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Posts posted by Pancakes

  1. Posting in the suggestion box in a bit like shouting in the void and waiting for the echo ;-) We usually only get feedback if Josh strongly objects an idea. I have posted it a couple of times, and I'll do it again here: It would be great to have more transparency in this process, and I still think a ticket system like Mantis or something similar would really help here. We could classify suggestions as high-medium-low or something from our point of view, and Josh could prioritize them as well from his side. Tickets could be rejected, closed, scheduled for a release. That way everybody knows where things are.


    This is like poetry.


    And I don't know about release notes though, I kind of like pleasant surprises. =p


  2. My one criticism is that the guy in the first video DOES NOT seem to be having fun. So games with Leap Motion = not fun?? Judging by the look in his eye it seems to illicit feelings of anger.

  3. That was certainly true during most of LE2's time, but like a couple of months before the new engine came out, AMD got their butt in gear and sorted out a lot of the problems they had. Now a top end AMD card should work just as well as a top end Nvidia card - all just personal opinion now.



  4. I get confused with programming syntax becuase the syntax itself is quite arbitrary. And so when I ask for help I get the impression that many people don't feel it's worth their time to give a good solid answer to the 100th person on the internet to ask them about programming.


    It also has to do with the fact that I had some wonderful experience with CryEngine. When syntax didn't get in the way I could just apply logic. From that point on I internalized the strong opinoion that flowgraphs were the future of game development. Which I still think they are.


    I just ask myself whether flowgraphs could be used to make a Mario style game - the answer is yes. Can flowgraphs be used to make a Final Fantasy stle game, the answer is yes. Can flowgraphs be used to make an angry birds game, yes, a metroid or megaman style game? yes The games I want to make don't have complex AI , multiplayer, or the need for the super fancy animation systems.


    If this...then that. + databases and loops that's what I need. Flowgraphs are up to the task


    But anyway not to derail the thread =p

  5. I understand what CSG is for and I personally find it useful and even fun. But I stand by what I said. You can sketch out the basic components of a scene in the same way, only faster and with more accuracy in polygons. And it doesn't take long to learn. That was clever use of CSG to build that staircase of yours. And that's what poly modeling is, clever use of different types of tools.


    With staircases you take a single segment, perhaps an elongated cube. Parent it to a curve, duplicate it along an array. And then you simply drag the curve where you want it to be. It gives you total control over the shape of the staircase, it could be shaped like a Z, it could be shape like a U, it could go up and down like a roller coaster. And all you have to do is drag the points around with your mouse. Ultimately you'd be able to sketch out a staircase faster using this method.


    As far as learning programming. Maybe that could be a side business for you to teach programming for game development. I always liked your tutorials. I'd be willing to pay $300 - $500 a year if the instruction was good enough. I don't think you know what it's like, when you ask for help while trying to learn online you will get ignored 90% of the time and when people do answer you they glaze over the most important parts without fail!! It just puts me in the mood to smack people around.

  6. that's real cute josh but you don't have the same control as with polygons where you coudl snake, twist, and turn every segment of that staircase with a click of the mouse, I know what I'm talking about here, and exactly what do you mean, refusing to learn new things, if someone would teach me C++ I would gladly learn it - fact is online resources for learning programming are really ****ty imo


    Is that what you mean?

  7. Do people seriously not understand how to drag the mouse and make a brush? You can just drag out the walls to sketch them out. It's way faster than any polygonal modeling application.


    not true josh, it's faster in Blender (or Modo) - CSG is slower and clumsier than polygons. the one advantage though is that CSG is built into the editor directly so overall it saves time in some cases because you don't have to switch back and forward between applications and that for very very simple structures it can be easier for UV mapping


    but once you try to make anything semi complex CSG is outclassed in every way.


    iIt may be annoying for you to hear, much in the same way that it's kind of how programmers try to tell me that "C++ is better than flowgraphs" except for the fact that learning to use the basic functions of a modeling program doesn't take more than a week and learning C++ can take years.


    For example in 30 minutes, I could teach a total newbie how to make a complex staircase in blender, in a matter of 60 seconds. How long would it take to make a spiraling staircase in CSG? Now compare that to how long it would take you to teach me how to program a new shader or inventory system in C++ It would take longer than 30 minutes.


    more like 30 days of intensive instruction

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