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Everything posted by shadmar

  1. I was watching Andy's : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/-r192 And immediately thought of portal somehow. Is it possible to render a camera to a texture?
  2. Is there any easy method to copy positions and rotation from one prefab to another (when using different ones) In the editor.
  3. Z is stored in the alpha channel. So blue isn't used.
  4. Hi What is required from custom meshes to be able to use lightmap properly? I have a second uv channel and texture3 points to lightmap.tex, but I can't do it.
  5. Add me to the ask list. Those are more than good enough.
  6. You could try httrack, a nice little offline tool for webpages.
  7. Shadows over every other post effects. Even volume stencils would work
  8. Then again, it helps not running mulitple instances of le3
  9. Happens to me if I hit F6 on an new created lua project, but not in Darkness Awaits
  10. You guys really outdone yourselves in the docs this time. I like this alot. Good thing you didn't die Chris
  11. That works, thanks guys.. (my first shader in le3) : surface = self.target:GetSurface(0) initmat = surface:GetMaterial()
  12. Hi Chris In Camera2, self.target is suppose to be the barbarian. How can I fetch the material from code? local child = self.target:GetChild(1) local material = child:GetMaterial() seem to return the shadow material, but using GetChild(0) gives me nothing. Also self.target:GetMaterial() return nil. is there a way to fetch the material this way from the barbarian? Using to create a behind wall effect (x-ray shader) but I need the material to set the shader dynamicly Not even sure I'm doing it right.
  13. Maybe I just missed a post, but where are they now?
  14. http://www.leadwerks...ons/#entry44550 About oceans in LE3 would probably be without depth and just a wavy surface mesh. Will have a look when released.
  15. Looks great mike :-) PS. You can also use 2 uv channels for this to prevent using several meshes, I posted a shader for this somewhere in here for Roland.
  16. Maybe it's so bright that it maches the background
  17. shadmar


    I really like this approach
  18. Mat example : color=1,1,1,1 texture0="abstract::rgb2tx_blendmap.dds" texture1="abstract::rgb2tx_red.dds" texture2="abstract::rgb2tx_green.dds" texture3="abstract::rgb2tx_blue.dds" texture4="abstract::rgb2tx_alpha.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_rgba2tx.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_rgba2tx.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow.vert" blend=0 Shaders attached, the mesh.frag might be a mess of misc wip stuff.. but the RGBA2TX preprosessor directives are the ones used. rgba2tx.zip
  19. Hi, sorry Rekindled, I thought I already posted that shader somewhere. But I guess I didn't, I will send it to you when I get home later today.
  20. From what I understand they are used for diffuse, normal, specular, glow (0-3). Josh paper on LE renderer : http://www.leadwerks.com/files/Deferred_Rendering_in_Leadwerks_Engine.pdf
  21. I believe you need the LE sdk to use these examples, the trial only lets you use the editor and lua. But the default firepit uses a heat haze, look in the firepits lua file.
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