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Texture Release() Issue


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I'm only posting this due to the fact I have already combed through my code to rule that out. Also this problem coincides with the latest beta update and is in C++.


I'm getting a consistent crash when Releasing a texture in code (The Texture is also declared in code too). Have there been any changes to the way textures work within this time? I'm also declaring a second instance of the texture if that makes any difference;


Debugging goes somewhere I can't see.... The last thing I can see on the debugger is mipmaps so I've changed the mipmap flag's on textures involved which hasn't helped.


Debuging the Texture object:


currentmiplevel = -1; Could this be causing the list to be out of range when released?

hasmipmaps = false;





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I'm going to disable the code that causes this. It's an attempt to increase the aggressiveness of the VRAM management, but I really have no idea whether it makes any difference, and it is prone to mistakes.

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