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Christian Clavet

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Blog Comments posted by Christian Clavet

  1. Hi, Josh as implemented CSG exporting to meshes that you could load in Blender as reference and build over them in more details there.


    It's best to start with CSG first to test your ideas in gameplay and see if it's fun, then export that as reference to make it pretty when you think the design of the house is adequate for your need.


    That's a good idea that you created the house in parts, since you will be able to exchanges some parts and create variations.


    You could keep some of the CSG and use them only for collision. (make them invisible and don't put collision on the blender meshes). Perhaps you won't need them after, seen that Josh added Convex Decomposition that should create a optimized collision models from a mesh automatically. (Not tested it yet)

  2. Cool. But for the inventory, you could assign a weight limit to your character (or backpacks) and add weight info on each items. You would need a "page" button on the inventory if it use all the visible slots. 15 slots seem ok, but it would feel strange if for example your character got 15 paperclips and could not carry more...


    Grimrock use this mechanic and it work really well. (They even add strength increase properties over time so the character could carry even more)

    • Upvote 1
  3. Cool! Happy to see that we will have better water! Is vegetation painting is still on the dev list?


    I'm just still wondering how they can achieve the wave effect on the beach... Perhaps some generated planes that blend with the ocean. That seem the hardest thing to do!Level01-01.jpg

  4. Great post Josh! Really like this!


    Too bad that I am forced to use Intel hardware. For now; for me Leadwerk will be staying on windows. (Need intel linux driver for debugging GLSL shaders on Linux and right now it's GL compliant to 3.3)


    Unless I find another solution to debug shaders that would work on Intel. I can't put a graphic card in there and lose compatibility with their hardware (Their compiler syntax is the most strict of all, and I need it for my other project: IRB)


    EDIT: Found good news. The driver provided by intel is open source and is used primilary on the MESA project. And from what I searched they could be able to make it GL4.0 compatible by the end of the year. I now understand why we need "proprietary" drivers to run this. Open source is not there yet. Updated as far as I could and the driver now is compliant Gl3.3


    I really feel, that the time is good, in not that far, the Open Source drivers will be able support GL4.0 and Leadwerk will be there.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Thanks for this post!

    I have a big interest for mobile (Android only), and would pay as much of the price of the PC version, but at the same time I understand your point developing mobile would need more staff and your current sales result does not show this as profitable.


    Would version 3.0 (Android) would still be available? I just want to use it to do some little demos with it and experiment with the Android platform. And using the same "workflow" would simplify the thing. Also the mesh format for 3.0 to 3.1 should not have changed that much.

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