described, Roland.


Yes. That solved the problem.

In Sweden we have , as separator instead of .

Replacing those made everything work just fine.


Thanks a lot to you all guys with all help.

This is why I came back to Leadwerks :) :) :D

AV MX Linux

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In Sweden we have , as separator instead of .

That's why I invented the Global Standard. If you don't use it, you only get problems :) In GS the "." seperates decimals and the "," seperates thousands. If you use that rule, you can avoid hundreds of problems with all kinds of computer software, including BizTalk, CSV files, Excel, Paradox, etc..., and now even with FontStudio. It just pays back, since time is money.

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That's why I invented the Global Standard. If you don't use it, you only get problems :) In GS the "." seperates decimals and the "," seperates thousands. If you use that rule, you can avoid hundreds of problems with all kinds of computer software, including BizTalk, CSV files, Excel, Paradox, etc..., and now even with FontStudio. It just pays back, since time is money.

To bad the FontStudio creator did not know about your NWO. ..oh..ooops... GS I mean :)

However its nice to get the problems solved. :D

AV MX Linux

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Well GS is better than NWO in the sense that it makes sense. It's full of best practices and useful rules. It's free of course, and you don't have to use it, but if you don't, then you'd better have your own standards which work, and I'd like to review them for GS too! :)

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