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Everything posted by Pancakes

  1. in the future people will have giant super computers in their community that are plugged into the global network - meanwhile all the Ipads of the household will act basically as really fancy remote control monitors. Therefore I honestly think in about 10 years hardware will not be a concern at all and consoles will basically be made obsolete as well. In other words visually I think Leadwerks has got the right idea. And I'm glad it's simple to code too. It's basically the same as using blender. Though I dream of the day it has Kismet/Flowgraphs too. But that's just me.
  2. hot damn better jump on it then, only problem I don't have a credit card that I can use with Google Checkout so I'll have to find someone I can borrow from, and any time I asked someone to let me borrow their credit card in exchange for cash, they would try to extort me and take advantage... ah, family at this point I'm more likely to get a credit card from a stranger
  3. I like your sense of patience and foresight, whatever you decide to do.
  4. Hello, I'm going to upgrade to 2.3 soon. I have a couple of issues with 4096 terrain: A ) Terrain editing crashes if I edit with tiles per meter = 2, while tiles per meter = 1 or = 4 works fine. B ) Even if it works fine I find starting the premade fps script that I will fall through the terrain when I walk in certain places but particularly the further I advance from the center of the terrain the more likely I am to fall through. So that at a certain point I will always fall through the terrain, almost like the terrain isn't there. smaller terrains work fine however and this will not stop me from upgrading
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