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Posts posted by drarem

  1. 1) In the default MyGame, there is a tutorial of picking up and putting things down. If you hit the left mouse button before picking up a box, you have to hit 'E' twice to pick up the object. After picking it up and dropping it, you only need to hit 'E' once to pick it up. Anyone else see this bug, is it a lua script fix?


    2) Is there a lua query that will return the graphics modes available?



  2. With LUA, should we make a copy of whatever script we are working on if we need to modify and rename, like FPSGun.lua or FPSPlayer.lua? It seems the beta updates tend to overlay the existing lua files and causes breaks here and there. If that's the case I need to rename App.lua and others?



  3. How would i define a global var in another script and access from my primary one?


    I have this in one script after attaching in the Start()

    local killc = enemy.script.health


    The drawtext shows 0, but the drawtext in the MonsterAI script shows the correct health.

  4. I need a central bucket where i collect the stats, like deaths, kills, health, etc and display them in the main game loop. I find the above example provided by Aaron Symons works well, but how do I get the stats over to say another script which could save the current game with the stats? Or even just display all the stats in the primary screen renderer?



  5. Ahh.. understood about the displacement texture.


    =The box is the 'terrain' that I set as polymesh and is non-moving. I can collide with it with no problems. WIth the built in terrain however, collision causes a crash.

  6. Thanks, I have a strange error though. I can collide with a plane or imported mesh using polymesh, but with the built-in terrain the demo game crashes on coliision. I created a displacement mesh and added it to the terrain, but it's not being displaced. The texture is also repeating.

  7. I booleaned the object down instead of having multiple objects joined together, exported fbx and although the convex shape look still like a curtain although less complicated, the collision and movement is working as expected.

  8. My issue is, with physics turned on convex doesn't look right.


    I modelled a generic lunar lander, around 1900 polys. I'm testing a little complex modelling with it. I follow this method


    blender: export 'joined' model to leadwerks .FBX format directly into project models folder



    right click added model, add convex shape

    physics tab, add mass of 15.0 (tried 1.0 too)

    Either shape file or the dropdown convex gives me the attached image, collision looks like a cone shape

    With no collision, i can manipulate the 'lander' just fine.

    With box, sphere, or convex it hangs in the sky. I can barely turn it.


    I'm wondering it might be because i have some of the parts of the lander going through other parts before joining it as a single mesh.




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