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Everything posted by Paul

  1. What do you mean? On the PureBasic forums one of the developers stated returning the address of a local variable is a bad idea. The C++ code returns the structure by value, thereby copying the struct; PureBasic can't do this, atleast not automatically.
  2. I know I did it myself, but the Vec* functions shouldn't return the address of a local variable. Use static or dynamically allocate memory.
  3. How would you set up the vegetation layers?
  4. The benefit of static linking is not all the code needs to be included in the exe, a leo.dll would be very pointless.
  5. How is the lightning rendered? I don't see anything in the code that would render the actual lightning, just the flashes.
  6. Some things aren't accessible like vegetation layers.
  7. I don't think that would work on all c++ compilers because of different ABIs
  8. Buffer::Set(buffer) should also be static
  9. I put this together, the GUI was generated with LogicGUI and afew lines for the canvas rendering from the OpenSandbox project on the old forums. SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.ENGINE Import koriolis.bufferedstream Import koriolis.zipstream Import leadwerks.logstream Import leadwerks.audio Import leadwerks.ENGINE Import leadwerks.glewex Import maxgui.maxgui Import leadwerks.abstractstream Import maxgui.win32maxguiex Import maxgui.drivers Import brl.event Import brl.eventqueue Local world:TWorld Global gbuffer:TBuffer Local camera:TCamera Local mesh:TMesh Global light:TLight Local ground:TMesh Local material:TMaterial GCSetMode(2) SetGraphicsDriver GLGraphicsDriver(), GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER | GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER RegisterAbstractPath( "D:/Program Files (x86)/Leadwerks Engine SDK" ) Local Window1:TGadget = CreateWindow("Window1",383,112,1042,767,Null,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_RESIZABLE |WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS ) Local Canvas1:TGadget = CreateCanvas(0,0,1042,767,Window1,Null) ActivateGadget( Canvas1 ) SetGadgetLayout( Canvas1,EDGE_ALIGNED,EDGE_ALIGNED,EDGE_ALIGNED,EDGE_ALIGNED ) SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(Canvas1) world=CreateWorld() If Not world RuntimeError "Failed to create world." gbuffer=CreateBuffer(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_COLOR0|BUFFER_COLOR1|BUFFER_COLOR2) camera=CreateCamera() PositionEntity camera,[0.0,0.0,-2.0] material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") mesh=CreateCube() PaintEntity mesh,material ground=CreateCube() ScaleEntity ground,[10.0,1.0,10.0] PositionEntity ground,[0.0,-2.0,0.0] PaintEntity ground,material light=CreateDirectionalLight() RotateEntity light,[45.0,45.0,45.0] Repeat PollEvent() Select EventID() Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE Select EventSource() Case Window1 Window1_WC( Window1 ) End Select End Select TurnEntity mesh,[AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5] If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit UpdateAppTime() UpdateWorld(AppSpeed()) SetBuffer(gbuffer) RenderWorld() SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) RenderLights(gbuffer) Flip(0) Forever Function Window1_WC( Window:TGadget ) gbuffer=Null FreeEntity light GCCollect() End End Function
  10. Which would work better?
  11. For a dynamic or realtime sky, with day-night, moving clouds, stars, etc what would work better a skydome or skybox? For example I was thinking of using a separate dome each for the day and night, and fade/rotate the day skydome to get the effect of stars becoming visible. However from what I can tell the framewerk and editor only appears to support a skybox, so I'm asking before I start implementing a skydome.
  12. Past few attempts the downloading has stopped short.
  13. In the editor, directional and point light's shadow resolution gets reset when I attempt to change it. Plus point light's resolution only goes up to 1024.
  14. I don't think there is a "right" choice. I've used Milkshape and Blender.
  15. Unless you want to use ATL or MFC without all the features of the Professional Edition and the cost.
  16. Doesn't look like a standard edition is going to be released.
  17. No, thats what I've just been saying.
  18. How should I be calling it? This shows what I'm talking about. #include "leo.h" using namespace LEO ; int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ) { Engine engine( "Game", 800, 600 ) ; Engine::SetAbstractPath( "E:/Program Files (x86)/Leadwerks Engine SDK" ) ; Engine::SetFilters() ; Engine::SetShadowQuality(DEEPSHADOW); World world( CREATENOW ) ; if( !world.IsValid() ) { MessageBoxA(0,"Error","Failed to create world.",MB_OK); return engine.Free() ; } Framework fw; fw.Create(); fw.Free(); // Done return engine.Free() ; }
  19. Have you got a virus scanner running in the background? One virus scanner I used would lag some games for a split second at regular intervals.
  20. Calling Framework::Free() on an existing Framework causes an access violation. The problem seems to be Layer::operator=() is treating 0 as a pointer.
  21. I'd assume so, the lua script can still call get and setkey
  22. So is this automatic or does the script have to open the ini file?I can't find anything in the wiki about how the engine treats ini files.
  23. But is it being used since the script also loads the sounds?
  24. Does the engine even read the .ini files?
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