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Posts posted by beo6

  1. Hello everybody.


    Now that the Winter Games Tournament is over i would like to ask if anyone is interested in a new Leadwerks Community Project?


    I know everyone is currently busy with their own games smile.png


    But since the last one didn't really finished as i have hoped. (i think it was more or less canceled but still playable which was nice)

    And i notice that i am more productive if there is some teamwork involved i wanted to ask if anyone here is possibly interested so i made a vote.


    I can provide versioning hosting with backups, ticketing system etc.


    From the last Community Project i know it was intended that everyones work-part was as much excluded from everyone else as possible so it does not get messy. But i didn't really liked that approach.


    I want to still have everyone on a specific part working but not completely unknown of everything else going on.



    Please only vote Yes if you are really interested.




    For some genres i think it will be required for some people to use the C++ Version. ( at least the core developer(s) ) but most should be possible with pure LUA.



    So please vote.

    I was thinking the last few days about this and if i should start this but i think we can do this.

  2. I had the annoying issue that Leadwerks loaded files from a zip file I had accidentally in the game directory.


    Unfortunately the log showed as if they are loaded correctly from the game directory and not from the zip file or else I would have found the issue much quicker.


    I am on the latest beta



    I actually like that feature. However it should be the other way around like the quake engine does it. There the pk3 files are loaded first. But if a file is in the directory with the same name etc. That file gets loaded instead.

    • Upvote 1
  3. as already said this is not a bug since it is just the name of the node that your 3d modeler named.


    You can change it either in the 3d modeler. (pretty sure that should be possible since you should also be able to rename bones in your 3d modeler) or rename it in the editor. Maybe it could also be possible to rename it in the model viewer of the LE editor? That way it could be saved directly into the model file.

    • Upvote 1
  4. No. Follow does indeed lets a character follow another entity. So the name is correct. That it returns if a route could be calculated or not is just an addition so you can check if following is even possible.


    So that it does not work must have another reason.


    My first guess is that self.target.entity is not really your entity.


    When you have Script.target=nil--entity "Target" in your script self.target is already your entity.

    So the correct call would be



    If that does not help you can post your code and maybe we can find your problem?

  5. thats essentially what the original CoD did - attach effects like sound or vfx to materials.


    I don't like that approach as this is limited to only one type of entity.


    If you for example have a walking player character that can also drive in a car you would need to attach a sound for both the character and car.


    Better would be to check for the material per raycast and then play a sound. Bit more code but also more flexibility.

  6. @Gonan


    i hope you will not get angry and please only take this as an try to help. :)


    I wouldn't do it this way to check how many are still alive.

    I tried something similar (and a couple other approaches) with my RTS script to keep track of units.


    First it might get slower as more entities get into the world. (at least if you call it every frame or so when running as you probably do when you want to keep track of alive enemies).

    Since it goes over every entity. Even if it is only a scene entity.


    Second it is limited to a specific map size depending on your set AABB Size.



    I would use the map load hook once to get all enemies which are placed by the map creator.



    and then only add or substract one when the according spawn or die function of the enemie is called.


    That should solve the possible issues and would make your code easier.

  7. the way you get your context in LUA does not change when you use a C++ project.


    You should be able to use http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextgetcurrent-r632 to get your current context and then just draw on it like normal.




    And actually you probably don't even need the above since the

    Script:PostRender(context) function already provides you with the context.

  8. Its not real planet physic though. Just a really simple script to animate something like this.


    I don't know the game. But you could always have the game load a map when you land on a planet. Still many AAA titles do it this way.


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