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Posts posted by VeTaL

  1. //I seem to remember scaling and newton bodies

    I'm talking about creation new phys-bodyes, depending on new scale of visual body


    //So unless you delete the .phy file you will simply have a larger or smaller mesh with the same .phy file dimensions.

    Got a crazy idea about making *.bat file or so, which would replace all *.phy files with one special smallcube.phy (which describe small cube )

  2. ...and nobody knows, when LE 3 will come :)


    Really, i need at least box scaling:

    i grab scale arrow - physic box is deleted

    i drop scale arrow - new bbox size is calculated and new box body is created


    this is basic, but extremely important thing - i think, its better to make us at least this thing, but not to cut down scaling in general




    In addition, there are still important things like limitation on 5 textures number and undo - i dont think that new editor for LE 3 would be avaivable in the nearest half of year.

  3. Well, imagine a situation: i need to place 2 stones: one should be large, another one is small... do i need to convert one models two times?

    And what if there are 20 stones with different sizes with different scales.

    Or if i want to make some playtests and create level, which consists of my content + different-scaled boxes.. I need to convert hundreds of different shapes boxes instead of one working scale.


    I thought, you're talking about something like Hammer with modification for Leadwerks - that should be nice indeed.

  4. I'm starting to work with menu state machine that i saw on Irrlicht forum - and i liked it.


    Soo, i turned off level loading and started menu... but i noted this thing: if i dont touch mouse, i got almost 400 fps (AMD Athlon Dual Core 3800+ 2.01, 3 Gb, 9600 GT), but if i only move my mouse, i have 150 fps 0_0


    any comments?



  5. I used a combination of ModelDetail(n) and TerrainDetail(n) when rendering second cameras for TV monitors. You can also use a filter (RenderWorld(...)) and reduce the camera range of your mirror cam to speed things up.


    I've done it for a weapons camera, if you don't go overboard with real-time shadows (I recommend turning them off for a mirror camera pass) it should work really well.


    Additional performance can be had by frame skipping the mirror cam update. Just update the texture every other frame will greatly improve overall performance.


    Whoa, quite useful recommendations.

  6. Josh, we are at the stage of giving our game documents to investor.

    Thats why i'm asking about planning LE support of PS3 - if its planned, we can add this to documents and then we would see, if we can later buy ps3 dev kit.

  7. Yep, you have almost the same problem as me: physical body are on their places, but graphical are disappeared.


    The differ is: in my case it depends on bounding box (which is far away from model, you can see it on the last screenshots in my large bug-report), in your case looking like bbox is on its place.


    Lets hope our information would be useful for Josh.

  8. 0_0

    wtf... i tried to do searching on that forum some days (maybe week) ago and it requires my account - thats why i started this discussion...


    Thanks, macklebee and sorry, guys, for troubling - looking like search is working good for me now.

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