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Posts posted by beo6

  1. Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to use a single big texture for terrain. I know we can paint with multiple texture layers in the editor, but I want to import a big texture already.


    Isn't the painted texture already build into a single megatexture? Can we use our own?

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  2. i will try to help as i already did a small demo game with that mechanic a while ago.


    first i don´t think there is any default camera. Not sure why the first camera you create gets named Camera 2. But if you don´t create a camera you will see nothing at all.



    the most important thing i guess is that you try to make the ball directly in the editor.


    What i noticed a couple of times is that the CSG Objects always behave oddly in some ways.


    For example physics do not apply to them the same way as imported models from a external 3d model program would do.

    I have a box in one of my demo levels that got the same physics option as a real 3d model got. The real 3d model falls down to the ground from the start.


    The leadwerks box is still stuck in the air.


    It is surely nice for some small things to do that, but i recommend using a real 3d model for your main gameplay part like the ball. Creating a sphere should be relatively easy in every 3d modeler out there.


    As far as i have seen even Josh actually created a real 3d model in his demo.

  3. there was no backup in the games map folder. There are a couple backups in the Documents\Leadwerks\Backup folder though. Not sure if the map is there too. i guess it is but i need no backup anyway.


    I had no virus for a long time and always have a up to date virus scanner.

    I know there was a thread where someone wrote that it included a virus but that wasn´t me. So i guess you must be mistaken me with someone else.


    Also if i work on something seriously i normally make my own backups. I just posted the map because i think bugs that destroy a file that you where working on should be considered serious. But i don´t know how Josh considers how serious a bug is.


    If it helps, the map also includes a test-import of a heightmap. But as i wrote the bug occured when i was working with the flowgraph.

  4. Just updated the camera dolly script. It now also interpolates the rotation and includes a event script that get called as soon as the camera reaches that point. (you should be able to open a door for example for the camera to fly through)

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  5. I was testing my script, where just testing the flowgraph stuff of the script when the map got destroyed.


    Now every time when i load the map i get


    Windows exception








    Maybe you can have a look at it what went wrong there. You don´t need to fix it in the map since it is only a test-map anyway.



  6. I am pretty sure it was possible before the new filters in the editor. I could move the parent without affecting the position of the children, but also could move all at once.

    At the moment I need to drag all child's out, move the parent and drag the child's back again.


    Also the sorting of the child's get messed up then.

  7. If i have a field like this:

    Script.selectedEntity = nil--entity "entity to select"


    the editor crashes as soon as i try to drag and drop a entity. (happened with pivots as same as lights)


    It crashes when the entity i want to set is outside of the entity i try to drag it into.


    So for example


    in that screenshot "look" is just a pivot.


    "Camera 2" has a couple of pivots as childs.


    now when i tried to drag the "look" pivot into the field the editor crashed.


    If i drag a child-pivot of the camera into the field it does not crash.

  8. I encountered a problem after updating to the latest Subime Text 3 version.


    The issue is with the now by default disabled "atomic_save" method.



    With atomic_save enabled i was able to modify the scripts while leadwerks was running without any problem.


    Now whenevery leadwerks is running and i modify a script, Sublime Text gives me an error (saving was still successful) And Leadwerks looses all options inside the Script-Tab. Only a restart of Leadwerks helps there.



    If i reenable atomic_save it works again.



    As far as i have understood atomic_save does first saves the modified file into a temporary file, then deletes the original file and renames the temp-file to the original filename to prevent a half-saved file. However that gives trouble with some versioning types and meta-data on some systems which is why it is disabled now by default.

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