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Posts posted by beo6

  1. well. ALT+Tab and F5 is quick enough for me, about the debugger that is right, but i can still see the errors in the included editor.

    STRG+G and the line-number is quick to get to the error line.


    And the always on top editor annoys me anyway. I have no Full-HD screen so my screen space is limited enough.

  2. i guess i would do it like this:


    local test = Prefab:Load("Prefabs/test/test.pfb", Prefab.NoStartCall) --prevent calling start on load
    if test.script~=nil then
     test.script.startpos = self.entity:GetPosition() --send position here
     test.script:Start() --call start here
    For test.pfb attached script:
    function Script:Start()
      self.startpos = ???  (somehow pass or get player entity position)
      self.endpos = self.entity:GetPosition()

    • Upvote 1
  3. I am actually someone who reads instruction papers that come with for example a wardrobe to build. And I am constantly reading through the commands list of Leadwerks.


    Maybe having the collision mesh part not with all the other game art stuff on a single long page but instead having it displayed tree-like just like the commands would help. But I am not sure.

  4. hah. you must have silently added that. ph34r.png


    (btw. there is only the "collisionhull" convention, nothing about "CollisionMesh" [is the upper/lower case unimportant?] )


    no just kidding. Sorry that i didn´t knew about that. turns out i must have skipped the game art stuff since my art ends up unrecognizable anyway. wink.png

  5. ah. thanks shadmar that could explain why it cuts the terrain.


    I think the leadwerks terrain does not get cut by the camera range, but only gets less detailed.


    Will make some test with the camera range. I thought i had tried to set it very high but i will try it again.



    But it is correct to attach the mesh to the camera. right?

  6. Hello,


    I used the DayNight script from Shadmar now and noticed some issues with view-distances.


    First the included Circle Mesh (named Sun in the Prefab?) does not fit Terrains with a size of 2048 and more.


    second it seems the mesh gets cut off after a distance when it is not exactly centered around the player camera. That would be no problem except that when i move the whole sky mesh with the player the terrain gets cut from the sky mesh since it intersects it.


    Changing the view-distance of the mesh to infinity does nothing.


    Got anyone experience with it using big terrains?



    Other then that i really like the DayNight cycle script.

  7. since nearly nothing of the steamworks api is exported for LUA except some controller methods i don´t think it will work.

    Maybe you could compile your own library for lua that includes the required steam methods if you really want to stick with LUA but it would disallow you to publish for the leadwerks player since sandbox modus must be disabled for it to work.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Hello gamecreator,


    i agree there where some really good concepts and even models being worked on.


    we had some coders and i was already coding some things for it like the camera script.

    Agreed that i was not working on the enemies AI yet.


    There is not much to show as we only had a demo map with some scripts being used.


    Not sure why it seems like there is really not a tiny bit of interest anymore.

  9. now you need to tell me how you want to compile dynamic c++ code for your entities.


    I really think what you plan to do is possible in lua. But i just don´t know what your requirements etc. are. There where already some good examples like the class-like system in lua, the loadstring if you really want to generate dynamic functions etc.

  10. I think when i asked about being able to use a texture for the whole terrain someone said that double-clicking a layer would apply the layer to the complete terrain so you don´t need to manually paint over it.


    For some reason i think it worked when i had read it at least for the first layer, but now i am either too stupid or it just stopped working in one of the latest versions.


    I would like to just have a "Apply to terrain" option when right-clicking on a layer. sometimes it is better to just modify it only over the available parameters.

  11. i don´t understand.


    Why would you have to set these from c++?

    the example is for lua only.


    Also you can always change a script that is attached to an entity.


    There is even a undocumented function.:

    entity:SetScript("newEntityScript.lua", true)


    (first parameter is the path to the lua file, the second is if the start function should be called)

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