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Blog Comments posted by SlipperyBrick

  1. A quick question about this amazing shader. Do we have to provide a metal map for non metallic surfaces?


    I'm working on a semi glossy painted wall material and my metallic map is black for a non metal yet when I plug that in the appropriate slot in the material editor in Leadwerks it looks like a metal.


    Is this because I've also plugged in a environment map as well?


    Because the surface looks very shiny:


    http://i.imgur.com/9ASSm4x.png (255 on metallic channel)


    http://i.imgur.com/XqiXrHH.png (0 on metallic channel)

  2. I live in the UK in a quiet place called Wales. It's a nice and peaceful place although there is nothing for the game industry here. No game studios, film studios, nothing technology wise. London is the closest thing to me that would offer something like that. Living here though is real cheap and you can get some really nice places in the valleys but there is barely any sun (it pretty much always rains).


    Personally the midwest option sounds great I don't know my geography really well and I've only been to Florida once. Go with the option to get a cheap house, it sounds like the daily chores of life would be pretty easy (groceries, no traffic, etc.)


    Sounds like you can really focus on work but still get some time away from work when you need it, which is important.

  3. I agree with what Roland said above. Spend your time working on the engine and adding features, the engine sells so its time/money worth spent :D


    The Workshop Store will pick up at some point via the community.


    Over the past few days 3 people here have agreed to start actively providing tutorial videos for a few subjects in regards to Leadwerks, hopefully the new skills people learn from these tutorials will start to drive new content onto the Workshop and possibly new games made with the engine.


    I would say the majority of users can afford to spend time working on content that they would happily take a gamble on to distribute to the Workshop, for us it is only our time but for you its your money and time. Once that has kicked off and you start to see numbers go up on the Workshop then you can safely start to invest in custom content.


    Although this isn't really a reliable source I do think its a better option. That's just my thoughts anyway. Just thought I would join in on the conversation :D

    • Upvote 1
  4. Wow this is great. So much work is going on here! I am excited to see what stuff Ben is looking into and working on biggrin.png


    Looking forward to the new Documentation stuff too, this is something that was screaming to get done. Keep up that awesome work!

    • Upvote 1
  5. My work is disrupted by my girlfriends constant nagging to watch Walking Dead with her lol. This seems like a really nice place though!


    I get yearly depression when I need to go to work. I can't stand my full time job lol.


    Hire me Josh I will show you magic tricks all day and make you coffee! XD

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  6. I agree with Patrick here. I love this engine and my learning experience has come easy with help from the community and a lot of tutorial watching for modelling and texturing and everything else that comes with game development. People who are getting involved in this now though have zero experience and no idea where to start, no clue what a polygon is, no clue about CSG or what a variable is.


    For us this is understandable but for a person who knows nothing it can be daunting and an easier option to say 'ok I don't think this is right for me'. It's easy to look away and not try it. Which can impact interest in the engine.


    I think a focus on not documentation but videos on the Leadwerks Youtube from you Josh, or even an experienced user would be amazing! Some new users might be a bit shy to ask the guys on here for help.


    Building up tutorials in video form where they are easily obtainable would definitely get users more creative. It's good giving the community assets to play with but even that is limiting because you won't be able to cover things for everyones ideas.


    A prime example of good access to tutorials even for newbies is, Unreal Engine 4. Their Youtube channel is full of tutorials explaining bit by bit what you need to know about making a game and how to use the engine.


    Leadwerks needs something similar (if your thinking big) possibly better than what they have.


    As the saying goes "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime"


    Idea's for training/tutorials for the engine you can start off with a beginners guide playlist on Youtube, 'Lesson One' Leadwerks UI. An in depth tutorial on the Leadwerks interface and go from there.


    I'll be happy to do a beginners tutorial video/playlist and get feedback from the community on what they think :)

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