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Posts posted by drarem

  1. Changed it to this at the end of the Start() function in FPSPlayer.lua. When I point my crosshair at an object to pick up, the gun pops up. I wonder if this is in the picking?


    if self.weaponfile~="" then

    self.fgun = Prefab:Load(self.weaponfile)

    if self.fgun~=nil then

    if self.fgun.script~=nil then


    System:Print("weapon should be added here, but it isn't")






  2. I have a strange error. I'm using this below. It happens with any gun. When I click a 'start' button to begin, the code is executed below, but the rifle doesn't appear and i can only get one shot off until I go to an object where the hand icon hovers over it, like a pick call. Then the gun appears and i can shoot. Does anyone have any ideas?




    Mapfile contains the player prefab, pointing to the fpsplayer.lua script.



    In the FPSPlayer.lua code:


    if self.weaponfile~="" then

    local prefab = Prefab:Load(self.weaponfile)

    if prefab~=nil then

    if prefab.script~=nil then







  3. Yes i have the standard edition. I was in ubuntu 15.10 64bit earlier today, i opened up codeblocks and created a project, copying all the files to it. I need a refresher on finding how to link leadwerks.h, it was set up for a project a few months ago I was doing in C++ before getting pulled into the LUA world. I know enough to be dangerous..

  4. When i create a FPS template, open up the 01 FPS controller sample, then change it to fullscreen and run it. I hit Alt-Tab and it crashes. What is going on, or is there a work around?


    I'm thinking anywhere from somehow hiding the title bar and container, to maybe hooking the alt-tab in a key event, changing it to non full-screen so it can alt-tab safely.


    Help please?



  5. In scene mode, clicking on an animated .MDL and parts of it flash/are still transparent. This same source works fine in windows. I tried remapping the .mat and .mdl but still get same result.

  6. Necro'ing this thread, if someone throws something like a ball but want it a straight trajectory. Applying a thrust makes it too unpredictable, I want it to go slower but straighter, so I set the gravity to 0 and do a move from source to destination. What could I check if this ball hits part of the scene, another prop or character instead of the player? Thanks.

  7. Why is it sometimes when I run the game from the editor, I get generic loading/saving in the output window and other times, my print("...") statements produce output? I would like to see output all of the time when the program either ends or crashes to detect bugs.


    I also notice that in the same window, sometimes my printed output is overlaid by the system messages of loading and saving various models, textures and materials.



  8. Probably unrelated, but note that linux IS case sensitive. In the past a model i worked on in windows, I opened up the prefab using a hex editor on linux to see why the texture was black. The texture path was saved as upper case in the prefab file, but the same model and path in linux was lower case. I reassociated the texture with the model on linux to solve the problem. I had an upper case path in windows, but the same path was lower case in linux.

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