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Michael Betke

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Everything posted by Michael Betke

  1. I'm a bit in trouble. Need to finish a movie fly-through for a client this weekend but the script lacks of some important stuff. It seems the camera is just following the view to the next camera_node. So all I can do is a straight view but not left and right. If i rotate the node a bit to the left or right the camera does a wide curve. But it should fly straight the the next node and just "look" to the side on a certain angle. I would like to have a option where I can set certain degree for "looking" left and right. Any ideas? This is the script: Attention it drops a lot of large screenshots to the HDD which will be a movie later. Maybe using the fly-through.lua would be better. require("Scripts/linkedlist") require("Scripts/spline") require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") HideMouse() FlushMouse() FlushKeys() local dummy = LoadModel( "abstract::info_camera_node.gmf" ) local node local currentnode if dummy~=nil then for node in iterate(dummy.reference.instances) do if node:GetKey("starthere")=="1" then currentnode=node break end end dummy:Free() end if currentnode==nil then Notify("No starting camera node found!") return end local nextnode=currentnode:GetTarget() if nextnode==nil then Notify("At least two camera nodes are required.") return end local tension=EntityDistance(currentnode,nextnode)*0.5 local spline=CreateSpline(currentnode.position,currentnode.mat:K():Scale(tension),nextnode.position,nextnode.mat:K():Scale(tension),0.75) local splinelength = spline:Length() fw.main.camera:SetMatrix(currentnode.mat) local n=0.0 local frame=0 local odd=0 local buffer=CreateBuffer(1920,1080,BUFFER_COLOR) SetBuffer(buffer) local buffer2=CreateBuffer(1920,1080,BUFFER_COLOR) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do if n>=1.0 then currentnode=nextnode nextnode=currentnode:GetTarget() if nextnode==nil then Notify("Finished") break end tension=EntityDistance(currentnode,nextnode)*0.5 spline=CreateSpline(currentnode.position,currentnode.mat:K():Scale(tension),nextnode.position,nextnode.mat:K():Scale(tension),0.75) n=0.0 splinelength=spline:Length() end p=Vec3(0) t=Vec3(0) n = n + 0.01*1.0/splinelength*10.0 spline:Interpolate(n,p,t) --MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) fw.main.camera:SetPosition(p) fw.main.camera:AlignToVector(t,3,0.05*1.0) fw.main.world:Update(1.0) fw.transparency.world:Update(1.0) SetBuffer(buffer) fw:Render() --DrawText(AppSpeed(),100,0) Flip(0) local name odd=odd+1 if odd==2 then odd=0 if frame<1000 then if frame<100 then if frame<10 then name="frame000"..frame else name="frame00"..frame end else name="frame0"..frame end else name="frame"..frame end SetBuffer(buffer2) DrawImage(GetColorBuffer(buffer),0,0,1920,1080) SaveBuffer(buffer2,name..".tga") frame=frame+1 end --SetBuffer(BackBuffer()) --fw:Render() --Flip(0) end ShowMouse()
  2. Tried to use cubemaps on a car paint material but it failed. Editor crashes with this message: Error: Shader file "abstract::AP_diffuse_cubemap.frag" not found. Do I have to copy something from ADN to my Leadwerks Dir? This is also not working: SetShaderFloat(GetMaterialShader(mymaterial),"alphatest",0.50) Regardless if i replace "mymaterial" with the material name. Maybe I did something wrong. So pointing me in the right direction would be nice.
  3. ah ok. thanks for the explanaition.
  4. Well not a game but often game assets and visualizations on a every day base for people which do games/sim with Leadwerks. I would like to do a small game and have an idea towards a children/pupils learning game with nice cartoony graphics some driving around in small vehicles and so on. Just the casual style stuff. At least it will never happen...
  5. MAybe something like Octane Renderer did with a paid beta model. They get plenty of feedback on their forums plus a lot pre-license selling. On the other hand all those early-adopters wont need to buy the full priced version later. So some income will be gone I guess.
  6. This is the worst UV layout I've seen for years. Unwrap your elements and not just a view. 3dCoat uses p-tex which is not very usable if you want to paint your model in a 2d program.
  7. yes this sounds good. So I have a steady display of the ditance to use it as a spacer which I can delete afterwards. So you need an arrow model or just a start and a end point?
  8. I'll upload models this evening in 6 hours or so.
  9. hmm. using billboards is not the same i guess? I dont have a 3d model from which it could generate a billboard. I need a sprite.
  10. Is it possible in .lua to do a ruler? So I have a start node and a end. The end should display the distance to the start point in meters.
  11. I was hoping for a more visual appealing editor and not just another windows style one...there are reasons for thousends of different windows themes out there.
  12. Looks nice. Finally something to look at. Do you develop your own 3d ocean or use some already researched papers out there?
  13. And like always: I'm no coder and need an in-editor solution. Yes I know, I'm a difficult person lol
  14. Maybe just a quicky for the material7scripting gurus out here. I have a flat sprite with an alphachannel. Now I want the sprite facing my camera all the time when I rotate around it. (Like in old video games, duke3d or doom1) hehe Suggestions?
  15. You will (hopefully) learn your whole life. I learn new workflows, shortcuts or whatever with every project too. The point from where you do it professionally is the point where you feel confident enough to call your work professional. I had this feeling around 2007-2008. Before that time I knew I'm doing ok but not professional.
  16. I want a nice editor UI! Looking at tools for several hours a day is not to be underestimated.
  17. ahh noticed some other errors. 1. There is a stair effect on my old cables. I have to press around 3-5 times "Apply" before something happens and the effect is gone. 2. Depending on the bending of the cable there is an obvious disconnected effect of each element.
  18. Looks good but it defaults to 30 segments? A little bit much I guess. Sometimes I use 8 or 15. Depending on lenght and curvature.
  19. Well some shops open and others close. They get a new sign and don't use a worn one.
  20. Haha thats great. Now you need some small connecting paths to the main road. I have another idea about auto-distribution. as soon as i have time I'll PM you about.
  21. Thanks for the great responses to our new released project! After some considerations about the assets of the Kabul City it's now available for sale. The possibility to release such high-quality assets to the community is very rare because of the nature of contracts. There are 25 models in total - including 7 buildings and 18 props - for only 89,95 EUR. This is only 3,59 EUR for one model. The offer is limited until 10th of October so make sure to save your 40 EUR now because after this period the Afghan City Environment will be 129,95 EUR. Even if you think you won't need the model pack right now it's a "nice have" because even non-artists can evaluate new engines, code or whatever with AAA assets and advanced material setup to have compairsons. YouTube:
  22. Thanks for the great responses to our new released project! After some considerations about the assets of the Kabul City it's now available for sale. The possibility to release such high-quality assets to the community is very rare because of the nature of contracts. There are 25 models in total - including 7 buildings and 18 props - for only 89,95 EUR. This is only 3,59 EUR for one model. The offer is limited until 10th of October so make sure to save your 40 EUR now because after this period the Afghan City Environment will be 129,95 EUR. Even if you think you won't need the model pack right now it's a "nice have" because even non-artists can evaluate new engines, code or whatever with AAA assets and advanced material setup to have compairsons.
  23. I have some very pretty ideas for the engine and its functionality and would like to contribute with a list. Some features are not present in other engines and i'm sure artists would love it. But I guess this is the wrong place to post.
  24. not really. I learned a lot with "Eat3d old pillar" DVD. Game-artist also features nice topics about texturing in their article and spotlight category.
  25. Yes Gordonramp i would like to see it too. The client decided to scatter litter by himself. Same goes for cars and people which woul really be awesome to see on the streets. If it was a personal project they would be added. .)
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